at the church

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at the church

Post by kingnme »

i was sitting in the choir section and i saw my hubby going back an forth doing some things in the church

my mom sitting where the mothers are sitting

somehow i fell alseep on someones shoulder

the service moderator was talking to the church

i awoke.... ....apparently while i was sleeping the preacher had already finished his sermon

the service moderator got back up and sorta expounded a little on the preachers sermon the title of the sermon "the golden cup"

but one thing was strange wen i awoke ....i was drenched a full body sweat as i looked around so was EVERYBODY else

i got up went to get my mom to take her out ...(she was full body sweat too) the whole church

by the leading of my hubby im taking her out to her senior transportation cab he is directing us there ...

we must have gon ALL over the church grounds as i was taking her to the vehicle ..

im starting to get frustrated ...cuz by this time we are trampling thru soft -semi --semi damp dirt looking for the vehicle

then mom sees these fish JUST jumping over dirt mounds back into the dirt??? ....its was really weird ...

my hubby seems to have been misleading us cuz we saw a van but it was sum kinda small business van ....haaagh~ crazy
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Re: at the church

Post by bjcollin »

I’ve been in a lot of church services in my life, but I got to admit I am not sure what a service moderator is for in a church service. Is this a person who opens the service and keeps it going on task? Like the job an associate pastor or a deacon would do in some church services? I have never heard of them expanding on the pastors sermon, but maybe just saying something like “thank you pastor for bringing the sermon today...”. Maybe this is a cultural difference in your type of church?

At any rate, when I read the sermon title the golden cup it reminded me of Genesis where Joseph is interpreting the cupbearer dream. May be no relation but it was what came to mind first.
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Re: at the church

Post by kingnme »

Hi BJ thanks so much............. love it wen you come to town.... :lol:

yes! we have a moderator ..for example in the secular realm they wud say MC

yes! they wud keep the services going such as who is coming up to the pulpit do wut and such example pray over the offering/scripture reading etc

and yes to confirm your thots ...they wud comment here or there on what was preached ...

maybe like a testimony about sed word.... or perhaps to encourage others to heed to what the word of GOD declared to us today .....

:( however wut wud be frowned upon is IF the moderator ...sorta "RE-preach" it so to speak ...............Pastor/Elders etc dont like that!

but i thot id post this dream ...sorta curious about this one it was so strange i feel alseep and awoke ...drenched in sweat

if its any relation to working for a king ...why did i fall asleep :roll:
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Re: at the church

Post by bjcollin »

Well, it is not just that you did fall asleep and wake up soaked in sweat in the dream, but ... everybody else did as well in your dream end up soaked in sweat. I am not totally sure what that would mean in a dream. Did it seem hot in the dream or was it like when a fever breaks and you wake up in sweat? To me something like that would point to some disorder in the church going on or there is a spiritual sleep that needs to be woken up from, and maybe the disorder is with this moderator or the disorder is in your life needing to get some things put back into order. Then the part about the fish in the moist soil is interesting too, almost like a cross between the fertile soil for harvesting and the fish being new people in the Lord who need to come into the church. In Genesis 40 the cupbearer was restored to his position after Joseph interpreted his dream. So maybe there is something going on in your life where an interpretation of it will help set you back into order that you need to be in and see you restored.

I know I'm not providing a full interpretation, and these are just the thoughts as I am thinking about your dream. I really do feel that there is something that still needs to be pressed into to get this dream for you. Hope this helps some. Maybe somebody else will get something on the dream.

in Christ,
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Re: at the church

Post by charlie »

Hi kingnme... A few thoughts which strike me as I read your dream. Please weigh and ditch whatever does not help.

This dream seems to speak about being v overcome and burdened and anxious. Perhaps you are facing a situation in your life where you feel like you are a 'fish out of water '... Where you don't belong or fit in and it is causing you great distress and interfering with your ability to worship and feel close to God. You have intuition about what you need to do to live forward but you keep overthinking and going around in circles.

This passage comes to mind : Colossians 3 (excerpts but perhaps read the whole chapter.)

1Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things...

11Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, or free, but Christ is all and is in all.

12Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with hearts of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive any complaint you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which is the bond of perfect unity. 15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, for to this you were called as members of one body. And be thankful.

16Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Re: at the church

Post by kingnme »


FROM BJ some disorder in the church going on or there is a spiritual sleep that needs to be woken up from, and maybe the disorder is with this moderator or the disorder is in your life needing to get some things put back into order. Then the part about the fish in the moist soil is interesting too, almost like a cross between the fertile soil for harvesting and the fish being new people in the Lord who need to come into the church. In Genesis 40 the cupbearer was restored to his position after Joseph interpreted his dream. the fish being new people in the Lord who need to come into the church. In Genesis 40 the cupbearer was restored to his position after Joseph interpreted his dream. So maybe there is something going on in your life where an interpretation of it will help set you back into order that you need to be in and see you restored.

back in 1999-2000 my hubby decided he wanted to leave to chart out other waters if you will.... he felt spiritually "unfulfilled"

...wen we left ...(i knew in my gut it was wrong) WE WENT THRU DOUBLE HOCKEY STIX

(as my mother wud put it while one day in a rant she accidentally spelled it wrong....... shrug)

it was soo unfortunate ...we left wide open>>> 5 positions that hubby and me filled in the church

our Bishop was disappointed and hurt so now we are back home but he has gone home with THE LORD.... we came back we are ...wounded and broken from all the places that did not spiritually FULFILL.....*sigh* im home now and trying to get bandaged and the church is scattered and much slimmer and fewer in number than ever before...just BARE !! its hard to look at ...its like the glory/light in her eyes has dimmed ....they need MORE help GOD has graced me to come in and help ....from where i left off from almost 2 decades ago....

