Intercessors getting money from JP Jackson

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Intercessors getting money from JP Jackson

Post by Jen »

I apologize that I haven't been around. I have been exhausted and needing to rest. But I did have an interesting dream.

I had a dream that JP Jackson had stored up several huge piles of money... they were stacks of 20's that were about 8 inches high. I was helping him cash that money in to distribute it to intercessors. I was counting out 5, 20's to have 100.00 because he was giving all the intercessors 800.00. And there were some very old, very odd looking 20's and 100 dollar bills.. even some birthcertificates were mixed in with that particular stack of money. I told the teller and JP "hey, look at these, they are worth more than the face value". I left the counter, not sure what they did with them. JP Jackson then took 60.00 from the pile of money and gave the rest away. I was trying to explain that it was for intercessors, not just whoever, to a person who was being kinda of critical. I didn't really see their face.. just the person in general was sitting down at a desk. I said in the dream..
"for example..My friend Shawna won't get that money, because she is not an intercessor for JP Jackson"
Then I woke up.
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Post by Blessings »

Well I just learned something. I didn't know who JP Jackson was. Anyway now I know a little about him. My thoughts about the birth certificates and probably older money were that these were older saints who spend much of their life in interession. Their reward is great. Their work is done in secret. Those who make the loudest noise don't deserve a greater reward.

Post by talitha »

Well, I mentioned this dream to someone I know who knows JPJ personally, and she said this sounded like him - that he's a very generous person.

I really think this dream has to do with reward, multiplication, and favor..... what really interests me the most is this statement: "hey, look at these, they are worth more than the face value" - it may not seem like a very rewarding thing to do, to be one of many intercessors for a big ministry, or even like it makes that much difference, and the intercessors may not seem Very Important - but "they are worth more than the face value." That's what it sounds like to me anyway.

When you answer a critic, you say that the money is for JPJ's intercessors - this seems to me to be an ilustration of faithfulness in behind-the-scenes things being rewarded openly....... :wink:

As for the critic, that person is sitting behind a desk, and it's possible he or she might feel passed over - maybe that person feels more important or like he/she does more "work" than the intercessors. Kind of a Martha/Mary thing.

God will reward faithfulness that man does not see, and that is divine favor - it doesn't seem fair when we look with eyes of flesh - but God is just!

my two rubles
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Post by discerning »


I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by eagle »


Missed everyone. Been busy and had some things going on, but everyone was still on my mind and heart.

I may be a bit stale as I haven't been flowing in interps but I'd like to give it a shot.

What comes to me is this, that JPJ or the Holy Spirit is moving in blessing the ministry of intercessors, they are entering into a new beginning (800). The birthcertificates seem to be that this is a move of God that is not limited to just finances but things of value that have not been yet revealed but will be. There will be those who will find fault with what the ministry is doing or the move of God but you understand that it has to do with being united as a body and serving. You shared that with those who may be struggling with perhaps why they may not be receiving the same rewards or blessings.

That's basically what I got, hope it helps.
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Post by Jen »

last time I checked.. there were no responses.. thank-you each one brought something out.. that really ministered to edify me and this whole group!! This is such a HUGE blessing!!!!!!!
Thank-you all sooo much!!
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Post by bjcollin »

I liked the dream and I feel that the message is positive and what I feel is that the Lord is trying to communicate it through you, to you, and even to our dreamboard ministry leadership team in a way.

To me in the dream JPJ represents prophetic anointing and prophetic ministry. JPJ also seems to represent leadership here on the prophetic dreamsites and your participation in the ministry. The stacks of 20's, 8 inches high represent the anointing and new beginnings of redemption that are in abundance. We in particular here on this board as leaders and prophetic dream intrepreters have the incredible opportunity to serve and bless the intercessors that dream dreams in which they need help for intrepretation so that they can more effectively pray for what the Lord means for them to pray for/through. In 800 we are giving them an abundance of anointing and blessing, it is spiritual blessing that is worth far more than the face value that we try to give it. The number 60 usually has to do with pride or image or self image, so we are keeping that in the dream and giving the rest away to the intercessors. This was the only negative part of the dream to me in the keeping of the 60 dollars and in the critical person. I am a little confused, but I took the critical person as being critical because they were not receiving any of the blessing because they were not an intercessor for this prophetic person. I think we as prophetic people need to see that intercessors need to be in intercession for what the Lord brings to them before they are in intercession for anything or anyone else. We also need to recognize that the lines between prophet and intercessor and thin and not as well defined as we think, the two often mix together. Hope this helps.

PS: this was directly copied from the email, the only additional thing I would add is that the blessings that are worth more than face value are the birth certificates (new ministries and salvations that come) and the spiritual aspect of the anointing.

in Christ,