An Apartment, a Bathrooom, and a Horse

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An Apartment, a Bathrooom, and a Horse

Post by afterhisheart »

I have been having a lot of dreams lately. This one was very detailed and real to life. I have been praying for interpretation and have some thoughts, but would like your input please.

My husband and two kids went to this beautiful Apartment Bldg like a Penthouse skyscraper. We asked the desk receptionist if they had any rooms available. I had the impression we just needed to stay temporarily (like getting a motel room). She said she only had one available because the guy who lived there had died.

We took an elevator up with our luggage. A day or 2 later, my husband tells me he doe not like living here. I was discouraged because I was ok with it. I asked him why and he stood outside of our apartment door and said, "because there (pointing to the left) is a couple of lives right there (the door was very close to ours) and there (pointing to the right) is a couple right there (their door was directly across the other couple's door)."

Then he said, "And, we have to leave our apartment to use the bathroom" (the bathroom door was on the same wall as our apartment door in the hallway).

I suddenly felt unsafe and understood why he would not want to live there. I never realized that we had to leave our apartment to go the bathroom until he pointed it out. I went into the bathroom like I was checking it out for the first time and he and the kids followed me. I saw the bathtub, sink, and toilet and as I turned the corner, there was another door. I opened the door and it was more bathroom. I saw a stand-up shower and pointed out to my husband that the shower was in there. He said, "I was wondering where the shower was." But then, I noticed there was another bathtub, sink, and toilet and this opened up into a large motel-type suite.

My husband and kids just took a quick look from the door and stayed behind. I went in further and saw a huge jet-tub with clear water still in it. I pressed a button to see if it would start the jets and it did. I thought about taking a bath right then but I thought my hubby might think it was gross and I would need to drain it, clean it, and then refill it (In real husband is not a clean freak AT ALL).

I turned to my left and noticed a shelf above the toilet. It had antique little dolls and I loooked through them recalling they were like ones that I collect. I touched one and it's head fell off and I pushed it down in so no one would notice.

The shelf below the dolls had a box of HUGE Bling Rings. They were very old and Gothic looking. At this point in the dream there was a knowing that the man who lived here was homosexual. I loved the rings and thought, "Wow this guy must really dress Liberaci or something."

I went to the next room and there was a table with two birthday cakes with plastic lids on them stacked one on top of the other. I looked at the the top cake and there was a rainbow on it and it said, "Happy Birthday, Javier!" My first thought in the dream was, "I wonder if his mother knows he's dead." I also remembered in the dream when I saw the name "Javier" that the receptionist had told us that was his name.

I then went over by the TV and under it were CD's of various types of music...they seem to represent a variety of music I like in real life. I felt tempted to take one of the CD's thinking no one would ever miss it...but in the dream I thought, "No, I would not want to have that between me and God." So I didn't take it.

The dream next skipped to us leaving the building. My son was walking first right in front of me and we were on the outside going down steps. The building was now very run down and resembled a two-story dive motel with a shared middle area. To our left was a black animal that looked dead. My son and I both noticed it. It had flies flying around it.

All of a sudden it jumped up and it was a black horse. It started kicking and rearing it's head (like trying to get the flies away). It went right in front of my son and shook like a wet dog trying to get dry. I clearly saw what I think is a vulva (sorry to be so graphic) and when the horse shook, urine sprayed on my son's head and neck. He said, "Ooo, gross."

He moved and then the horse's vulva was right in my face and actually went in my mouth. I was grossed out...not that the vulva was there, but that urine may have gotten in mouth. I woke up still feeling like something hard had gotten in my mouth.

Some notes: I don't know anyone named Javier.

I have had several (at least 5) dreams about our family moving into an apartment of some kind in the last 3 weeks.

I have had 4 dreams that have something to do with bathrooms in the last 3 weeks. Most recently my husband sitting in the bathtub, holding a newborn baby (like he actually birthed it somehow). The baby still had an umbilical chord.

Thank you for your input!
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Post by afterhisheart »

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Post by afterhisheart »

bumping...I know it's long...but really hoping for some insight. Thank you.
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Just a thought, toss if it doesn't seem right

Post by justhisvessell »

Portuguese Meaning:
The name Javier is a Portuguese baby name. In Portuguese the meaning of the name Javier is: Bright.
People with this name have a deep inner desire for a stable, loving family or community, and a need to work with others and to be appreciated.
People with this name tend to be idealistic, highly immaginative, intuitive, and spiritual. They seek after spiritual truth and often find it. They tend to be visionary and may inspire others. If they fail to develop their potential, they may become dreamers, or misuse power.
If Javier was homosexual, he may have been searching for the wrong types of gratification . You were going through door after door, into types of bathrooms, searching for the places to bathe (cleanse). Through each door the bathroom got better. Just a question and I don't mean anything, but.... With your collected dolls being there, could Javier indeed be part of you, that you feel is dead, that others may still see life (birthday cake) but that part of you that you thought had died off, is not really dead.
Do you fight the urge to be a people pleaser? (a need to work with others and to be appreciated.) I don't know if it helps, it just came to mind when I read it. Oh and the horse urinating (you've heard the term p**d off) Could it be that there are possibly others that may be possibly catching you (and the future generations)in the crossfire of their wrath in the process of trying to relieve themselves of their issues?
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