Eagles in a stair step formation

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Eagles in a stair step formation

Post by bjcollin »

My wife Elie had an open vision a couple of mornings ago...

She was sitting on the back porch drinking coffee when she saw what she thought were 5 brown colored eagles soaring on the horizon in a formation. When they got closer to her, she saw that they were actually one eagle on top of each other like fighter jets do to hide their radar signatures (like top gun movie), and there were actually 10 total eagles (5 pairs) in the formation soaring. The formation they were in was shaped like a type of stair step formation with the first pair of eagles at the top step, and then each subsequent pair of eagles were in lower steps. They weren't flapping as normal birds do to stay in formation, but they were simply soaring as big birds do, but they were all still staying in the formation. When the eagles got closer to the house, the simply disappeared and vanished into a cloud.

We do have brown/golden eagles in our part of Texas, but is rare to see even one eagle, let alone 5 or 10, and eagles are not known to fly in formations at all let alone soar in formation.
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Re: Eagles in a stair step formation

Post by PastorJKG »

Makes me think of the eagles in the Lord of the rings films. They come when there seems to be no escape to make a way. God allowing His children to escape certain destruction and just soar away safely.
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Re: Eagles in a stair step formation

Post by bjcollin »


Thank you, I loved the LOTR movies and books. The only think I heard when she told me about the vision was the time is getting closer to step up into what God has for us. I think the pairs of eagles represented prophetic couples where both the husband and wife are gifted. Thank you again for the reply.

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Re: Eagles in a stair step formation

Post by PastorJKG »

I should have mentioned that I thought the eagles were tied to the prophetic. Tolkien was a disciple of C.S Lewis and I believe he had spiritual metaphors in his stories. Yes the steps (Stairway to heaven) could speak of spiritual ascension.