19yr old & moving

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19yr old & moving

Post by sigmon2 »

hi all. hope you morning is blessed so far.
had a personal dream i would like to share. thanks for reading and giving of any opinions.
the dream started with me in a cleared room with a black man and different types of equipment. without going into great detail to bore you he asked me a lot of questions about what i knew and did not know. like a job interview, i tried to fake it through. i knew some and not others.....he told me i needed training. but he did not send me away. he had me test on a cb radio or something like that system. i did all right faking it at first then messed it up at the end. but i got to stay. the desk the radio and everything was on suddenly seem to have a bed spread on it and i laid on it it was nice. but i remember where i was and hopped up and tried to make it up to look nice. like making a bed, blankets and sheets....nice dark blue color. so i turn and walk across the room it was a big room nothing in it.
i watch the black man leave and go down the hallway, it was his house. when he left suddenly all my stuff was there. the room was full. my 19yr old was not there too. i looked out the window and saw black folks of various working ages in despair in a community (housing area) because of no jobs. lots of sadness.
then i turned and talked with my 19yr old about being here now and we started cleaning up. stuff i do not have, like plastic chairs that were broken some not...i saw a lot of my son's stuff. as i think of it more his....not everything of mine. so we work to clean up. and i look out another window, and i see trees, maybe a freeway or highway or road behind them. i could see into the distance, but i saw the same black community now happier because many were wearing like hospital clothes (scrubs) so somehow they got what they needed to get jobs. the whole community was in great joy. i turned to finish cleaning with my son and the dream faded out and i woke up.

thank you for reading. see you later......scott
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it contiunes.....

Post by sigmon2 »

this am i had a 2 part dream of not sure of moving but definately the apperance of downsizing and giving stuff away.
hi all hope your morning is blessed.
the first was real quick and the second dream was longer and much more detail and that is why i decided to add it here instead of a new topic, cause it goes aong the same topic. i just got this new house why am i dreaming this stuff? anyway, in the first i saw family members and part of the dream there was hazy and then i end up in a bedroom with 3 beds. beds are twins, more like kids beds. i am laying across one and someone sends in a kids then a second...it seems i know the first but the second i do not. i get a hug and a kiss. both kids are boys, there is a shining light in the hallway could be the light bulb. the room is basically bare no extras. beds only have blankets no sheets, but room is clean and there is a lamp on the nite stand. the person in the hall never shows there face. i think its my youngest sister in the beginning of the dream's family but this dream seems to be in 2 parts too. as i am in the room talking to the 2 kids the dream begins to fade.

2nd dream - i woke up and went back to sleep. this dream started. i was in a kitchen. there was my 19 yr old, my nephew, and a friend who works for foster kids, and my ex wife, each known for their ( they sort of have the same persona) i will decide-i know best-do it my way-i am in charge-austerity with others stuff- and more kinda people. they are going through my stuff and deciding what i need and do not need. they have piled my food up to send some where. its like they are packing. now i am sorta a packrack and i like my stuff. so i question what is being tossed but finally agree. i do not agree with food being sent cause they have packed all my candy to send and they take it out. apparently they are sending it to someone or we are going........

that is the part of the dreams that bother me as of late, why the moving.... why the troubles...why the real poorness.....what happen...to who......something does happen and its like the dreams are either saying i will be a part of the moving or the sharing. well thank you for reading. may the Lord Jesus bless you and keep you
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Post by sigmon2 »

Yes i do...why do i have to have them come out so painful, ugh....but it did....not much time but guess who went out the door in a blaze of thievery....you guessed it right - the 19 yr old.
i am still finding stuff missing, beyond the seen. food, dad's banjo, personal stuff and so on the story goes.....will add more later but wow.....dream did warn and i started watching and its a good thing i did cause more would have gone if not...Praise the Lord He was watching out for me..............later scott
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my poor son

Post by sigmon2 »

hi, well my son is no where to be seen.....he robbed my home and moved on, but now i find out he has done harm to the people who helped him hurt me and he is hiding from them. i will never get my father's banjo back but if my earlier dream is true on death i pray the Lord will reach my son's heart in time and i will see him again in heaven. i sit here with tears, i do miss him and his grumpiness, then his sudden acts of love but its the best thing for him to find out that life does not give us a free life it bites. may the Lord reach out to all our children and give them peace in the spirit...amen
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Post by keilani »

may the Lord reach out to all our children and give them peace in the spirit...amen
praying in agreement with you scott. May His shalom peace keep and fill your heart.
***More To Come***

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Post by sigmon2 »

had a dream this morning...i put it here cause it deals with him and it does not clogged up the main page. i entered a room of a house. it was a 2 story. stairs went up from the door. there was a bar from the kitchen facing the living room. the living room was crowded with stuff. the bar was crowded with junk food and booze. behind the counter was a guy and a woman. the woman was in charge. the man was a helper but i think a sorta bouncer if need be. to the right of the bar was a hallway that went back. i saw another stairway in the hallway. now i started talking to the lady she was selling booze, drugs, etc. i saw my son walk down the hall and look at me. he was looking at me and walking around me watching. i bought a drink. i asked to buy marijuna they gave me the money box. they told me to be quiet cause the boss would get mad. he started hollering. she went to check on him. i said i was still thirsty.
she came back telling me to be careful cause he could he the moneybox making noise. so i took a green dot out of the moneybox and gave it to her. funny how that was the money. then i asked if i could give some drug back to get a soda. they just looked at me. i gave the moneybox back. i mentioned i was stuff up in my sinuses and the guy offered me some meds. the dream faded out and i woke up.

i have a real life exp. this week, yesterday. i was driving and i got the middle finger from a driver. while i was looking at it a thought hit me it was my son. but it was hard to tell but in a way it looked like it but not. we got to thinking it might have been a close friend of his too. but a little voice inside seem to point him out and i have been flipped off by that finger before so i will always wonder. haha.

as for the dream...i wondered if it meant my son is now in a drug house again. there are places where people rent out rooms to young folks and sale them stuff and sale them stuff to the point of keeping them in debt to the house. my son has been in that before. guess i will not know cause there is no contact.
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi. Son is home. Gang members hurt him bad. Black older gang guy claimed him as property. He was able to get away. Sad and bad happen. Lord was there a d here.
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry