Husband's 3 dreams, 2 nights

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Husband's 3 dreams, 2 nights

Post by allforHim »

He is in middle of a warehouse. Ramp to the left of him. Plastic divider behind and right of him. A young woman, thin, no shape really, wearing workout sports top sn bottoms that looked designer with fliwers on it; not revealing. Her hair is dirty bonde and pulled tight back in low pony tail. She walked down the ramp in a robotic-like manner. Her eyes were slit like cat eyes. He knew right away there was something not right with her. She stepped off and turned toward him and seemingly looked through or past him but walking to him. He put his hsnds stretched out in defense and she followed him as he turned to look to leave--behind the plastic sheet/curtain. He resisted her and tried to keep her right hand/arm from grabbing him. But the arm/hand turned into an angled drill driver with a philips bit on it. No matter what movement he did to block her the arm grew linger to come at him. He saw others like her roaming this relatively empty warehouse. He didnt want to make a scene snd draw the others' attention as he was struggling. He then started the Lord's prayer snd woke up.

He dreams that I am in bed ill (at the time of dream i just had surgery and was in bed alot), and he was in a house understood as ours. He was getting ready for dinner in front of an older style coil stove; not like ours at all. He had some soup in a pot. My 2 adult daughters from first marriage are there. He asks if they'd like to stay for dinner. Older daughter does not respond. Younger accepts and offers her jar of soup which is vegan. He pours it into our pot and is surprised or amazed at how much just kept coming out of this small jar. He thought her soup would be good added to what had and it filled up the pot.

Then it went into another dream like it was second part or maybe another dream by itself.

He needed to go to the store to get some ingredients. It looked similar to California( we are midwest). He asks to borrow his friend's really nice skateboard since he doesnt have a car. This is a real nice expensive skateboard. He is in a weird stance...he remembers laying back on the skateboard with his left hand reaching back and my hand is holding onto his. I am somehow behind him. He is also effortlessly using his right foot to move us along--on a 4 lane CA hill/mountainside road. It had rained and there was water and mud everywhere but we were not getting it splashed on us at all. He was keeping up with the regular cars too. He thought he should be getting tired because this was ascending but he never lost stamina/energy. He then thought it looked like Costs Rica, more lush-like snd the weather was nicer too. Now there was a restaurant halfway up but he wasn't tired and was making great timing going up the now lush mountainside road. We get to the peak where the village is and there were 3 men waiting, 2 in front just left and right of the 3rd man who was a little taller and more stocky...not fat and not a bodybuilder; bigger man. He smiled at my husband and patted him on his back like as though "good did it,"

We are both on a 4lane highway. Me to his left. Both of us in the middle left me, and right him, lanes. He is in his semi truck. I am on a vespa-like almost dirtbike-like motorbike. I am at a steady pace as he speeds up or slows pending road conditions which affects a semi's performance to some degree. We speed up and my bike is definitely dirtbike now. I weave over to his right. I go off road to get around cars & he worries i will wreck because of the wet grass and mushy ground. I road right on through it. I headed for the exit ramp and sped up and jumped it over the overpass exit and landed back on the highway next to him. I was facing backwards with whole bike but going in same direction. He was worried. I somehow spin around into a wheely holding the handles snd was flat with my stomach and feet almost touching the road. I got it back in position well. It was more like a "crotch rocket" now. We were coming up to a major traffic jam and he thought, "we need to buy some dirtbikes now for sure so we can just go around offroading it".
Wakes up.
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Re: Husband's 3 dreams, 2 nights

Post by keilani »

Shalom allforhim, I pray this finds you well. The only thought that came to mind was that the dream was about you and your husband's life journey. The older style house with your daughters makes me think of times past. The latter parts, you both navigating life together and that first part, idk, maybe the possible future he is worried about? The robot makes me think AI and warehouse, things in store(age)? His response of praying The Lord's prayer I saw as a way to take care of the future.

