In the car with my ex

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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In the car with my ex

Post by lynadvs »

In this dream my ex boyfriend along with his ex wife were seated in the back seat of car. He wanted her to get out and sit in the front passenger seat so that I could sit in the back with him. She did. As I got in the back seat of the car with him, I looked at the driver… It was him (my ex) also. So there was a version of him in the drivers seat and a version of him in the driver’s seat and a version of him sitting in the back seat on the driver’s side. As the car was in motion, I noticed that the driver was nodding off. The back seat version of him agreed. Then he was fully unconscious. I told his ex wife “you are going to have to take the wheel”. She was afraid too cause an accident. I told her that if she didn’t take the wheel we would crash. He suddenly regained consciousness…. Passed out again, but this time he died.

Second Dream

There were numbers given to me. I remember saying to myself “ I need to remember these numbers and the order they were given to me.” So I kept saying it out loud so that I would remember when I awakened. It was either 3214, 2134 or 3124. 🤦🏾‍♀️ I remembered the numbers but not the order.
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Re: In the car with my ex

Post by JayD »

Hi. Thinking no one minds me going back to their older dreams so I'll continue for now.

Don't know if I'm on target, but it appears that your ex's relationship with his ex-wife is affecting his journey, maybe like extra baggage.

Appears he wanted your relationship with him to be in that role, but he still has her, or his relationship with her. in a more forefront role. So, he has not fully eradicated himself from that relationship. He appears to be unconscious of how that is affecting his journey.

You look to her to take a more active role there, but fear of screwing things up prevents her from doing so. Him dying may speak of a part of him that has died, like dreams and aspirations.

I was in a love triangle like this once. I really thought it was over with the ex, but sensed something off. Didn't know what. Then the Lord revealed to me that there was unfinished business. Thought maybe the Lord was looking to repair that relationship, so i backed off. They eventually returned, but i was no longer interested in investing myself in a romantic relationship with them.

Not sure if on target, but thought it may help.
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Re: In the car with my ex

Post by Chrisy489 »


I concur - "a love triangle". It appears that when the dreamer and her exboyfriend first got involved, he put her ahead of his wife/exwife but as the relationship continued, he demoted her and placed his wife/exwife ahead of her. The dream indicates that he is a double minded man who will get nothing and the two who tagged along with him will be negatively impacted. Our Brother James under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit wisely stated, as it is written:

For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 6b-8
