Luna with flies

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Luna with flies

Post by HisBlood »

I had a dream last night that my sons cat Luna was stuck and I picked her up and noticed her
head looked a little squished! I picked her up and was rubbing her head to get her head back
to normal! Then I noticed little flies coming out of her bottom! I squeezed her and lots came
out, so I kept squeezing until they stopped coming out! The night before I had been praying
with my grandaughter, so that she could dream of heaven and visit, there and see Jesus! She’s
very open to the spirit realm and sees a lot of heaven!

Thanks for any thoughts
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Re: Luna with flies

Post by JayD »

The English meaning of the word luna means moon. Moon at times can represent the church, as the moon reflects the light of the sun so are we to reflect the light of the Son.

I think Luna in your dream represents the church. She is stuck, possibly because of pesky, spiritual hinderances that are affecting her thought process, and vice versa.

You see this and are doing your part to eradicate the pests from the body so that she can have a revelatory vision of Jesus and heaven ...

And shine his light in a darkened world.