There is a lot of imagery which would speak to you personally so I could be way off. Praying the Lord will give you peace and fullness of understanding as you seek Him.
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Update—Re: Husband's 3 dreams, 2 nights

Post by allforHim »

Sadly, the first and second dream has passed…my second daughter from my first marriage has followed in the footsteps of her older sister who calls herself cat, both now walking apart from the Lord and have pushed my husband (and me) very divisively out their lives. Havent spoken well over a year now. The dream really described her physique and I knew in my soul it was her and could see it in my mind as he spoke it to me. I suppose when I posted here, in a way I was looking for either a stark contrast to what I truly knew and wanted to be wrong about or smacked spiritually up the head to get with it!! Uugghhh 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

I believe the Holy Spirit gives my husband revelatory dreams to be prepared for what is to come. This “cat” I believe is an unclean spirit that has plagued my oldest daughter and now her younger sister; they live together now.(dream where we are in house cooking soup) This COULD be a great thing IF it were pire (vegan) like the overflow of a clean heart (soup). Yet in reality they were hardly able to get along in adolescent years and lived very different lives until shortly after the posting of this dream. My family have expressed concern over the “foul” way of life they are living now…very apparently having nothing to with Christ. They speak horribly of people and of family how we are all hypocrits etc. They are all in their 30s now. They are seeing a counsellor who is encouraging them to cut ties with family they feel is abusive, to say to their brother they dont want him to call them only they can call him and he must respect that…he says why, you’re my sister, what’s going on? And the response is “you dont own me. Dont ever say that to me again and dont ever call me again”(paraphrase, something to that extent). (There is an issue there that needs healing from Jesus for sure and 3 of my adult kids need to repent for this to truly take place.)This is my daughter who once went on missions trips, received dreams from the Lord and would fast and pray and eagerly seek Him out. I do not recognize who this woman is anymore.

The other dreams…I believe the Holy Spirit was beautifully saying beforehand…”good job! You did it!” HE showed us what was going to be happening to these girls of mine that I (we) have no control over and to show that it truly is NOT of this world and keep moving forward no matter what. Use what you got even if it’s odd looking, but God provided. Last dream was the heads up of what we would be going through.

I believe He showed us the end from the beginning…like showing athletic contestants the gold, silver and bronze medals first THEN hitting them with the detailed workout that will take months and months to make them the athlete even eligible to compete for that medal. 😉

What an AWESOME GOD I serve.
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Re: Husband's 3 dreams, 2 nights

Post by keilani »

Amen! He is faithful and just and will keep His Promises! Believing for your children ( and your entire family) to be made whole by God and that He would empower you to walk with HIm so that you can each fulfill His Perfect Will for your lives.
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Re: Husband's 3 dreams, 2 nights

Post by JayD »

Hi. I just wanted to share 2 things.

1. Sometimes these things happen because we are not getting from a relationship what we want or feel we need. I'm not here to point fingers because i often feel it is not so much about fault, but about growth.

When we don't get what we feel we need, even the opposite of it, that can lead to resentments and anger towards others. We can also become hard on ourselves, blaming ourselves and It can make us very sick.

It can be very hard to get better in that type of situation, and the enemy can take advantage of the situation, as, until we've grown more, our hearts tend to lean towards the darkness.

People often say it's a choice.

That may be the case at times. I'm not disregarding that, but i generally don't believe that is often the case.

As i said, I believe it is more about growth, about walking through our own journey where we are often equipped, at a deeper level, with a knowledge of our own shortcomings, and as a result, our hearts are more forgiving and compassionate towards others and their shortcomings.

We do have a choice,
in regards to continue to lean on God, or turn from him, generally due to judging him as we judge others.

Sometimes we do have to pull back, while continuing to draw close to God. Even if it seems like he is silent, he is at work, equipping us, and maybe others, with something new. In the meantime, he's given us a compass, or a light within by which we can navigate through the darkness. If a situation is making us sick within, that is a good indication that it is time to pull out.

Again, not necessarily about pointing fingers, but of understanding that most of us are in different places in our journeys and sometimes that can cause pain, especially when we are not getting from a relationship what we feel we need. Sometimes it is time to move on, at least for now, and allow him to minister to us and, if needed, connect us with others that he can use to help give us what we may need.

