Funeral home

Archives for 2008
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Funeral home

Post by forhim »

I was walking into a funeral home which was all black on the outside, like it was covered in soot. As I walked by the wall on the outside I tolok my arm and made up/down motions. When I looked back where I had touched, that area was sparkling. On the inside of the funeral home were two classmates of mine (MANY years ago). They are twins and were sitting in chairs along one wall. IRL I had once dated one of them. They were also covered with black as if they had been working in coal mines. I went to John who I had dated and put his arm around me but it was limp. A woman walked by and he watched her. Then in the next scene it was only John and he was clean.

Any insight?
Silver Member
Posts: 97
Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:15 pm

Post by forhim »

My interpretation to this dream is this. I ran into John seven years ago. During our conversation he said "I hope I am good enough to get into heaven". I was shocked since John has been in church his whole life but he does not know the truth. Therefore, he is "dead in his trespasses and sins" (hence, the funeral home). In my own strength, I tried to reveal the truth to John. (that is where I am trying to clean the funeral home myself and also where I am trying to get him to notice me) The woman walked by (the world and carnality) and his attention went to her. However, in the next scene John was clean. I believe this is God's promise to me that HE is going to reveal the TRUTH to John and that he will be cleaned by God, HIS GRACE.