Prophetic prayer

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Prophetic prayer

Post by BeerLahaiRoi »


Ok, this question is not so much regarding dreams and visions but since it is of a prophetic nature I thought I would ask.

I have been hearing things in my spirit over the years and have noticed it appears I am hearing what people are thinking sometimes. This sometimes happens during prayer and I believe it is from God to let me know what people are thinking for the purpose of prayer. However, sometimes these "voices" cause frustration or confusion and I am not sure if it is a gift from God to learn to grow in or the enemy trying to deceive me through a false voice.

Jesus saw what people were thinking or perceived what was in their hearts/thoughts. This is sort of what seems to be happening. However, it can be quite difficult to navigate because I often do not know who I am hearing their thoughts unless I know enough about the person to recognize their thought pattern and identify who it is. I worry this may open a door to me being deceived thinking God is speaking to me when it is not.

I did a research online on this and did not find much. I did come across an article though which shed some insight (see the link below on perceiving mens thoughts). It seems it is Gods voice speaking to you but letting you hear others thoughts/whats in their hearts to know how to better pray for situations. ... oughts.htm

Any help / thoughts / insight on this would be greatly appreciated ?!?
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Re: Prophetic prayer

Post by bjcollin »

Change your searches for Gift of Discernment or Gift of Discerning of Spirits. Sometimes this gifting will manifest in sight gifts where you can see angels and demons at work, and sometimes this gifting has an auditory component where you can hear or just know in prayer what is going on within another person you are either laying hands on or are praying for/with. My wife has had this happen to her on a few occasions where she knows or is shown what is going on in the spiritual realm. Hope this helps get you pressing in more to what the Lord has and to help decide on whether or not this is from the Lord or is just the enemy getting in the way.
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Re: Prophetic prayer

Post by BeerLahaiRoi »

Thank you!

I do operate in the gift of discerning of spirits. I have "seen in the spirit" before Angels or demons and even several times I see when Jesus comes in the room.

I was not aware that this gift had an auditory component, so that helps me! Thank you for this information. I will research this gift in more detail.

Grateful, :D