visions of large owls

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visions of large owls

Post by colm777 »

Greetings my son JP is in love with our lord jesus christ and has been digging deep and evangelizing for our Lord. He stepped out of his apt last week and after stepping out a large bird came down towards him and almost touched him with his large wings. He flew to the other side of the apt. My son ran to back door to look, then went back to front door and stepped out to see a huge white owl sitting on light post and he could clearly see his eyes watching him. He stepped back into the apt and looked out back door again and again the large bird came down and swooped by him. He didn't feel fear just amazed at what he had seen and up close. Does this have some type of prophetic word. He said the owls looked as if they were white owls. He has never seen one that size or that close for that matter.[/i]
mary collins

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Post by Grace »

Hi Mary, I think you accidently placed this in the prayer forum. Blessings, Grace
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Deut 31:6
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Post by bjcollin »

Hey Sister Mary,

I will leave this in the questions section as this was a IRL experience and not a dream/vision. Personally to me Owls symbolically speak to wisdom, and to me a snowy owl would speak to heavenly wisdom. Some think owls as a symbol speak to earthly wisdom instead of heavenly wisdom as they were also often used as familiars to witches and druids. I don't have a feeling one way or the other. Having an owl experience in the plains of Abilene TX sounds pretty cool to me. Hope this helps you some, thanks for the email also.
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Post by discerning »

Hello, Mary. I moved your post here earlier from the prayer forum. Do I understand correctly that there was more than one owl? Wow. Symbols, whether in dreams or irl, can be positive or negative. They are specific to the dreamer as Papa speaks to each of us in a language we can understand. My question would be, what does an owl represent to your son? As to your question, "Does this have some type of prophetic word." - I can only share with you from my own experience..

A number of years ago, I was traveling home on back roads after running errands in a nearby town. It was nearing dusk when I spotted something in the middle of the road on a small bridge.
I travel this road fairly often and it's not unusual to spot wildlife here. It's an unpopulated area with a quaint country church to the left and a lush green swamp area to the right. I slowed to a stop wondering what I would find this day..

There before me was the largest owl I had ever set eyes on irl. He was pure white and glorious to behold. I sat there amazed for a bit & began to wonder if he was injured as he did not fly away. Finally, I got out of the car & approached him cautiously. (not wise unless one has avian experience & even then there are serious risks).He appeared to be healthy & perfect. I sat down right there in the middle of the road & reached out to him (again, warning: do not attempt this at home).

He stared at me for a bit then ducked his head toward my outstretched hand. I scratched the top of his head then he then tilted his head side to side to I could scratch the sweet spots under his jaw line below his ears. I began to wonder if he had an injury I could not see & considered grabbing the blanket from my trunk & transporting him to the wildlife rehab shelter. No sooner had I that thought, than he took one step back & took flight....directly toward me.

I covered my face out of habit/training but I was completely calm, at peace. As he took off he 'hovered' over my head, wings flapping over each of my ears. Then I watched as he glided over to the swamp and perched on a stump. I sat - for what seemed like forever but was likely only a minute - in the middle of the road and watched him. He never so much as twitched as I got back into the car. And as I slowly pulled away longingly, I heard him call out.

I can tell you unequivocably, wisdom was imparted to me that evening along with a warning. It served me well & brought great comfort in the days that followed. God is good all the time..


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Post by Tirzah »

The owl can also symbolize the prophetic as they know whos who :D
Search Kris Vallaton on Youtube about the owls.
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Post by Palm »

"..Nomadic bird, and because population fluctuations in its prey species can force it to relocate.
Adults are very watchful and are equipped to defend against any kind of threat towards them or their offspring."

We've had some near here but I haven't seen them -- it's certainly a rare sight!

As for prophetic, a lot of people consider bird sightings as warm confirmations that God is involved, and has His eye on them. Some people read more into unusual bird sightings than others, but basically I think it's a nice gesture.

Owls are known for being able to see the movement of tiny critters far away. (Eagles and Hawks too). They can also spin their heads without moving their bodies, for incredible peripheral vision. They quietly sit for hours, dive for prey and are fairly innocuous.

The sense of wisdom probably comes from their patience -- sitting until the timing is just right, and only getting what they need.