A Large Grey Plane

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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A Large Grey Plane

Post by Missyjojo88 »

Hello guys, I need help with this dream that I had about a week ago. I dreamed that I was in my house with my sister, and it was nighttime when I heard a thunderstorm. I kept waiting for lighting to strike and realize it was odd that it was taking so long for it to do so. Due to this, I concluded it wasn't a typical storm (Obviously not everyone thunderstorm comes with lightning in real life). Next thing I know, I am now looking outside and at this point it was daytime when I continued to hear thunderstorm. I had view of the side of my roof top when all the sudden a large gray plane flew over my house sideways. It was descending in a manner that I knew it was going to crash. Then I watch the large plane fly towards and descend on a small elevated imperfect oval shape piece of land surrounded by leveled ground that was a couple of hundred feet up. The plane landed on the elevated land with not much room to spare. Unfortunately, the small, elevated land could not handle the weight of the large plane and toppled over with the plane falling hundreds of feet unto the ground. I felt bad for the many people that could have been on that plane. Then smoke begin to rise so I pulled out my cell phone to try calling 911; since I wanted to check out the crash scene, I told my sister to call 911 instead and proceed to walk towards the plane crash. Oddly enough, firefighters were already at the scene and when I was approaching them; They were trying to put out the fire with their fire hosed. One of the firefighters who saw me approaching told me not to come closer because the toxic can give me cancer, so I stopped walking closer to the crash. I didn't see how bad the crash was as a result. The plane reminded me of a large gray military plane used to transport soldiers, but I didn't get the sense the people inside the plane were from the military, but rather civilians. Does anyone get anything from this?
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Re: A Large Gray Plane

Post by PastorJKG »

I don't know exactly how it will play out but I believe it will be clear to you when it comes to pass because I have had these type of prophetic dreams many times. There seems to be a coming storm, a coming landing that seems to be good but then crashes, and some level of denied access to the truth. The color grey often speaks of ambiguity or mystery, not black or white.
For your prayerful consideration.
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Re: A Large Gray Plane

Post by Missyjojo88 »

What you stated above definitely speaks to me about the landing of plane at first seems good but ended up crashing anyways. Also being denied access to the truth with the color grey speaking of ambiguity. Thank you for the insight.
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Re: A Large Grey Plane

Post by JayD »

Some thoughts that may fit.

If the grey color of plans is significant, it can speak of a ministry that is in spiritual flight, but don't really see right or wrong, or distinct differences.

I see it this way. Right and wrong are in the condition of the heart. It is as different as black and white, light or darkness, no grey area.

Everything else is a branch that is found in one or the other. It is either rooted in the tree of life, or knowledge of good and evil.

You can strip the gospel of it's beauty by denying sin, or denying condemnation. The beauty of the gospel is that because of sin we all have fallen short of the glory of God and are condemned under the law, but Christ died to pay the wages of sin and reconcile us to Father God.
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Re: A Large Grey Plane

Post by JayD »

Sorry, had an issue with my phone and sent early so I didn't have to start over. To continue,

The beauty of the gospel is not one of no sin, nor one of no condemnation, but one of reconciliation through Christ our Lord.

To deny our state apart from Christ is to rob it of its beauty and profound sacrifice for our reconciliation.

Not sure the the example fits exactly, but possibly in mechanics, for lack of better word.

Night time may speak of things not yet revealed in the light of Christ. The thunderstorm may speak of change in spiritual atmosphere. As this atmospheric change first occurs, things are still in the dark/unknown.

There is an element to this spiritual atmospheric change that is not what you expect. What is the ⚡? Judgement on the land? Spiritual awakening? Don't know. What is known is that it is missing an element generally associated with it.

The day light may speak of things now coming into the light of Christ.

The plane can speak of a ministry in flight. There are different levels in flight. It may be that there is a leaning towards an error that causes the plane to head towards a crash. An attempt may be made to land in a more balanced view, but the attempt fails because it isn't about balance either... It is possible the storm's purpose was not one of judgement on the land, but one that will help bring ministries in error to an end.


Ah, have to go again. Will return.
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Re: A Large Grey Plane

Post by JayD »

Ok, so again, the finer details may not fit, but the mechanics, so to speak.

Back to the plane ...

Therefore now, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.

The fate of the plane and its passengers may signify not being in Christ.

You are moved with compassion for those on the plane and proceed to investigate, but it appears that our good Lord already has those there that are trained in handling these situations.

The smoke may speak of toxins that can be deadly to our spiritual walk (bitterness, resentment, etc). The firefighters are equipped.

The end may speak of the ministry of spiritual warfare, but those on the plane not trained in it.

And , I've been waiting on my plane ticket. Maybe I'll take the train. 😇
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Re: A Large Grey Plane

Post by JayD »

I'm thinking this is something you witness, but may not have been more closely related to. You were also not trained or equipped to handle it.

Although, you are moved with compassion and that can be the start of being equipped, etc, to help. Your heart is engaged.

I have dreams at times where others are equipped with things i am not, and vice versa. God can still use us in the situation, where ever he engages our hearts. Maybe for you it would be about investigating what went wrong, from a distance for now.

I realize dream is old so you may be in a different position in regards to equipping and such, but this can often be how i see these things start, with an engaged heart. You witness the disasterous flight and eventual crash, and your heart is moved to investigate further

And you may not need their equipping in this case, as long as you understand that you don't have the same equipping, which you obviously do understand. Maybe they just need an investigator to help them avoid same mistake, or intercessors...you get the picture.

And it may be up to you how far you want to take your involvement as you may have other priorities. Unless God specifically calls us to it, i believe he gives us the choice. If your heart still pulls that way, may be reason to investigate how far you are to go.

Not sure if it all fits, and realize you may be well aware of the gospel message and such, but put it in as i see how it can relate to the dream, even if just as an example.
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Re: A Large Grey Plane

Post by JayD »

Sorry, meant to say that the gospel is not one of no sin, nor one of condemnation, but one of reconciliation.

Yes, we know sin is condemned and such, but the main message of the gospel is one of reconciliation to Father God through Christ, our open door.

And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. That's a whole different level.

Anyway, as I said, used the gospel as an example, and I'm aware you probably know this.
