44, 444, 4444

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44, 444, 4444

Post by kbasmommy »

I apologize if this is not the correct location to post this. I keep seeing 4, 44, 444, or 4444 and I wanted to know if anyone had a similar experience or revelation. This started last month. I've tried researching on my own, but I'm not sure that I believe angels are sending me messages. It has become more frequent for example, I recently went to a graduation on highway 44. When I glance at the clock it is some variation of 44 3:44 etc . license plates, I mean constantly. Does anyone know what this means? I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or insight.

Thank you in advance
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Re: 44, 444, 4444

Post by blossomrose »

Wow I am experiencing the same thing! But I also see 333, 555, 1155,1133! But 4:44 has been more prevalent the past two weeks. I have prayed about it because I don't want to assume by my carnal mind. I do feel there is significance to it but not sure what.
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Re: 44, 444, 4444

Post by kbasmommy »

Yes. I believe it is significant as well. Please let me know if you find any resources re: this.
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Re: 44, 444, 4444

Post by ServantofTruth »

Me too, for several years.

I was getting Ezekiel 44:4 which is verse about the glory of the Lord.
But the multiples thereof like 44, 444 and 4444 which I get also, I’ve seen number 4 representing 4 corners of the earth, 4 seasons and lending itself to a reference to creation based on websites I’ve read over.

Here’s good info from a Facebook page called “Just In Time Ministries.”
Hope it helps.

The mystery of 4, 44, 444 and 4444.
The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 4
The number 4 derives its meaning from creation. On the fourth day of what is called 'creation week' God completed the material universe. On this day he brought into existence our sun, the moon, and all the stars (Genesis 1:14 - 19).
The number 44 is the number of "chosen people."
The Number 44 - Birth and Blood
The number 44 is rooted in the number 4, which is the number of the creation, particularly the earth. But the four is doubled, almost as if to illustrate to us the contention between two people who each have the desire to be chosen to rule or inherit the earth. Yet 44 is also a double 22. The number 22 is the number of the Sons of Light. So the true chosen ones (44) are closely linked to the Sons of Light (22).
The Number 444 - Perfect Love
The number 4 in Scripture denotes creative works, and always has reference to the material creation (the four points of the compass), as pertaining to the earth, things "under the sun" (Ecclesiastes), and things terrestrial. Multiplied three times represents both abundance and the Divine Hand. Therefore 444 signifies material prosperity. To demonstrate Yahweh's omnipotence, He is going to create material prosperity for the faithful and obedient in the wake of economic collapse and the judgments being passed on mankind.
4444. Malkishua
Strong's Concordance
Malkishua: "my king is wealth," a son of Saul
The word God appears 4444 times in the KJV of the Bible.
Want more? Watch this short video which shows how God is connected to all of this.

The Numbers 4, 44, 444, and 4,444
The amazing number FOUR (4) in the Bible....4, 44, 444, 4444! Only God could have done this! Are you seeking…
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Re: 44, 444, 4444

Post by kbasmommy »

Wow!!!how cool thank you!