air brushed tshirts

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air brushed tshirts

Post by keilani »

I was looking for a t-shirt to put on--found my sister's which had her name and an airbrushed photo on it but she/I decided against it since it had her name. I found another shirt which had the name of the group of islands we are from on it so I chose that one and out it on. Wondering about the importance of choosing a tshirt that has the name of the island group I am from/grew up in....

**the air brushed tshirts reminded me of the kind we got as young teens from the local artists at the carnivals we had yearly in the islands.

**also the pictures were not distinct on these shirts, just swirls of color that reminded me of the airbrushed ones we used to have.
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Post by bella »

This is not a relevation from God, but I'm just thinking practically here.

I see it as honouring, or being proud, or celebrating that place where you came from.

It's a very 70s/80s thing to have those shirts isn't it! Wondering what was going on in your home island during those times.

Those times always bring up lovely memories of a great time in my life. Life was so much fun, and so much simpler then. Does it do that for you too?
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Post by keilani »

Tnx for that cj! I was so caught up in the shirts that I didn't even think about being proud and celebrating the islands or culture as a meaning.

Not quite sure what was going on in the 70s or 80s time frame but when we used to get them done, it definitely was an enjoyable time of life and an art I used to enjoy watching!

You've given me something to ponder and talk over with Him!!! shalom!
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Keilani, a t-shirt may represents the current state of your personality or characteristics that define who you are. My 1st thought of Hawaii is the rainbow, which speaks to me as God's promises and His covenant. The islands may symbolize a time of seperation with Him. Just an added layer for your consideration.
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Post by keilani »

Mahalo for that insight Newbie--you've given me more to prayerfully ponder! Shalom!
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Post by TexasTransplant »

Just adding that 'airbrushed' and the wispy look of the photo practically screamed as being of the Spirit. ...although I don't think He screams :). Figure of speech. :)
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Post by keilani »

lol TT, thank you for that! Yes it does and I'm grateful you pointed that out since I didn't even think of it!!! Shalom!
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Post by ElijahsTask »

Greetings keilani

I am probably a day late here lol but I was just wondering. A t-shirt, Hawaiian Islands and airbrush. hmmmmm I wear t-shirts when I am in a relaxed state of mind and desiring comfort.

Who hasn't thought of going to Hawaii to "get away from it all" leaving stress behind.

Airbrushing covers up flaws and imperfections.

Plus, it's done with compressed air. Reminds me of ruach...wind, breath.... are you in need of refreshment?

Just wondering, when you posted this if were you in need of some relaxation?

Just some thoughts and probably nothing to them, just wasnted to ask though.

((((((Shalom))))))my dear Hawaiian friend.


p.s. I have never seen a more gorgeous sunset as I have in Hawaii
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Post by discerning »

Hey, keilani. Some good insight here... parts of an equation. I just have two words to offer...grace and mentor. there someone from that season in your life who had much wisdom to offer but who might have been [perhaps even stubbornly] holding on to a bit of 'island culture' that did not line up with The Word? Someone like a grandmother or some other family elder?

I have a sense that Papa is encouraging you to examine this one's wisdom more closely....and I mean with a microscope. Granted, your discernment is acute by all accounts; you don't miss much! Just sensing Papa is encouraging you to *dig deeper* here.

Treasure awaits.


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Post by ElijahsTask »


A "breath" of fresh air :mrgreen:
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Post by keilani »

lol ET, mahalo sis--to the need of refreshing, Lord knows I ask to daily be filled with His Grace!!! I tend to be pretty serious and rigid at times so yes I do pray to be refreshed by the sweetness of His Spirit!

And discerning--this is something my husband and I have been praying over for both of us! God is moving in great ways and we are both realizing how even though our elders loved us, there may be a mix of things that was also passed down. It has been fun to pray and let Him reveal things to us---loosing us from wrong mindsets that don't line up with His word and then watching Him breathe His fresh breath of life through us!

I will also add that I know we are called to our island homes...reading all of your offerings has helped me to think about this on a different level. Before I was a bit clueless and kept putting it aside but all of you sharing has caused me to come back and ponder this more. The island group makes me think of being identified by the name on the shirt. My grandpa never taught my mom their native tongue because he wanted them to speak English without an accent to better prepare her for her future ie joining the military and leaving the islands which she did so my mom followed suit with us. My grandma did teach me some cultural things but being stateside a good part of our lives, there was a big disconnect in many ways. As I was reading through this again, I was reminded of Paul saying in I Cor 9:

19Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. 22To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. 23I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

I have a better understanding of this now! Mahalo to each of you for sharing--if you hadn't, this would've still been shelved:) Great blessings on each of your households CJ, Newbie, TT, ET & discerning! Shalom!
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