Pulling on a weed

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Pulling on a weed

Post by cbutler »

Morning... :wink:

I had this dream where it was morning. For some reason I looked out of my bedroom window and saw that the doors of my husbands car were opened. All four doors, which I thought was strange. I asked him if he left all the car doors open and he replied, no.

In my spirit I could see inside the car. The thief had stole nothing from the car but white papers were scattered inside the car, like it had been throughly searched.

Then I was at the door of my enclosed porch. Iona was there in the frame of the outside doorway with daylight surrounding her. She was refreshed, relaxed and happy.

I looked through the window and saw someone working on my neighbors yard. He was raking pebbles from her yard onto my garden. Thats were our two property lines met. I watched as he did this. The pebbles were not his intention and he stopped to take a closer look. He saw a small weed and came into my garden to pull it out. As he did so the vine was exposed and he pulled on the vine until he came to the root.

Good I said. Let him pull until he fines the root. He pulled until the vine went through the ravine, passing over the water. On the other side at the end of the vine he pulled out a hidden stash. The stash that the thief had stolen.

Then we are back inside my house and I am looking at what was stolen. First I pulled out a handgun,then a rifle. Then at the end of the vine there are two large garbage bags tied up. I am so excited to see what is hidden inside the bags. My husband is too. He walks over and tears one of the bags open. I don't know if I actually see with my eyes or know in my spirit that there are stacks of cash inside the bags. :shock:
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Post by cbutler »

Iona could be a play on the name of the Lord... Adonai which means, My Lord.
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Post by charlie »

Interesting dream!

A gardener (who tends the gardens but the Lord?) who crosses your 'boundary line' (whatever that may refer to...could be ministry, doctrine/belief set etc ie discomforts you) and in doing so enables you to get to the root of something which releases abundant blessing.

Iona means island...

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by wellstravisa »

I agree with Charlie, In fact I was thinking of how to write a response and see it was already written.
The only thing I can add is that you said.
The thief had stole nothing from the car but white papers were scattered inside the car, like it had been throughly searched.
It would seem that maybe you didn't see that the thief/enemy had stolen something, but it was reveled later to you that in fact this was the case.
On the other side at the end of the vine he pulled out a hidden stash. The stash that the thief had stolen.
What did the thief steal?
First I pulled out a handgun,then a rifle
I am so excited to see what is hidden inside the bags
Job 33:14-18
For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though no one perceives it.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,
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Post by cbutler »

Hi Charlie...sorry it took so long for me to respond. My WEED is being pulled! Ouch! You are right it is very uncomfortable but I know it must be done. I know that the Lord is moving and that all will turn out for His Glory.

Thank you also wellstravisa..you are correct also. My peace and joy have be stolen. Looking forward to the return of the Lords favor.

May the Lord bless you both for being generous with your time and insight. Thank you.