And i agree that the dreams are about your family's journey. Appears your husband, seeing you weren't well, did what he could to help reconcile the relationship. He seemed to be taking the lead for awhile in that department and did good at helping navigate to a better place. While carrying a good deal of the load, he has watched how you have, in your own personal journey, progressed with some concerns, and eventually decides it's time to ditch the load and get his own personal bike by which to navigate through the dirt while traveling together so you both can bypass the hinderances that others on the same journey have run into.

I'm also wondering if your older girl may feel rejected. I don't see that in the dreams, just know how these things can go at times even if it wasn't our intent.

Something you can pray about.
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Re: Husband's 3 dreams, 2 nights

Post by JayD »

And now I'm going to see about getting a dirt bike :shock: :D and maybe I'll learn some of them moves.
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Re: Husband's 3 dreams, 2 nights

Post by JayD »

Hi again. I did want to add this one other thing that may not need to be said, but in case you were concerned about the therapist suggestion to cut off from certain people.

From what you said, it is apparent that your girls are not open to what certain people have to say and feel that it is an attack. We can often close our hearts to others that we feel aren't giving us what we need, and may fee hurt by. It may be a survival instinct to protect ourselves from more hurt. Once trust is broken, it takes time to re-establish. Prayer and patience is key.

The therapist probably just recognizes this and in that case, it probably is causing them more harm than good. I would have suggested the same thing, take a break. Disconnect, because whether their complaints are valid or not, they are not open to it and it appears to be doing more harm than good. Maybe it is just because of their current condition, but as I said, you can't get better in an environment where you don't feel safe.

I, as I am sure many have, seen this next scenario many times.
Sometimes we begin to see something amiss in the church, or just Christian circles we are in. We also recognize the harm it can cause others. Maybe we personally have been harmed. We can leave, but instead of becoming a vessel for change by taking our pain and grievances to the Lord so that he can birth something through us, we can become puffed up in our knowledge and do more harm than good. The mote and beam, beam, in this instance, being the condition of our hearts.

So I'm not saying that is exactly what is happening here, but what I've witnessed many times. It sounds like you have given them a great foundation in regards to the Lord. Continue in your prayers while trusting God that He's got them. They are his and He won't let them go.

And I apologize if I went into more than needed. You probably know this already. I've just traveled down this road before, and thankfully, by God's grace, I've been able to see the trap of the enemy and, overall, avoid the pitfall. Can't say I've always been successful, but we know when we are wrong. Hatred towards others, bitterness, etc, are not fruits of God's Spirit, but fruits from the knowledge of good and evil that brings death. I recognize if I'm heading there and keep my heart before the Lord, and yes, sometimes I have to cut others off so, in my present condition, the enemy doesn't lead me further into darkness.
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Re: Husband's 3 dreams, 2 nights

Post by JayD »

I almost feel like I need to apologize again as I keep returning here. If I've shared enough, don't be afraid to say so. Sometimes I just feel like I'm overflowing with stuff and I will be honest, I don't always know if it is myself, or God. No offense if you've heard enough.

Ok, so here we go. I didn't say anything on the first portion of your dream because I didn't feel like I saw it well enough to make a beneficial contribution, and another I felt was able to see better and contribute things that I saw as somethings worthy of prayerful consideration. Then, I began working on a book I am writing again last night and your dream kept coming to mind. I am not saying I am all right in how I see the scriptures, and dreams for that matter, but I can often see dreams as it relates to what I know of scriptures. I'd like to share a bit of what kept coming to mind with your dream as I began to cover another topic in the book.

And I am aware you may know these things, but just how I may be seeing them within your dream.

I was covering the topic of fear and how it relates to the law. You can control someone's behavior with fear, but love transport us to another level and it is like the wind that propels us forward.

The robotic behavior in your dream reminds me of someone going through the motions. They may be reaching out to your husband, but they are seeing past him and their actions appear to be more of a robotic action, maybe even a programmed behavior, rather than someone that is propelled forward by love.

