at some kind of Group Retreat with almost no clothes on

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Post by ~Jean~ »

Well you know...I am thinking the two examples the Lord has given you in your dream is just Him showing you the number 2 which means witness that this is Him speaking to you and that He means business!
It looks to me that it has become more clear to you what this is about but for some reason you are second guessing it.

I feel to tell you this: "God's sheep hear His voice."

You have heard Him.

God bless you!
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Post by Four Years »

It looks to me that it has become more clear to you what this is about but for some reason you are second guessing it.

i'm having thoughts that 2 groups are:

one is the college group at church or ANY "church group" i could get involved with

the OTHER...the BETTER is in fact "non christian people" :shock:

that in fact i'm better off around those people than "church group" people?

if what i've said here is different from what you had in mind, please share
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Post by ReBorn »


hi. i wonder if one of the groups in your dream was symbolic of this group here on this board?

just a thought, but i will be in prayer to see if Holy Spirit reveals anything through me.

have a good day~
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Post by Four Years »

~Jean~ wrote:Also your dream you really wanted to fit in with those people but once they saw you were not one of them things became awkward.
I sense in real life there is something different about you, where you don't always fit in with others.
This may be because of your calling and your supposed to be different, supposed to not fit in with the rest.
Ask the Lord who you are in Him. To teach you about who you are and what you are called to do and be. You will find it will fit you like a glove. You will find fellowship with others in the Lord's timing.

Hope this helps!
God bless u!!!!!


yes this must be it

Well you know...I am thinking the two examples the Lord has given you in your dream is just Him showing you the number 2 which means witness that this is Him speaking to you and that He means business!

yes now!

the "2" groups are likely just the same thing to illustrate that
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Post by ~Jean~ »

That is what I feel.

Lord will often show things in different ways so we get the picture. Even throughout scripture He will repeat Himself.

I once had a dream where I was telling someone, "God showed me in three different ways that I am to get off of sugar."

Do you know, He has? At least three ways.

Sometimes it takes this for us to really know it is Him. We can be dull of hearing but sometimes we think this just can't be Him or can it? and need confirmation.

You could pray and ask Him to clarify this. I would do that if something He shows me is yet unclear.
God bless u!

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Post by Four Years »

it was suggested by Jean that THIS dream was saying that in my heart, i was/still am a "people pleaser"

i agreed at the time but now i don't know why, i've never tried to please anyone in order for them to like me

could there be another interpretation? even though in real life i did end up leaving that group and church altogether.
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Post by TexasTransplant »

Four Years,
God is really big into giving me warning type dreams like this MONTHS in advance. A couple of them come to mind and I remember frantically trying to figure them out to no avail. None of the elements fit my current life at the time of the dream. Six months later, He'd moved me to a different state totally unexpectedly and suddenly all the elements fit my new life. That's when you say, "OH! This was that dream!!" What I mean is, if these AWESOME words of wisdom from all these people don't resonate yet, or you can't quite feel the symbols of the groups really deciphered yet in your spirit, then it's probably for a future season. Just MY opinion :)
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Re: at some kind of Group Retreat with almost no clothes on

Post by Realisticdreamz »

Four Years wrote:in this dream i went with a group to what i'll call a "retreat"
this group or rather my experience with them was sub-par
i started wandering around and manged to hook up with a group of better people who were more welcoming of me
then at one point, i was following them onto a bus because they liked me so much
i felt REALLY relaxed and at peace and just in the moment
i thought were were on a plane at first
then it dawned on me that they were leaving the retreat and going back home but i couldn't leave my original group
the bus driver was female and she was Hispanic and was speaking spanish and one of the group leaders was talking to her in spanish as well
then the bus pulled up to the airport for them to get on their flight back home
at this point, i had to reveal to them that i had my own group and couldn't go with them
i also realized i was only in my underwear when i started walking up to the door to tell them
all of a sudden, it was awkward and not the same with them
i quickly told them i had to go back to my other group
i felt a cold vibe from them at this point, either not caring or just thinking i was weird
then i started heading back to my old group
i started moving past crowds of other kids
the "Retreat" was like at a hotel or something because all these groups had their own rooms
i started moving past people
at this point, i had all my clothes on again
might not mean anything
Hi Four Years,

Perhaps the first group represents where you belong; thus you are clothed properly (search online the scriptures about being clothed and other scriptures about being uncovered or naked). Perhaps you felt sub-par with this group because you may be comparing yourself to others and looking to them for confidence when you should be focused on looking to Him so that He can work in your life and restore true and sincere fellowship with Him and others. :)

The second group could represent those "in the world." It is easy to be accepted in the world, get caught up in and be part of the world, but while this acceptance may seem more comfortable at first, it is conditional and does not come with the "true love and acceptance of Christ" and is very temporary.

