Pizza dream of a different kind

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Pizza dream of a different kind

Post by Elle »

IRL my friend in this dream is from a different culture. It's normal in her culture to have a lot of people around. She and her husband have other couples and singles living in their house. And they always have people coming and going at their place.


I go to my friends place to visit. The house is different on the inside.

I almost immediately walk into the kitchen, which is to the left. The kitchen is predominantly a soft white with, I think, marble bench tops. It's a smallish kichen (nothing like their kitchen IRL).

There are several pizza boxes on the kitchen cupboards/benchtops.

Instead of being in a normal pizza box, the pizza boxes aren't made of cardboard - they're made out of red vinyl.

They (my friend, her husband, one of their housemates and maybe some other people) have all eaten (I wasn't a part of the eating of the pizza at all). Then the people have all disappeared out of the kitchen and out of the dream.

I start to clean up the kitchen. There are quite a few empty pizza boxes. One of the 'boxes' has several pieces of pizza left in it. The pizza seems to have been very large compared with normal pizza sizes. It also doesn't seem to have much topping. The pizza base is quite thin.

I throw this half finished pizza and all the other empty 'boxes' in the bin.

I'm worried that they're going to come back in the kitchen and be annoyed that I've thrown out several pieces of leftover pizza.
Last edited by Elle on Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Elle, these are just thoughts but from what I am gathering this dream is about intentions or motives: Luke 6:45,A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
From what I am gathering you are witnessing your friend and others consuming and sharing these "false doctrines and traditions", "man-made ideas". You know the truth and want to get rid of these ideas; hence, you do not eat the pizza and you get rid of the remaining slices.I am not sure if this is of any significance to you, but the red vinyl boxes is what is used by pizza deliverymen in the States to keep the pizzas warm. With that being siad it is like this group is attempting to keep these ideas simmering. Does this make sense? Toss out if it does not speak.

Post by Elle »

Thanks Newbie
but the red vinyl boxes is what is used by pizza deliverymen in the States to keep the pizzas warm
Yeah we have the red vinyl bags to keep the pizzas warm too. And yes, the red vinyl was just like that. In this dream tho, the actual pizza boxes were made out of the red vinyl. I've just realised that at first the pizza boxes were black pizza boxes, but when I went to clean up, they'd transformed into red vinyl pizza boxes. So yes, some sort of attempt at keeping the pizzas warm.

My friend and her husband are leaders of a church which is based on their culture/nationalities. And while it all appears OK on the surface, there is some really weird stuff going on.

The large pizza could suggest that there's a lot of wrong teaching - pizzas representing leavened bread.

The pizza bases were thin tho? - No real depth to what they're teaching.

Also no topping - nothing nourishing or healthy on top - just a sort of cheezy look to it.

The believers that I've met are really well meaning and genuine, but just not mature enough and not strong enough in the Word, and in rightly dividing the Word as we're required to do, to know what to do. Many in their church have discerned the problems, but don't seem to know how to really deal with it. All very sad.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Elle, I see you got a handle on this and instructions. In regards to:
the actual pizza boxes were made out of the red vinyl. I've just realised that at first the pizza boxes were black pizza boxes, but when I went to clean up, they'd transformed into red vinyl pizza boxes
When I think of vinyl, a rough plastic comes to mind. Plastic to me brings to mind, suffocation. Black brings to mind lack and the box is tradition. These are just some extra thoughts to add from earlier.[/quote]

Post by Elle »

That's interesting too.

It's funny because I'm not sure what to do about this. It's been about 18 months since I've talked to this girl about the issues... about her pastors being cult-like etc (she just laughed at that).

I haven't seen her since then. So I'm not sure why I'd be having this dream now.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Elle,
So I'm not sure why I'd be having this dream now.
To pray over these people and this situation.
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Post by piano »

It's funny because I'm not sure what to do about this. It's been about 18 months since I've talked to this girl about the issues... about her pastors being cult-like etc (she just laughed at that).

