names of God during a storm

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Post by LadyinChrist »

As for the other things written, remember that not everyone who claims to hear from God is actually hearing from Him.
Take what you need and leave the rest. I certainly understand it can be discouraging when that happens.
hmmm...interesting, and very subtle fishbreath. Although the day before Easter I expect such bother....

Every knee will bow to Jesus. :)
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
Mathew 3:11

Post by Joshua »

fishbreath wrote:hi Joshua,
I see a lot of wisdom in what CrackerJack wrote and pray Abba will bring you and your family through the trials and storms of life.

As for the other things written, remember that not everyone who claims to hear from God is actually hearing from Him.
Take what you need and leave the rest. I certainly understand it can be discouraging when that happens.
God bless you brother

hello fishbreath LOL

i agree

but i think i also get what LadyInChrist was saying now

there have been a significant number of times where i felt like i was annoying to people simply by just being there
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Post by discerning »

I'm not asking people on an internet forum to "speak against my dad"...even I know that won't do anything.

What I HAVE been wanting is for him to STOP doing things the WAY he's been doing them...that's it.
Well said, Josh. We're finally getting to the crux of the matter... in a nutshell. Listen. In my younger days, I wasted valuable time *wanting* this very thing with respect to my mom.

Don't misunderstand. I never once doubted she loved me and wanted the best for me. Nevertheless, we constantly butted heads. Her mantra (during those years) was, 'Do as I say, not as I do.' Not the best example and needless to say, it did not sit well with my strong sense of justice, thus the head butting.

I was never a rebellious child in the conventional sense. Quite the opposite, I was little miss goody-goody two shoes *ick*. But in the spiritual sense, I was guilty as charged. Of course, it was only in hindsight that I realized this.

Hear me now, my friend. This is not about me or my mom or your dad. This is about you and your spiritual journey. What I pray you'll glean from this testimony is that I made myself miserable. *I* did that, not my mom. I cannot lay this charge at her feet when she was doing the best she could with the knowledge she had at the time. I alone allowed it. I take responsibilty for that.

The outcome of my spiritual insolence was that it opened a door which should have remained closed and locked. It caused me no end of grief for many years. Years wasted as I was bemoaning my circumstances when I could have been about my Father's business and investing in His kingdom.

Parents want what's best for their kids. Ultimately, we want them to rise above us, learn from our mistakes so they can avoid them and the consequences we endured. It doesn't always work out that way BUT GOD's hand is always in it. He uses our mistakes to hone chisel us into His likeness. It's a journey...a journey to ultimate freedom in Him. He disciplines those He loves.

I used to pray incessantly for my *want*... ('I HAVE been wanting is for him to STOP doing things the WAY he's been doing them...')

Here's the lesson I is only when MY 'wants' line up with HIS plans, that miracles happen.

There's a miracle waiting for you to receive.

Receive it now.

blessings on your head,

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by discerning »

Iron sharpens iron.

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17