driving backwards-fell out

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driving backwards-fell out

Post by ginasings4him »

I had a dream last night that I was driving along this road and as I was driving I heard in my mind that I needed to drive backwards to make it along the road. I turned the car around and started driving in reverse/backwards but as I came along some curves I went off the road and somehow I ended up falling out of the car and the car kept going up this hill and out of sight - my purse and my cell phone was in the car and it was getting dark and some fear came upon me as I didn't have my purse with my cell phone in it to call my husband or anyone for help to tell them I was stranded.

Any clue what this could mean?
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Post by imavessel »

1st, be sure that it was a God dream. Ask Him- He will confirm.

& If you know that,

Seems that perhaps He is saying that the path He would have you on- maybe slightly different than the one you are on.

Or could be the same outcome, but the timing is off . . . *Sometimes we do not mive when he wants, leaving us lagging behind, but on the other side, sometimes we know-maybe He's even told us where we are going, but we sometimes start running faster than He intended, thereby getting ahead of.

Perhaps there was a slight path change you missed

therefore He was telling you-you had to go back to move forward. *Perhaps if not a path, . . . you just missed something along the way-----

Am I clear on the point of you turning around----(the car), thereby it would be facing the same way-----but then you drove in reverse---to go backwards up the hill that just previous you were driving toward?

I strongly felt the "going back" versus reverse but in the same direction.

If that be true, then, you continuing to drive in the same direction, just in reverse----would probably not fair well.

You ended up falling from the vehicle-----which could be your ministry, your "vehicle" from here to there---- and were also kinda "left alone" without your husband (cover) or a way to call out in emergency.

As with anything, disregard all or parts if the Holy Spirit does not confirm.

God bless. You are beautiful! :) ising2
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Gina, not an interpretation, just a thought. Have you ever heard of taking a few steps back to go forward? I heard a sermon on this recently and this came to mind as I reading your dream. Sometimes to get better and stronger in our walk, we have to go backwards before we go forward. Perhaps there is something that God has been trying to bring to your attention that you may think you have under control but in fact you may not.
The last portion in which you were stranded in the dark w/o your cell and purse brings to mind God removing His hand for a minute to see what will you do. The book of Job is a great example of this. Another idea could be a season of darkness; a time in which your faith will be tested. Toss out if it does not speak.
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Post by ginasings4him »

Thank you both for your responses- I am really stumped by this dream - as it kind of takes me by surprise. I don't feel like I'm going backwards - as I feel my family and I have made a lot of progress this year. We started a new business which my husband primarily does but I have to manage the books and the finances myself on top of having a full time job elsewhere - this is really stressful for me and I don't really like it and wish often that we didn't have this business - but I'm doing it for my husband.

I feel like it is taking up all my free time, and time I would rather focus on my own ministry (worship) and I am now in a position in ministry where our two music teams have had to transition because the head worship leader stepped down. I have had to move to another team and in a way it feels like a step backwards - but yet, depending on what God wants to do could be a step forward but the transition is hard for me and it just started a couple weeks ago.

The losing the purse and cell phone to me - do you think purse represents me feeling like I am losing my identity somehow in the above? My telephone - my calling? In the back of my mind I sometimes wonder if this transition is a step backwards- but God?
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Gina, it looks like you feel stranded because of what is going on with your husband buisiness. You may feel that in the process that you are losing your identity (the purse) and you may feel like you are alone and in the dark; hence the atmosphere of the dream. It looks like you may feel like you have no control of the situation; hence the car going backwards and you falling out. In looking at your response to our response, I believe that the key to the dream lies within your response.
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Post by ginasings4him »

thank you Newbie - there are a couple of issues going on for sure - I will pray for God's direction - as I pretty much do daily. It's just hard to know what to do since it involves my husband and not just me - I pray God will speak to him and his heart about the business as well. God bless you.
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Post by imavessel »

I didnt think you were going backwards either. I felt maybe you had sorta gotten ahead of God, perhaps something missed, a path not taken which might have been a slightly better way to get there, or maybe just a side trip for some reason----you or someone else. just maybe something missed.
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Post by HisGift »

Hi Gina,

It's been a while since I been active on this board, but your dream wouldn't let me past it. I hope all is well with you sis. Please permit me to show what I see.
I believe this is a layered dream that is from the Lord. I didn't read through the responses so if you already have understanding please toss.

I'm typing on my phone so please bare with me.

Your dream hit my spirit in a big way and I believe it has significance for you right now.

I will give you the scriptures that came to mind for me please read the different translations of these as I believe it could really bare witness to you. I will try not to insert my own feelings and thoughts as so much came up for you.

The first thing that caught my eye was what you heard and how you interpreted what you heard. In this season of your life be very prayerful about how you understand what God is or isn't saying to you. It will be key in this transitional season the body is in. That was an insertion of what I just heard as I was typing. So in the dream you heard; "I need to drive backwards to make it along the road." The words "drive backwards" really hit my spirit. Perhaps a question might be what are you suppose to drive backwards right now? Thoughts and emotions maybe? In the dream you interpreted that as driving in reverse, but I think the result of that action might point to, that maybe a different course of action was needed.