I haven't seen her since then. So I'm not sure why I'd be having this dream now.
Hi Elle,
I was trying to describe further my pizza theory, on dream questions, knowing how truely incomplete it is, but thinking maybe if I come to this dream and ask the same question you did it might help.

Discern and pray. The scripture that came to my mind at this time:

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Why are you dreaming about something in the past, if that is indeed what the dream brings to mind.

Prophecy is future.
You already went down this road with your friend and your thoughts/feelings about her pastor and church.

That is why, in my theory, the pizza's in your dream may represent dreams or prophesy's, and not something from your past.

The people are symbolic of people in your near or distant future.
The kitchen is an area which is sterile (white).
The marble kitchen tops are cold and reminiscent of Rome, a place I describe as the world, full of worship of fleshly pleasures.

You watch these people eat the pizza's up, take them apart, piece by piece, as though they are good food, but they are just pizza dreams/prophesy.

The red to me, signifies danger.
It highlights that something that appears to be covered with the blood of Christ (true prophesy or vision/dreams) is really just from the flesh/manufactured.
This appearance of Heavenly spiritual matter (blood) maintains the pizzas temperature for serving.

If you do have prophetic dreams, than that is what this is, a dream about the future.

It is showing you that you will be able to discern a pizza dream from a non-pizza dream/prophecy.

It also shows that at least the areas that are thrown out, have to do with action you take to remove them from the service area, that is in itself, sterile or without any life of the Holy Spirit.

Adding something*

It is important to consider that you do not confront these people in your dream, you merely clear the room, after they are gone.

Wordy commentary below, may I have mercy in your sight for being overly protective:
God is the judge of the ungodly.
We discern between good and evil, and make our choices what to follow, give credit to or encourage/build up.
He has the final say concerning the works of darkness.
Evil basically devours whatever and whoever gives it power.
Our choice to love is based on what He has done for us.
He gives us the ability through His spirit to forgive those who have no idea what they are doing because they are being controlled by the spirit of Anti-Christ.
Killing off what will bring them life beccause they are right in their own minds.
His Truth will always prevail.
He is greater, His love is greater, and unfortunately, the scoffers and mockers will sometimes not heed Him when He calls.
This I believe is important to remember concerning your newest entry--roofs and magistrate.

Thanks for your time.

Peace to You,

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Post by Elle »

Hi Piano,
You already went down this road with your friend and your thoughts/feelings about her pastor and church.

That is why, in my theory, the pizza's in your dream may represent dreams or prophesy's, and not something from your past
I had just assumed it was past event, which doesn't really make sense to me. So yes, it could be something in the future.
It highlights that something that appears to be covered with the blood of Christ (true prophesy or vision/dreams) is really just from the flesh/manufactured.
The people in that place are genuine, it's just that there have been certain things whipped up for appearances (by certain members of the leadership). Many of those in leadership are still quite immature - they're learning on the job, but without good examples.
This I believe is important to remember concerning your newest entry--roofs and magistrate
I'm not sure what you mean with your reference to my other dream.
You watch these people eat the pizza's up, take them apart, piece by piece, as though they are good food, but they are just pizza dreams/prophesy.
Yes. To be a world leader (the nature of the prophecy) you have to have some substance (the reality). The substance is lacking. The training is lacking. The character is lacking.
It is important to consider that you do not confront these people in your dream, you merely clear the room, after they are gone.
I'm not at all confrontational, but I will speak if I feel I have to say something - I'll say it and then hands off. It's up to the person to accept or reject whatever I pass on. Which I've already done.

