What does this mean .

Archived Dreams from 2016
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What does this mean .

Post by Rose48 »

I seen this big human figure clothed in white , seems like his shoulder was as broad as 200 miles . I seen a big red heart in the center of his chest and when I seen the heart my body took on the form of an arrow , with my arms close to my sides and was traveling like a jet, and I went into his heart . I laterally went into the heart.. can someone tell me what this means . . Thanks in advance .
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Re: What does this mean .

Post by bjcollin »

Hi Rose,

Since this is posted in the questions section and not the dreams/visions section, I will take this as a general question...

Always see what the Bible has to say on the symbology of a dream first, the Holy Spirit will guide you to the correct verses.

So in general I did a Bible search on the words arrow and heart.. The only verse that popped out at me was Psalm 11:2

"For look! The wicked bend their bow,
They make ready their arrow on the string,
That they may shoot secretly at the upright in heart."

I didn't feel that this verse applied to what the dream was. So the next idea I had was that symbology of shoulders usually represent the burden of the Lord, and the heart of Jesus is big and wide and you can't miss it. Jesus want's us to be in His heart. When we first get saved, we have it backwards and want Jesus in our hearts, and there is a truth aspect to that, but the reality when we mature in Jesus is that we start to figure out that we need to be in His heart and following HIm and doing His will which is a big part of being His disciple. Hope this helps answer the question some.

God Bless you, and Happy Thanksgiving

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Re: What does this mean .

Post by Rose48 »

Amen , yes this did help. Sorry for posting in the wrong place . Please forgive me . Thank you
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