Demonic Manifestation? (not dream related but not sure where

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Demonic Manifestation? (not dream related but not sure where

Post by grace_full1 »

to put this)

Hello my friends,

Yes it's been awhile (between mom's cancer (now in remission Praise the Lord) and my surgery and then DH's job I haven't been online much.

A friend approached me with a question and I'm not really sure how to answer her...looking for wisdom and advise...

She has two separate situations where people want her to pray over their homes.

1) is her daughter, she wants her house blessed, my friend is concerned since there are "sin issues" with her daughter and daughter's DH that praying the Lord's blessing over the place might seem a bit "out of place" ( I told her that the Lord could use this to draw them to him and she could pray that their home would become a place of blessing for those that enter and that anything not of Him would be removed... opinions on this)

2) Her friends son's home. The son and his GF are living together she is an atheist. There have been physical manifestations of demons, things moving, someone got clawed (leaving marks) twice in their sleep (among other things) The son has some knowledge of the Lord but not living for him. Her concern here is that if she prays and the demons leave if the house is not filled with the Spirit of the Lord even worse ones will come in to the place that had been swept clean. (opinions on this?)

She is asking for advise, she isn't afraid to pray, she's afraid there isn't a reason to pray for these homes since they aren't occupied by those that want to serve the Lord (Not being a reason to pray I guess is a strong word...probably more not be fruitful to pray???

With her daughter I look at it as an opportunity for the Lord to draw them to himself, with her friend's son kinda wonder if it would be a bandaid on a gushing wound?...Not really sure what to tell her..any advise, comments, thoughts. experience...

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
~ Romans 15:13

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Post by servant »

These are just some thoughts I had while reading your post...

The gospels say several times that Jesus healed all who were brought to him. It says the disciples went about doing good. If someone asked me to pray, I would pray, period.

Regarding the two living together:
Maybe the best route would be to ask the two who live there if THEY want her to pray (tell them the possible consequences)...then do as they wish. Like you said the demons could get worse...either way, wouldn't this be a "sign" to the atheist that there is at least a spirit world, especially if the demons are driven out?

With God all things are possible...

These are just my thoughts, be sure to keep that in mind. :)
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Post by Daybreak »

1) is her daughter, she wants her house blessed, my friend is concerned since there are "sin issues" with her daughter and daughter's DH that praying the Lord's blessing over the place might seem a bit "out of place" ( I told her that the Lord could use this to draw them to him and she could pray that their home would become a place of blessing for those that enter and that anything not of Him would be removed... opinions on this)
I would agree with this. Blessings are God's favour being poured into a person's life. It imparts life and hope and can change the way we think about ourselves, and our situations that we are in. Blessings is heaven's perspective on who we are and where we are meant to go in life. It invites the Spirit of God to download heavenly resources. If her daughter really wants her home to be a safe haven, I believe this is the beginning steps of a heart yielding to be like Christ.
2) Her friends son's home. The son and his GF are living together she is an atheist. There have been physical manifestations of demons, things moving, someone got clawed (leaving marks) twice in their sleep (among other things) The son has some knowledge of the Lord but not living for him. Her concern here is that if she prays and the demons leave if the house is not filled with the Spirit of the Lord even worse ones will come in to the place that had been swept clean. (opinions on this?)
Matthew 12:43-45 "When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation." Spiritual warfare is not a game, there is a HUGE difference between blessing and deliverance. Her prayers would indeed be wasted as there is no agreement in Christ.There is no agreement in marriage, no agreement in beliefs. Matthew 18:20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Psalm 144:1