It concerns me that this may be a future event, because I'm really not interested in getting drawn back into this!!!
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Elle, I meant to post this a while ago but decided not to. I am not sure if this may help, but here goes. Several months ago, I was talking to another believer and we both realized how small the world really is. I am in Germany but just left Virginia and my family and I really did not wanted to be here. However, being here is a part of His grand design. The believer just left Germany and ended up in Virginia and she really hated being back in VA.
Well, anyway, it was something she told me that stuck. She stated that she had to go back because of a riff between her and someone else. She knew that the riff had to be mended in other for her to progress in her walk and close that door.
I said all of that to say perhaps there maybe something that needs to be mended or something that needs to be taken care of. Although it may not make sense to you, the Lord is all knowing and sees everything. I do feel you in your regards as not going back down a certain road, I have a feeling that I have a couple of roads to go back down once I get back to the States. Toss if it does not speak. God bless!!!
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Post by piano »

Hi Elle,

I am feeling anticipation.
I can get real tunnel visioned myself.
I really needed to have a better perspective and you have given that to me by helping me understand more about your friends, and a little about the fellowship issues.
IRL my friend in this dream is from a different culture. It's normal in her culture to have a lot of people around. She and her husband have other couples and singles living in their house. And they always have people coming and going at their place.
The people in that place are genuine, it's just that there have been certain things whipped up for appearances (by certain members of the leadership). Many of those in leadership are still quite immature - they're learning on the job, but without good examples.
The substance is lacking. The training is lacking. The character is lacking.
This could mean that the fellowship in your dream (seen symbolically as your friends fellowship) has some of these things in common with what you experienced.

1. Cultural differences.
2. Lack of appropriate boundaries.
3. Lack of accountability with the people and with leadership.
3. Lack of knowledge.
4. Lack of humlity.
5. Lack of Godly mentors.
6. Basic lack of maturity.

The area of scripture that was brought to mind this morning:

Hosea 4

I also thought about how passionate Paul was toward teaching Timothy.

His love for him and for the church showed he went the extra mile for both.
Love, humility and devotion to relationship for the continuance of the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Their fellowship was not the -
"Christian teacher, preacher, or prophet, show".

They were not Christians so that they could have "an experience" or "stand in front".

The New Testament didn't bring up the subject of prophetic schools like in the Old Testament.

Will pray about this.

I will also get back to your question concerning the other dream, but I also didn't understand what you said here, maybe put it in a different frame for me, because we are all so different, thanks.
To be a world leader (the nature of the prophecy) you have to have some substance (the reality).

Last edited by piano on Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Post by Elle »

You watch these people eat the pizza's up, take them apart, piece by piece, as though they are good food, but they are just pizza dreams/prophesy.
Yes I struggled in my response to your comment because I didn't want to give too much information away - it will be recognised (possibly) if I go into too much detail.

What I mean is that they've been given prophecies by their leaders that they will be world leaders but they don't yet (maybe never will) have the substance that it takes to be a world leader.

For example, I could prophesy that you will be a great surgeon one day. However you've never finished high school, let alone gone to medical school or done specialist training. You have to DO something about that for the prophecy to come to pass. The alternative (doing surgery with no skill) is pretty serious.

It's one thing for a pastor to whip his/her church up into a frenzy and tell them what they will be, but another to actually train them or even support them in getting there.
Last edited by Elle on Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by piano »

Oh okay...understand.

Are you familiar with the phrase "Pie in the sky"?

I found it's origin fascinating, as it came to mind, I chuckled while thinking of a "pizza pie."
Not that it is a laughing all.

The prophetic pie in the sky, no less.

Ill get back to you on the other thing, just asking for you to pray if He can show any connection between the two dreams in the meantime...


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by piano »

Hi Elle,

This dream features discernment. .
The act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment.

I believe it is possible, but toss if needed, the connection is in this same area- at least in logic, but my spirit is not in line with those two dreams on any intepretation.

I did edit this from what I originally wrote.

I will have a pretty hard time explaining what I shared out of protection.
I just know I felt the need to.

Im still praying though.


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Post by Elle »

So just wanted to give an update on this event.

I spoke to my friend. She and her husband have left this church (good news). Several of their churches (church plants I guess) have also separated from the head church, because they couldn't abide with what was happening with the head leadership.

The head pastor, the one whose behaviour I was concerned about, proceeded to do things a pastor should be doing, and slandered them across the international church until he was reminded that there are legal ramifications to his behaviour.

My friend is now very happy to be away from this place. Apparently, this all happened about 2 months before I had the dream.

Fortunately they are very well supported in their community and are healing from the damage.