This brought me to Psalms 114! I found this to be so exciting! I thought God, what are you saying? As I read the Psalms the names Judah and Israel lifted off the screen. Ha ha ha ha I'm giddy now! Look at what happens when Gods presence shows up in this Psalms: things are driven back!!! I hope this makes you giddy! So Judah which means; YHWH/Yada, give God praise! Praise pushes back every darkness because as in the Psalms, God inhabits the praises of His people! Praise is "the only way to make it along the road" Oh my God that excites me!!!!! Maybe because Im a worshipper, but there's more I see!

Judah means Let God persist! The root word in Judah is princess so I saw: Let God persist princess! Ha! So a question, what are you wondering about? Is there something you wonder if its really Gods will right now? Something that you're not comfortable with? In the Psalm it says that Israel was His Dominion! Allow Godto reign in this situation cause he is in it! I'm excited for you can you tell? Read all of the Psalms 114 there is lots of joy there for you! I feel it!

Okay getting a grip here.

So in the dream it seems that what you thought you were driving has gone off without you. Interesting how while you drove you couldn't really handle the curves- what life throws at you? The car though managed to keep moving without you "driving it", and in an upward motion. And you feel as if you have lost your identity- purse, in the dream. You also have lost your method of calling for help in the dream- your phone. How's your prayer life sis? Are you feeling Luke prayers about a certain thing isn't being answered or maybe you haven't gotten the answer you want? Don't know just asking. Where is this going?

Fortunately to more questions....So I said who is driving the car?

I think I heard a chuckle here!

Perhaps the answer is in who you wanted to call. Maybe you didn't need to call because your husband both natural and spiritual were already there. I will come back to that point.

The word stranded was highlighted and I didn't understand so I looked up the meaning. One meaning; the land bordering the sea, a lake or a river a shore or beach. I immediately thought about the Jordan River being driven back so Israel could cross! Ha ha ha...well it just brought me right back to Psalms 114.
After that tasty revelation Ecclesiastes 4:12 came to mind. I read all of it and there was one theme two is better than one! If you are involved in something with someone else and are wondering if you should be, perhaps Papa is saying to stay in it. which brings me back to my earlier point.

It seems that you are not alone in this thing that has you concerned. perhaps your husband is there as the driver. Which is were this whole thing is saying he should be. Jesus us also there and as you praise him, things will be driven back that are trying to hinder. Beliefs, thoughts, actions, words, strongholds/demonic spirits. When God is in something everything else gas to move.

I believe your praise is about to bring streams of refreshing water into your life and what concerns you. Your prayers are being answered since God is already in the thing that you are questioning. Three stranded cord is not easily broken.

God bless you sis,


Again toss it if it doesn't bare witness. Hard to type on my phone but I hope it helps.
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Post by ginasings4him »

Hi Breathe- I'm sorry but as I have been going through my last few posts I had missed your response to this dream and am just seeing it for the first time now. Wow- thank you so much for all the time you took into trying to help me with it.

I actually decided today to go through some of my dreams because sometimes when things happen in my life I like to go back and see what my dreams were saying to me that I can see now what I didn't see then kind of thing. Well to get you up to speed - there has been some transitions at my church and our main worship leader stepped down leaving one worship leader. I have led worship at church on occasion and feel this is something God has called me to. I have been on the worship team over 8 years here. I had been asked back in early Sept to transition to the youth team for the time being who was filling in when the leader stepped down until the Pastor figured out a plan. I have had to go back and forth from teams about 5 times during my course of 8 years so I've been pretty flexible. Although this time, I wasn't crazy about doing it, as it put me on a team that isn't very organized (I love them but that is the truth). I was given no authority to try to improve on what work they need either. About 2 years ago a friend of mine who through me now comes to our church- is now on our worship team . He has much experience in leading worship and is very gifted when it comes to that. I just found out from Pastor that he wants him to be the other worship leader. I understand his choice, he is more qualified as far as gifting, although I feel a bit crushed that I was overlooked, I'm feeling like I haven't been given much opportunity to lead even though I have expressed interest in doing so. I am feeling disappointed but am praying a lot right now so that I don't become offended or let the enemy rob me from my joy. I am questioning God's calling on my life in this area now and if there is something else I should be doing. I am also a bit hurt over the whole thing. I'm being totally transparent and real. If anything, you could pray for me right now that God must have a purpose in all this - I don't totally understand it - I know I don't want it to keep me feeling offended or hurt. I understand Pastor's choice - this other guy is really gifted at leading worship and he is a great guy too- I just am trying to work on getting over myself I guess. I know it's not about me but I so wanted to be able to have a little authority to instill a little of my vision too - who doesn't want to be used by God? I should probably express this to my Pastor - I already have with the current worship leader and she has asked me to come back to her team again. God bless you!