Standing in the clouds-Rewrite

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Standing in the clouds-Rewrite

Post by RevK »

I am learning that a few of my grown children have very prophetic dreams, like their mama and don't even know it.. Could someone please help me with this one? This is what my daughter she said she saw:
I was in the sky, walking out of a cloud with a wand (I think she may have meant sceptor, not sure) in my hand. She said I was dressed in a purple gown. I was waving the wand at her for some reason.. She said when she looked back to earth her children were gone, she said she missed the rapture....

I told her it was a type of warning, and she needed to get back in church, but for reasons I don't want to go into on here, she resists the church setting.. I told her I understood but she needed to get the children some teaching. I want my children saved and in Heaven with me when it all winds up and GOD takes us home...Just curious why I was in the clouds...

Concerned Mama

Kind of embarrassed by this post, because last night I asked my daughter again about what she saw, and I thought she said me,but she said she saw Jesus in the clouds, dressed in purple with a wand/sceptor? in His hand. I was sure she said me. Anyway, she said He moved the wand and people began to disappear, She said she looked in the back of the car and her children weren't there and she feared she missed the Rapture......
Really embarrassed and still a concerned Mama and Gramma.... :oops: :oops: :oops:
Last edited by RevK on Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Standing in the clouds

Post by spiritledd »

made me think of... you are seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places ...the wand/scepter could speak of the authority given us in that position ...and its true we should not forsake the fellowship ...but i think living our faith out in front of our children by praying, studying the word and worshiping everyday, and dealing with problems and people based on scripture, is teaching and setting a better example to our children than just going to church on Sunday
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Re: Standing in the clouds-Rewrite

Post by Starfire »

SpiritLed's reply echos many of my own thoughts.
Some things I noticed though are
1) You are actively *walking* in the clouds, royally dressed, holding a sceptor.
I believe this means she sees you as someone with great faith (walking in clouds) and someone who has firmly claimed
your identity as belonging only to the Lord and thereby in the royal line of His descendents.
2) SHE is the one seeing you. SHE is the one seeking to get a foodhold on her faith (even if she doesn't realize it)
and is looking to you to find a way...not your way, HER way, but she needs you to encourage her along a path of her choice
as long as it is the Holy Spirit leading her.. ... (Church isn't always the answer, prayer isn't always the answer, scripture isn't always the answer. Each person needs to begin the path where they are led and the rest will fall into place. And if you don't know the Lord by reading His autobiographical love letters, then your prayers may be out of line with His all must be turned over to the Lord for HIS timing. YOU, as her mother are to do more than provide an example, but to encourage her to keep seeking and sharing her questions/confusion. (Sorry, but if I had looked ONLY through the Church, I may in fact not be a Christian today....I had to let God guide me to His Word, through the journeys He sets out for me.)

I believe her comment about missing the rapture is her disappointment because she obviously believes it will mean separation from you and her children. As of now, perhaps she would be left, but with each moment comes new opportunity and it takes but a moment. Talk with her about asking God to reveal to her how she must prepare to be counted worthy when the day finally comes. To put her feet on the path to righteousness in HIS NAME.

My view of her dream would be:
This is a daughter who esteems her mom's incredible faith and sees her as a true child of Jesus. She knows her mom beckons for her to come "too" down this path and she wants to, but she doesn't relate to the same things that inspired her mom, she must find her own way. She wants mom's approval and encouragement to find her own way, and most of all she does not want her separation from the Lord to separate her from her loved ones. She and the kids need teaching.
Perhaps she could start by reading a children's bible to them and prepare to get some background resources so she can answer their questions. Intersperse the readings with some real life stories of faith in action. Lots of good bibles that focus on these things. As she follows her mom's example by ministering to her kids, she will become a little child herself, soaking up all the glorious promises of the Lord. If they have hard times, help them by having a weekly Q&A hour with you.
They can email you their questions and passages they refer to and you can research the times, the languages and the customs to give a better understanding. Then perhaps a "life application" bible might have some suggestions as how to incorporate some of those teachings into everyday life. They make one for ?pre-teens? I think. I know I found it fascinating.