THANKS BJ the interp. really made sense.....which now ADDS the finishing touched FROM Charlie's interp thanks you guys!!!

this dream seems to speak about being overcome and burdened and anxious. Perhaps you are facing a situation in your life where you feel like you are a 'fish out of water '... Where you don't belong or fit in and it is causing you great distress and interfering with your ability to worship and feel close to God. You have intuition about what you need to do to live forward but you keep overthinking and going around in circles.

after coming back to my home church ....this is what i feel as well!!! they are more traditional with a passion and since we have gone we have become a LITTLE more contemporary hence fish outta water and i love to worship THE FATHER ...but it seems they have second thots of a MAYBE ....

i dunno...frustrating......thats why this interp resonates so well
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Re: at the church

Post by bjcollin »

My wife and I went through a time of this in our own ministry as well quite a few years back. There was a time when no church was right for us to get what we needed, it was that we just needed to grow up and be the ones that started giving back and providing for others and we had to be able to provide for ourselves if that makes sense. If we are not happy or fulfilled in the Lord, we can be those ones who are spreading that unhappyness and unfilledness to others instead of being the blessing that we are called to be to others and the leaders that others need you to be. I hope this helps make some sense, glad to help some on the dream.
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Re: at the church

Post by kingnme »

HI BJ!! :s22:

yes! that makes PERFECT sense ...on yesterday sunday morning ...had a talk with my son Dillon he was Christened in this church by the time he was 5 we moved on he is 23 y.o ...he seemed a little down that morning ...i had to GET IT OUT of him (he is JUST like me!!) so it seems that he cannot find his way to liking a church ...he is NOT trying to morph into an unbeliever..its just that he has this idea of what he thot church should be WE as in the rest of us are not conforming to the transformation of what he thinks church shud be his young age he is looking for that

....okay let me go THIS way ...remember as a kid they taught you ONE type of way to do things say like when crossing the street you look both ways ...and you listened conformed and obeyed... you were taught it was for your safety ...etc etc ...then one day you noticed that others wen they crossed the street THEY WERE NOT LOOKING BOTH WAYS ....they just DARTED AND MADE IT ACROSS!!?! (somehow)

even as a kid you KNEW it was wrong......well in a nutshell that pretty much what he sees he is frustrated he wants to stay home VERSUS getting dressed to go to be taught/preached about what we shud do and NOT do ...were are NOT heeding yet quick to correct others

getting up to help and meet the need really lightens the load to carrying "self" really works ....THANKS !!
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Re: at the church

Post by bjcollin »

Nobody tries to morph into an unbeliever over night, backsliding just happens little by little. It sneaks up on us and it overtakes us before we realize it. Expectations vs reality is a hard thing to overcome, and as we all know there is no perfect church. The enemy doesn't need to do much in this area, as most often we are our own worst enemies in this area and there is gravity toward inaction by human nature it seems.

Our 20 yo Noah is the same way, he wanted certain things and was raised with certain expectations, and then when left to his own choice he gravitated toward sleeping in and not going to church. When he started college as a freshman we let it slide as he lives a 5 hour drive away from us and those first two semesters were a very hard adjustment for him. Last year, his sophomore year, we told him to just pick a church or an on campus ministry and get involved at least one day a week and go to church. So he started going to a large more modernized Baptist church near him that he found through a simple internet search of churches near me. So last year he at least had the church services that he started going to, and it wasn't like the Pentecostal spirit filled churches that he grew up with, but at least it was a start and it was his choice. This year, his junior year, he even pledged a Christian frat BYX (Beta Upsilon Chi, Brothers Under Christ). Now in order to stay in the frat he has requirements to go to church, and he has weekly memory verses, and service projects, and things like that which are great influences in his life.
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Re: at the church

Post by kingnme »

wow! wut a testimony...

so true BJ backsliding is soooo sneaky!

i went thru that VERYY thing!! a 17 y.o. kid hanging out with Dillon's father (thats wen i met my hubby)

as a youngster Roy grew up METHODIST and i PENTECOSTAL

so i decided to leave the church that i had been working in from back in '77 in the second grade ...

at 21y.o.i came back crawling to ABBA!!!! this world REALLY STINKS!!!

and because we dont know how to "turn ourselves in" HE arrested me!@! THANK YOU JESUS :s7:

i was ...miserable...broken... depressed..... just LOSST!!

well with Dillon i left off in the conversation by telling him ..."its YOU Dillon!" GOD is dealing with your heart .....

yes! he was right about wut he sees going on ....but i dont want him to develop that age old "there's nothing but hypocrites in the church" demon

no way BUDDY!! not here !!!

as a christian parent/spiritual teacher of our children... you can almost sense GOD "shaking the boat" at how HE is dealing with our (adult) kids and their ideology of things

hmm? think i know whats going on here...we just came out of a three day prayer service and for the first time he had to play the piano at this church ...

see ... wen prayers are wafting thru the air so to speak it causes one to feel the effects of "something" is making me feel very "undone" here!
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? micah 4:9