false religion and snakes

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false religion and snakes

Post by thewritingmommy »

I dream about snakes a lot. almost every dream has at least one snake in it. i'm getting worried.

last night i dreamt about a "false religion" that i have dreamt of for a few years now. what do i do with this??

both of these elements seem to be getting more pronounced and more "urgent" and i don't know what to do. anyone who hears form God about this, please step out in obedience and share with me as i am at a loss here about what to do with these dreams.

Last night i dreamt a lot. it seemed all night as i would wake and then go back to the same dream elements.

The dream is getting jumbled so i will give the highlights here:

In it i remember a small mobile home, almost like an RV. there was a young man that was good and kind to me, and beautiful to me i think, but he was apparently horrible to everyone else and they were afraid of him i think. He either died or someone killed him, i'm not sure. i was heart broken.

i was in the mobile ohme/RV (which was sometimes big and sometimes small) and from beneath a piece of furniture, in an unexpected place, a snake came out and bit me. i have always been creeped out by snakes and it big me on the foot. no one believed me i think.

my IRL children were my children in my dream but younger. i was taking them to school (IRL we homeschool) and felt uneasy about leaving them there.

one evening at the mobile home there was a "meeting". a religious meeting it seemed to me. there were speaking of the dead young man that i had loved as if he were a leader or a god. this religion had a sort of Trinity, was very ceremonial, had a holy book. it was very close to Christianity except for some reason i didn't trust it. there was a shroud of mystery around it that cautioned me. the evening became frenzied and intense and i was sort of frightened. someone was in a chair in the middle of a room and seemed to either pass out or die.

nxt thing i know i'm baking hundreds of cakes, chocolate with white frosting and a carmel pecan glaze over it. hundreds of them and the room looked as if we had moved, there were boxes everywhere and the room was huge now. i had to begin putting the cakes in boxes and anyplace that would hold them. andthen it was as if a tornado happened suddenly and everything was topsy turvey, but i was only worried about the cakes.

Next day i was on a mini motorcycle and stopping at a gas station / mechanic who was a sort of believer of the religion and he and a woman were paying homage to the dead young man. i needed gasoline and was trying to pay for it. he saw my injured foot and identified it as a rattlesnake bite and put some black medicine on it. (i see snakes in my dreams all the time but this was the first time i was bitten by one. in the dream the marks from the bite, two small holes were plain afte rthe wound was cleaned). This man who owns the gasoline/repair shop is trying to convert people to become followers and the religion seems so much like Christianity that it almost seems good. all i want though is to go pick my girls up from school.

i get to the school and pick them up from the office and i have to go back to the station because i hadn't gotten gas. the children are inthralled by this man and a woman there and they begin to be charmed by this religion too.

i woke then.

i think i have an inkling of what this is about now after having written the highlights down, but i still feel i need interpretation and/or confirmation.


ps- i know that Jesus is the one and only begotten Son of The Living God, True Creator of this and all worlds. I am a Christian and bible believing and following child of The Living and Resurrected Christ. that is why i'm concerned about this continued theme; false religion. am i supposed to know what this is and if so what am i to do about it?

thanks again, andora
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Andora, have you been learning some new things? Have you begin reading or watching something that is Christian in appeareance? I ask this because of your children being in school in the dream. Sometimes our children can be an aspect of us in some ways. So it appears that by going to school, they are learning something new; however, the school speaks as something counterfeit (deceptive practice). The snake being poisonous vs that of a constrictor, speaks as coming under the influence of bitterness. Poison can symbolize bitterness, things that are not of God. Snakes can symbolize deception. Have you noticed that you maybe at odds over something as of late, trying to discern something is or is not of Him?
The cakes speaks as multiple blessings you were given; however, the enemy is right there causing mayhem (the tornado). So the tornado to me may symbolize a shift of sorts. There is a lot of warfare in this dream but what I keep getting is deception, manipulation, and a counterfeit spirit. Thoughts for your discernment.
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Post by thewritingmommy »

hi newbie,

i felt the same way; that this was about deception and ministry. i'm just not sure about how it applies. i have dreamt about these things, the snakes and false religious stuff, for aobut three years now. the cakes are new as is the minibike.
oy vey!
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Andora, I think this maybe in the spirit realm vs that of the natural. Have you at anytime, have a feeling that you have been deceived in your church/ministry? Like something is not sitting right with you. Have you been doing research on something and to the natural eye it apperas to line up with that of God; however, this may not be the case? Have you taken on any new teachings? I ask this things because your answer may lie in something that appears to be about the Godhead but underneath it all, it is actually sinister.
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I give you an example of what I am talking about.ecently while researching the phython spirit for someone, I wanted to know the python's attributes. I was not looking for pictures just information. Anyway, in my search photos popped up and for whatever, reason, a quick glimpseof a snake shook my spirit. Something transpired that I could not explain. I have heard of this happening to others and one individual had wrote that in essence a portal was opened or an door to allow this to enter. Does this make sense? I was doing a simple search and something evil try to bring about fear. Are you currently writing a book? If so , this may lie into what you maybe using for research. Toss if this is a miss.
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Post by thewritingmommy »

Actually, I was writing a book for a client and did a lot of research. I have been looking for a new home church for two years now after i left my church of 13 years. I had a dream that God told me , whispered actually, "come away with me to a place i will show you". i told my pastors wife, and friend and she said God would never tell anyone to leave their church, but two other dreams, that proved unmistakably prophetic, convinced me otherwise. i did take a sabbatical and went deep into The Word. after a year i wanted to go back but have never felt released to go back to that church- which i loved. but i love God more and want to be in His will.

on the other hand, i have a sister who converted to Islam 18 years ago when she married and her 17 year old daughter, whom i love, is coming to my home for a week before she heads off to Turkey. i felt the dream may be warning me to cover myself and my children especially spiritually.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello TWM, after reading your response I agree with you that is a forewarning to stay covered.
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Post by Laura3D »

one evening at the mobile home there was a "meeting". a religious meeting it seemed to me. there were speaking of the dead young man that i had loved as if he were a leader or a god. this religion had a sort of Trinity, was very ceremonial, had a holy book. it was very close to Christianity except for some reason i didn't trust it. there was a shroud of mystery around it that cautioned me
But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! - Gal 1:8
There is a "christianity" which is very close to the real thing but it introduces deception into people's lives so that the "Jesus" they serve is not the real Jesus
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Post by underhiswing »

You can take heart that the situation or lesson will be short/not long term/temporary (mobile home).

The Lord told us that our measuring stick of His "true" followers is "love" . Within love we find compassion. This man who was a sinner and was spiritually dead in your dream, does not receive the love and compassion he should have from the religious group. This is a huge sign that things are not right in them. And, this is what you are (and should be) looking for in a church group. This is what we all should be searching for in those we choose to walk with.

"Someone was in a chair in the middle of a room and seemed to either pass out or die." This person was being ministered to? This "frenzy" and lack of order aspect also disturbed me, and I felt that same theme of deception........that the supernatural/mystical/gifts was being worshipped instead of humbly following the supreme loving Lord of all.

The cakes reminded me of you trying to gather the "right" ingredients to organize/process/make things better...sweeter, and the "outside" turmoil overcame your attempts.

Look closely again at the couple in the gas station, who are they. They seemed to be operating in the Spirit (cleansed your wound), yet they too seemed to be off track. Can you expand on them and your impressions "during the dream"? These seem to be people in your real life.