im....lost (what a nightmare!)

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im....lost (what a nightmare!)

Post by kingnme »

Dreaming me and my daughter we are desperately trying to get to the main road...
we're walking and walking down thru\between neighborhoods

its like we've been on the main road BEfOrE we can't find it now

so I'm turning right I look far ahead honestly it really looks like the way to the main road

we walk and walk ..herrre we go back around. Another sidewalk thru the neighborhood again!!??

this cycle repeats in the same pattern all over...

its basically me and my daughter literally cannot get to the main road

its the same thing I turn right and we end up in the same cycle

this is the's horrifying to an analytical person like my self..all I'm my physical body I could feel the frustration when I awoke I was relieved but I got bugged ..about the dream any help here
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Post by bella »

Ok, so I have some thoughts I believe may help. I got some thoughts reading your dream question about the cookie cutter too.

In the cookie cutter dream, I believe it's about doing things a certain way, the same way all the time. Similar symbolism in this dream.

The right turns seems to speak of doing things in the natural or in the flesh (check out the dream symbols search).

Making the cookies spoke to me of a similar thing.

You've also mentioned that you're analytical and I see you had a past dream about falling head first!

In the cookie cutter dream, you said that no matter what you did you couldn't please your mother. I believe the mother symbolism represents the church. Are you trying to fit in at church? Serving in a way that you hope to be accepted. Serving in a way that you think they will accept?

You also said that you were trying to get to the main road. Sometimes I find myself saying odd things and I don't know why. On a recent Christmas message I found myself saying "remember to keep the main thing the main thing". That came back to me as I read your dream. Could be a word for you.

I believe the answer to all of these points is this one thing ...

Being a Christian isn't about church or service or doing things a certain way, it's about having a personal relationship with God. The kingdom of God is not about eating or drinking (poetically saying it's not about the rules you follow) but it's righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit (I.e. It's living a relaxed, receiving, joyous life, full of peace and hope, knowing that Christ alone is your righteousness).

You don't have to try, you just have to live knowing that God has you in hand and He'll never leave you nor forsake you. You can relax and be led by him and He'll get you to the main road.

I believe you've known this but something's happened and you've lost sight somewhere and gotten caught up in a pattern that's not doing you any favours.

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Post by kingnme »

Thank you so much Bella...i believe that the one with the biscuits rings true and in actuality I have been feeling a little weighed down my daughters in college..without a car I have to travel at least ten miles back and forth a mom desires that I come over at leAsT three days out if the week did I mention having to pick up my high school senior hubby that's another page...LoL! So jm trying to please well as being Christ like ...

in regards of the lost thing...haugggh...that the comedian who joked about the best way to annoy her was to tie him up unfold a MaP and try to Fold it BaCk again and mind you absoLutely cannot fold a huge map BAck like it was ... It was a riot..

I kid you not everywhere we turned right turn of course there was at least the mile away the main road but nO matter what we ended up back where we started...drove me crackers! LoL!
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9
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Post by bella »

Sounds like one of those toy puzzles,

I've given up trying to please people. I have an ex friend to thank for that. No matter what I did for her it was never enough. Way to solve it... Get rid of her. Seriously tho she was mean and cruel.

But really, don't try to please people because without realising they're doing it, they will just use you. Love them instead. And sometimes love means saying no.