I hope this helps to answer your question about the groups... keep diving into the Word of God; until you feel clothed with it and understand. Feelings of confusion when reading the Word come from the enemy (and his mindset). Uncomfortable feelings about the Word is evident of not understanding it... not that we do not sometimes feel convicted which may not be pleasant, in the end, it is to help us and guide us away from destruction (even destroying ourselves).

May you continue to grow in love, mercy and grace and understand what He is saying to you. God bless you!
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by Realisticdreamz »


The groups may not be "particular" groups but likened to the wheat and the chaff; the Body of Christ and the world; the sheep and the goat.

The second group, lady speaking in another language could be symbolic for it being "foreign" and not the people you were intended to understand, know and be a part.
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by Four Years »

Realistic, so which one is which are you saying?

i wanted to share part of a long Word i received earlier this year on a different forum because something just doesn't make sense to me

He wants you to make Him first in your life, to love Him with all your heart, mind, and soul. He wants you to build a relationship with Him first and then...

I am confused as to how I apparently don't do that yet somehow all the young, busy, and lively Church people DO?
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Four Years wrote:Realistic, so which one is which are you saying?

i wanted to share part of a long Word i received earlier this year on a different forum because something just doesn't make sense to me
He wants you to make Him first in your life, to love Him with all your heart, mind, and soul. He wants you to build a relationship with Him first and then...
I am confused as to how I apparently don't do that yet somehow all the young, busy, and lively Church people DO?
Hi FY,

I do not understand the first question "so which one is which are you saying?"

As to the statement, about making Him first in your life, did I write that to you? I certainly agree with it.

About the statement "I am confused as to how I apparently don't do that yet somehow all the young, busy, and lively Church people DO?" is a good example of comparing yourself with others. Everyone can justify themselves by condemning others and it can turn into a vicious circle that gets us no where.

Here is the best way I can share with you regarding the above...

The way I see it is that the Lord is the one who will judge each and every one of us and HE is the only one worthy to judge us in the end; until our time is up, we are all potential sons of God whom He wishes for us to be blessed, trust in Him and wants more for us than we can imagine... therefore, we should keep our eyes on HIM; not the young, busy, and lively Church people as you write and then we can see more clearly, develop closer relationships with Him, walk more in His wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit and more effectively be a part of the whole Body of Christ. :) But if our eyes are on others, we can more easily stumble or get caught up in judgment and/or self condemnation. It is best to work hard at keeping our focus on Him instead and our conscience / mind clean and our heart pure before Him... trusting in Him and leaning on Him for His help.

When we stand before Him one day our heart will be judged and we cannot say I was this way or that way or did this or that because of others or others caused me to... we each and everyone are responsible for our own decisions and choices as adults and are individually accountable to Him. Unless you are responsible for those who trouble you or others then do not be concerned about them (except to pray for or help as you are truly lead by Him). We glorify the Lord, not people, not ourselves -- and the best way to do that is to be an example and walk in Christ. Though God knows, we are not perfect -- our righteousness is as filthy rags and in the world today there appears to be a great deal of nearsighted with narcissism which is really what the enemy offers anyway... selfish pride and ego that causes the strongest man to fall. But of course, we are to commit our sins, submit ourselves and our wills to Him and if we really do seek Him, He is just to deliver us.

The focus is not who is right or wrong in the church but rather on Him so that we grow in Him and help others also while drawing nearer to him. The statement that you are confused as to how others DO [seek Him first, etc.] and apparently you are not doing this appears that you feel you are judged in that regard. If you are doing that, AWESOME, keep on doing that and you will succeed in life!!! But if I wrote that it was not meant in a judgmental manner as I believe that for ALL of us, including myself. If I wrote that then likely it is because you clearly represented trouble in your walk and/or faith and therefore, this is the foundation that I see as making it easier for us to strengthen our walk and faith in Him. Some people say, well I did that and it didn't work or make a difference, but it is something to do always, and a way of life for every true believer. We do not believe only because we can see with our eyes... then we would not need faith. And if we walk according to what we see with our eyes (including judging others), we will miss out on many things of the Lord, our faith withers and it is easier to lose the love of Christ and grow bitter.

1 Corinthians 1

9 But as it is written:
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

13 These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. 16 For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?”

I hope this helps and sufficiently addresses your post. May the Lord bless you with insight and encouragement. :)
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
Are we conforming into the image of Christ; or trying to conform His image into ours?