Two Fires

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Two Fires

Post by Leah »

I had two dreams, two days apart.

Dream 1: I was in my kitchen. There was a fire on the stovetop. The knob on the cabinet where the baking soda was, was melted off. I couldn't find the fire extinguisher. I knew my friend Jody was around, and I started yelling for her.

Dream 2: My husband and I were sleeping in the living room. I woke up and saw that the fire from the fireplace had already consumed the mantle and was now burning a hole in the wall. I shook my husband and screamed at him, but he wouldn't wake up.

IRL, my best friend Jody and my husband are the only two people I confide in. They know all about my flaws. I'm wondering why, in these dreams, they couldn't help me.
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Re: Two Fires

Post by bjcollin »


Just a thought here... is there something going on in your life that is starting to consume you or starting to get out of control, that they are oblivious to or that they can't help you with because it is only the Lord who can help you with this issue? I personally feel that once you get that issue to the Lord you will work out these dreams with Him. Hope this helps.

in Christ,
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Re: Two Fires

Post by Leah »

I think they aren't oblivious, but possibly they can't help me. I do bring everything to the Lord, but maybe I'm not trusting Him to help me. Thanks for shedding some light on this.
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Re: Two Fires

Post by Leah »


Stopped in to thank you. That interpretation was spot on. God revealed to me that the two people who were willing to listen to my problems weren't able to help me. This problem of mine needs to be pulled out at the root. God is working. :)