IF that's not her thing, then there are many other avenues that may draw her into the truth. For ex. Prophecy.
Read/discuss gifts of Holy Spirit and the works of the prophets and how they are happening around us. Show how
for your bible time together that Revelation is impossible to understand unless you trace the references to find out what those bizzare images meant in other parts of biblical history. It takes you through every single book of scripture and shows
how Jesus is there....from beginning to end - Alpha & Omega.

Just some suggestions. You can love someone dearly and want much of what they have, but feel it can't be accomplished in the same path they took. For Ex. Some earn a dr. degree by going straight through their education. For some that is best.
Others will mix a few years of college with some real life experience back and forth until they have achieved their destiny.
Some will begin by volunteering at peace corp or missionary or wherever and are put in a position where they get responsibilities that awaken them to their natural interest and talent in a certain area of life.....They may get all their
training in the field, then come home and get the education to back it up. God knows what's best.
Together, you and she can pray that the counselor/Intercessor and Helper aspects of the Holy Spirit will guide her and strengthen her on the journey that will show her what an asset she is in the kingdom and encourage her to explore where
God is leading her.

I know it feels like "Time is running out." But as long as you are actively seeking the Lord, with your whole heart and soul,
you will find Him in time. He promises this. And remember God created time. What can be a lifetime of struggle can suddenly come together to make sense when covered by grace in God's timing. You and all your household will be saved.
Keep asking God for these same promises in your family to come to fruition.
Tell your daughter she doesn't have to be like you, or take the same steps you did, but if she listens to her heart, she knows
that God loves her, wants her to know Him and is urging her to begin a journey with they will design together.
Tell her you want to be part of that journey, if only to delight in getting to witness God's miracles at work.

All the best to you Dear K. Your daughter wants God very much (In my opinion), but not perhaps in a traditional way.
Again, we all learn and we all experience differently. The Holy Spirit will lead, teach, help, strengthen and even pray & advocate on her behalf. You've got a good daughter. She loves her mom.
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Re: Standing in the clouds-Rewrite

Post by rarara »


The thought that comes to me is that your daughter described seeing Jesus holding a wand.

A wand is to do with magic.

Magic has nothing to do with the Kingdom of God as you will know.

Maybe this dream is to do with fear. Fear of being separated from God and family.

It is like she has a false picture of who Jesus really is. This may have come through bad teaching at Church throughout the years which none of us have been exempt from. Wrong teaching is like a trick.

Clouds are judgement in Scripture too. Judgement has to do with perception. Her perception is clouded? On the flip side, through Jesus we are reconciled with the Father. So judgement in terms of being tried and sentenced by God has been removed! The judgement clouds in the Bible are this kind of judgement.

Many years ago when I was 14 years old I saw one of the rapture films at Church. I had bad dreams for 2 weeks. I am very sure that rapture theology is wrong. It has struck the wrong kind of fear in the hearts of God's people. And caused many of them to constantly doubt that they are even saved. If you want you can read how rapture theology came into church teaching. It has not been around that long and was not taught in the Early Church and still not in the Catholic Church.

And for others who read this...If this starts an argument on the board, I won't be answering.

The reason for my reply is to maybe shed light on something that the Holy Spirit is showing your daughter. With kids who don't seem to be following God, it is surprising how much God is still at work in their hearts. Let love be the the reason for any return to Church, if that is what God has in mind for your daughter. Not fear. We each have an imperishable seed, Jesus. We are in Him and He is in us. Nothing can kill this seed.


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Re: Standing in the clouds-Rewrite

Post by bella »

Back when I first started going to a particular church, there was a lot of teaching on the rapture and I was very distressed by it all and would have dreams about it and worry about it. I'm not sure how I got over it, but i did. (And God would never allow me to read those books by Tim LaHay).

Then just a couple of years ago, out of the blue, God started speaking to me about it and basically showed me it was erroneous teaching and that the scriptures have been used and taken out of context.

It's a recent theology.

One of the problems is that we have Hebrew and Greek translated into English and some things get lost in translation. Especially when you compare those two languages and how vastly different they are. One is very poetic and picturesque and the other very logical but with a "pure" style. English is often times neither of those.

So essentially I interpreted it as the scripture says - by your many worries, you dream.

If your daughter believes, she doesn't have to go to church. God will lead her to one when she is ready. I think sometimes we are our own worst enemies when we insist we have to go to church, then we end up more damaged.

Hope that helps, even if just a little.