Invasive Plants Attacking

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Invasive Plants Attacking

Post by bjcollin »

I had this dream this past weekend 11/4 or 11/5,

In this dream the earth was being visited by these "invasive plant" men that had arrived possibly from outer space, and they were walking around and multiplying quickly and attacking people and killing them. I was running around in the dream with weapons and trying to kill these invasive plants and stay alive with a group of other guys at first, then only by myself later. At one point I was shown or I simply knew that I needed to get to the top of a nearby mountain, and so I started fighting my way toward this mountain and running toward it as these invasive plants were chasing me and trying to kill me. Once I got higher up on the mountain, I got above the treeline, and I saw that these invasive plant men were unable to breath and were majorly slowing down, so I was able to easily kill them the higher I got on the mountain. I then heard a loud voice say "the only way to get rid of invasive plants is to rise up above". The dream ended and I woke up.

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Re: Invasive Plants Attacking

Post by PastorJKG »

I know you have a real good idea what this is about but one thing comes to mind. Invasive plants could be the byproduct of the enemy seed sown among the good wheat or the tares. Perhaps the mountain top is the only place where they cannot discourage and frustrate you. Tares, goats among the sheep. those who resist the wind of the Spirit and will not bend. For your prayerful consideration brother BJ.
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Re: Invasive Plants Attacking

Post by bjcollin »

Pastor JKG,

Thank you for the reply. At first I thought the enemy plants might represent a certain church situation we are in. However after praying more on this dream, I agree with you, the plants represent the enemy and his seeds that are being sown against me and against us as Christians in general. We all fight against these enemy plants daily in our lives, and it often seems that they are gaining ground against us all the time and the sin that o so easily entangles us as Paul said. However, God says that if we rise up and be the Christians that God has called us to be and we breathe the rarified air of Him in heavenly places, the enemy has no place against our lives there in that higher place and we can then easily overcome them. It is up to us to rise up and be holy as He is holy and to put on the armor and use spiritual warfare weapons and to walk in the Spirit. Thank you.

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Re: Invasive Plants Attacking

Post by PastorJKG »

In our flesh the enemy is over our heads. In the Spirit, he is under our feet.
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Re: Invasive Plants Attacking

Post by JayD »

This dream reminds me of a book i read by Rick Joyner called The Vision.

Anyway, i was just thinking today how someone in my life that used to bug me no longer does. I've been pleasantly surprised at how little effect it has on me now, that anyone does. I'm not sure what changed, but glad it did because it was a problem for me in past. I suspect that due to circumstances in life what used to bug me then seems petty in comparison now.

Wondering if the mountain represents a disregard for self in a good way. Who cares who laughs at you or doesn't get you? Life is too short and fragile to let it effect us. Just continue to do the right thing.

I used to try not to let it bug me, and would eventually find myself bugged. One day not long ago i discovered it doesn't bother me. I'm free and it feels great!
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Re: Invasive Plants Attacking

Post by bjcollin »


Thank you for the reply. I love Rick Joyner's books! It has been quite a few years since I have last read his books. I need to just go up higher in Him and not worry about anything else as He takes care of things on my behalf. I needed to focus more on Him and focus less on the things surrounding me.

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Re: Invasive Plants Attacking

Post by JayD »

Oh man. You have no idea how profound that is ... Or do you?

I'm like what else can life throw our way (as i am recovering from covid at what appears to be a horrible time to get it). Well I'm sick and tired looking at our circumstances, literally sick and tired. I'm looking up from whence cometh my help. Only way!