Fossilized Ram Comes Alive

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Fossilized Ram Comes Alive

Post by chrisy »

I had this dream sometime ago - I don't have the complete understanding of it. Any spiritual insights?

I am somewhere - an open area outside - alone. It is daytime. I am sitting in this area - it's a concrete/stone foundation on which I am sitting. Then I am at the 2nd or 3rd rung of the short flight of steps which go down from the surface area on which I was initially sitting. (the steps were located right of where I was originally sitting). I am facing downwards, i.e. down the steps. I look at the wall to my left (end of foundational wall at the top of the step). It’s white. I see a whole animal with huge circular horns curved inwards – standing but like a fossil trapped in the wall. I am puzzled. I don’t know this animal. I wondered if it were an animal from ancient times.

I pass my right hand from the animal's top to the bottom (touching the wall). The animal steps out of the wall and stands a little distance in front of me (away from the wall, in fact opposite side). It is white, peaceful, quiet, waiting, looking at me. The scene changes. It is now dark, nighttime. There is another animal with horns – angry – heads down – coming to attack me- charging towards me. I am not afraid. I simply touched its horn with my left hand. The horn falls off/ It backs away. Dream ends.
Two days after having this dream, I was up late and looking at PBS. Saw a documentary entitled the “Big Horn Sheep of the Rocky Mountains. The sheep in the documentary was exact;y what I saw in the wall in my dream – the animal was a sheep, a ram.

Post by kimibrew »

I'm wondering if the ancient ram isn't speaking of Jesus and the next animal is an imposter.

Gen 22:13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him was a ram, caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son.

The symbols all make me think of, white, wall, peaceful, ancient.

Interesting that you recognized 'peace' even when not knowing what you were seeing, and that you didn't fear but continued to walk in peace when the bad one came.

Sounds good to me!

Bless you!

Diamond Member
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Post by chrisy »


Thank you for your response. Yes, the symbols do speak of Jesus Christ to me; however, there is something that throws me off - the ram stepped out of the wall and stood before me - watching me - peaceful - I would even say "full of patience" in the calm way it stood - waiting on me.

Waiting on me to do what? That's the puzzle.
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Post by chrisy »

I also realize this one fact in the dream. After the ram came alive to me, it was then I could have, with a mere touch of my hand, defeat the enemy.

Post by kimibrew »


I don't know what it means but I'll tell you this feels real good to me. I can feel the presence of Jesus in your dream...that's amazing to me. And wow... the power over the enemy through the reality of Jesus...wonderful!

Bless you as you discover His hidden treasures!
Diamond Member
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Post by chrisy »

This dream returned to my mind strongly today... it just would not leave me... then I saw Charys' post concerning Rosh Hashanah and the shofar came to mind... *thinking*

I should add this... three days after having this dream, I was up late and looking at the PBS channel. I saw a documentary entitled the “Big Horn Sheep of the Rocky Mountains'. The sheep in the documentary was exactly what I saw in the wall in my dream – the animal was a sheep, a ram. It should be noted that the first animal was white - big - strong. The second one that charged at me was smaller and black (possibly a goat? IDK)...

Any insights, anyone?
