
Dreams and visions to be interpreted


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I dreamed that I was in my living room or a living room that I claimed as mine. I only remember it being mine now that the dream is over. There was a big screen TV sat down in a hole made just for it. This was a comfortable environment. In it was a friend from undergrad. I’ve been discerning her, her mom and aunt a ways off. There was some movie I was watching on the TV and I’m getting a witness in my heart/spirit about it being the X-Men, which is a superhero movie. I went into the bedroom which was hers and it was dark in both rooms kind of. In this bedroom was like a hiding place and the colors on the bed were yellow and sort of golden like. It was a small cramped bedroom but I went in there for the purpose of putting on the mask. We were getting ready for some play that we seemed to annually do. I knew I was part of a system in this. Rather I knew the part of the system I used to be a part of for the Lord has delivered me of the great sleeper. I knew I was there for a specific purpose in revelation. I went in and put on my stocking cap which covered my face. It was turquoise light blue and looked like one of the characters on the famed Fat Albert cartoon show. Those are spirits that have been manifesting. I remember putting the VHS in her machine and watching the rest of this movie in private. There was something about the ending of this movie that I was keeping a track of in my spirit and with my mind as I was getting ready for this dress rehearsal. I could where I was in the movie because I said when this friend would leave out of my living room, I would put it back on my TV/machine and finish watching it. I didn’t want to be disturbed with this apparently very serious movie. This isn’t the first time I’ve dreamed of Andrea’, her aunt and mother. As I watched where it was in the movie, I wondered how I was playing it at all. I looked on the wall and saw a sophisticated, but small, system VCR able to play the movie. It was unlike any VCR I’d known and it was intricate but kind of like the box on a satellite or some other sophisticated device. It was sort of hidden but I spied it. Once I did, I really didn’t care just long as I knew how to get my VHS out of her machine, for it was my movie that I felt she was interrupting. I then found myself in the hall of this “school or system” that I knew/discerned.

The jezebel principal was walking from lunch with the children. I’ve discerned this a ruler principality over not only black children at the school I used to work, but also some of my classmates I attended school with. A ruling spirit that keeps them to bondage. The principal came in AFTER the children as if she were controlling them, which she was. I knew the students were going to laugh and I didn’t want to do this. Two reasons why: I didn’t want to expose myself to them and I didn’t want to be mocked. The later, I didn’t understand why because I do not allow people’s opinions to sway me being a servant of God. I went on past them and some of them laughed but when they did, I discerned the affection and so as a Teacher, I allowed some of this just so the children could get some joy out of it. I know what it means to minister to children. We had to walk up these stairs to get to the room. The room was where the seamstress was going to sew on our uniforms again. I noticed that I pranced and hopped up the staircase like a horse. Again, some of this was the part I played in this “play” we were going to do and some of this was to entertain the children so they could laugh, as they were doing. They seemed to marvel at this. The principal “knew” what we were doing but it seemed to be inline with the “order” of what she wanted going on. She asked us if we were going to do something for this play. We were at work and as long as we did as she wanted us to, then she gave us the time while we were on our job. I know this true for I’ve worked with that lady and that is exactly how she is, a positional principal! We went on past her and this staircase was winding and it was long and high. What I thought to be just a few flights of stairs turned out to be many. There were rest points and platforms but for a house, this sure was a lot of stairs. We were headed to the seamstress who was going to sew on the costumes. Andrea' had on her costume just as well, partway. As we made it there, there were other staff members there too. Someone was going to go in and explain to the seamstress that we each wanted individualized alterations tailor made for us. The seamstress's response was normal and ardent: she wanted the individuals to come forth and boldly tell her so she could do this. She wasn't making a "one size fits all." She was very stern with Andrea' or whoever went in to tell her this. Now the seamstress was non other than a lady named Barbara Victorian, who I also have been discerning from a ways. So then her character/personality is like this. In the natural, this lady isn't a seamstress that I'm aware of. God's Holy Spirit has been telling me about "barbarism" lately and I've seen the manifestations here and there.

The Lord's Spirit does a play on words and the name Barbara has been one that He's been dealing with me with. We were kind of afraid and timid to go to Barbara because we were afraid of making our individual desires known to her because we didn't want to seem anal retentive. Yet, she was kind/motherly about it and welcomed the business. All of this seemed to be the natural order of things for what we were doing. We each had to take our turn. What is the interpretation of this dream?