This someone, that does appear to be under some type of influence, does appear to be reaching out to your husband, but sensing something "off" with them, he resists and decides it is time to leave, especially as they seem intent on influencing him. Struggling, he wisely turns to prayer.

I suspect the reason why your husband did so well getting you both to a better place was due to his love for you that was able to propel the both of you forward to a better place.

I'm going to use an example that I don't see related to your dream, except in the concept of robotic and propelled by love. We go to church and it is pretty much the same in most churches. The service starts with worship and we are told to get up and worship the Lord. Some decide to sit it out, some are doing it but don't really seem into it, yet others are really into it with tears streaming down their faces or what not.

Because of what I have come to believe regarding these things, this is generally how I handle these type of things if my heart is not engaged. I generally take a step forward to see what God will do. If I was in this example, I would get up and see what the Lord may do, awaiting the pouring out of his Spirit within my heart. If nothing happens, I stop (I'm not fooling God) and pray that God will equip me with the inner knowledge of how wonderful and beautiful he is that my heart cannot help but sing his praises. Once we have that inner knowledge, or equipping, praise will come naturally to us and overflow, not something we are trying to make happen by going through the motions.

There are angels surrounding the throne of God that continuously sing his praises. God did not program them to do this. You cannot get into the presence of God and not be overflowing with worship. It cannot be contained.

And again, don't be afraid to tell me to take a break if you've had enough. In all honesty, I'm hoping you eventually will contribute on the dirt bike thing because I do feel it will be beneficial to me, but all in time.

Thank you.
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Re: Husband's 3 dreams, 2 nights

Post by JayD »

Another topic covering, another insight you can pray about. Really, not looking to promote the book, just keep seeing these things in here as I cover topics. So, take that into account, I just see how things relate in your dream, but doesn't mean it is a good fit for your dream regarding the message. I suspect either way I won't be here long as it's just taking too much of my time and I have to keep my priorities straight. I'm already spread like way too thin.

The stove. May just be a stove, but since you guys seemed to notice it with some details, there may be more to it. Here's an offering you can pray about.

If the stove needs to be replaced because it is too old, it may just speak of the need to share our passions, or fire, within the fire of God's love.

A new stove, if needed, may speak of coming together in the fire of God's love by which all our inner passions, or what not, brew together.

Can someone give me a better word for "what not"? Lol.

We have to go deeper. I may not agree with you on a certain topic, maybe who should be the next President, Trump or Biden, but I can share your pain on the current status of our economy. My wallet is in pain too, lol. Pain is pain is pain, as I like to say. We can look beyond our differences and come together in our pain, or joy, or, yep, what not, and have Him light the fire of his love by which it will brew as we seek Him on that deeper level. We can help bear each other's burdens in love.

Anyway, the invitation is given to the daughters. One accepts and it may be that it could use some meat. We just have to remember that if we don't have a good hold of God's love for us, if we don't have that inner equipping, we can choke on meat.

God can clue us in on all things if we lean on him, which I am sure you know, just my way of saying even that knowledge is a stumbling block if we are not led by his Spirit in us.

Things appeared to go well with the two of them so that seemed promising. Not that there is no love, but maybe just need to go deeper into his love when sharing.

Thanks and God bless. Also, I think I have a better understanding of your dirt bike, at least what the Lord is telling me because I do desire one. For me it speaks of being able to avoid things that will hinder us in our journey. So we may not hear a voice from heaven, but in certain instances, we do what we know to do, like, put up boundaries with others rather than jumping off a cliff because their behavior is so negatively effecting us that much. That is, until things improve (they do, we do, or probably both to a degree) until he calls us back in with the appropriate measure of his love to be able to handle it. That is how he is using your dirt bike to speak to me.
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Re: Husband's 3 dreams, 2 nights

Post by JayD »

Sorry, i came back to check on the last post and realized i posted it multiple times when i was just trying to edit to clarify what i was trying to say.

I deleted all but the last one that has the edits.