Am I reading too much into dreams?

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Am I reading too much into dreams?

Post by dance-in-the-son »

My husband says that I am putting too much emphasis on dreams and my subconscience is just telling me things. My dreams seem to be pretty wierd and if someone were to look at most of them with a logical mind they would be pretty ordinary. I do beleive that alot of my dreams come from God, however, could I be reading too much into them? At times I have a feeling the Lord is trying to tell me something so I will wait for the Lord for confirmation instead of listening to my husband who thinks I am too focused on dreams by writing them down or talking about them. I knew that this would be the best place to discuss this. Many people do not understand dreams or feel they are to dig deeper into them. Prophecies were told that my dreams and visions would increase and they have so I will continue to write them down. I do want to be more discerning as to where the dreams came from as I can tell with some of them. I do not share or talk about them to others except a friend at times or my husband sometimes but maybe I need to keep them to myself unless the Lord tells me otherwise. Please keep me in your prayers for insights and wisdom from the Lord of what to do with them. Thank you.
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

I believe that anything the Lord speaks of in the Word is still relevant. He used dreams and visions to speak to many great people in the bible and so I believe that He will still use them. In the book of Joel it clearly tells us that dreams and visions will increase in the last again that is another reason to believe that we will hear the Lord through them.

As long as dreams and visions don't take the place of our relationship with HIM and our time in the word or prayer or communing with Him then I don't believe we are over doing it with them. I also believe that we shouldn't just "go on" dreams. But that we should make sure it comes into alignment with the written word and with other confirming words from the Lord. Which I am sure you are balanced in.

The bible tells us to write down the visions and make them plain that he who reads them can run with them. I believe this is not only for our destiny or words of prophecy but also for dreams and visions. How ever the Lord wants to speak to us is to be treasured in my opinion. Alot of people will not understand. God speaks to us all differently.

In a dream, in a vision of the night...Job 33:15-18

I hope this helps.
Also, I believe that as time goes by and you become familiar with dreaming and visions that you just have a knowing inside if they are from Himself. I am still learning as we all are.
Love you!
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Post by discerning »

dance, I have learned over time to be careful with whom I share my dreams. And by 'dreams' I mean both literal dreams and those desires which Papa has placed in my heart. Himself knows in advance when all I will receive is negative feedback (translated 'persecution) when I have a check in my spirit I keep my dreams to myself.

When I first came here, I was under much persecution in my own home. I felt caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Yet...that didn't sit well in my spirit. I told Papa I felt as if he had my left arm & hubby had my right and they were pulling my in different directions. I felt I should be able to submit to them both in a way that was pleasing to Him. I was obviously missing something..

Ultimately, I was led to bind a spirit of confusion and Papa encouraged me greatly during this time. He gave me scriptures to stand on and stand I did. The persecution continued but I learned to count it all joy...most times...

There came a time though, when I had had enough. I just felt I had reached the limit of what I could endure. :oops:

In my desperation, I asked Papa to speak directly to my hubby and my dd. And lo and behold, within seven days they both had dreams. Who do you think they came to for help with the interpretation? Ironic...what began with irony revealed Truth!

I still see the ole eye roll :roll: now and again...but more often than not, I am allowed to see Holy Spirit at work. I have learned when to press on and when to keep silent. Sometimes Holy Spirit seals my lips...sometimes I am encouraged to simply plant a seed and walk away.

I've learned much during this process...not the least of which is to be careful not to step on Holy Spirit's toes. *ouch* Am I reading too much into my dreams? I don't think so. I know my Papa's voice and you do too.

Keep your eye on the plow, sis, and don't look back. When it seems you are being pulled in different directions, just hold your dreams close to your heart and set an example. His Word does not return void.



I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
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Post by keilani »

In agreement with the sisters above dance!

I'm finding personally that we do have to be protective of the pearls the Lord gives us because not everyone has the understanding or the ability to understand it's value. God speaks in so many ways throughout His word that we should all endeavor to know His voice so that we can discern the different ways in which He speaks! I think it is part of the greater revelation we have of Him as we go deeper in our walk.

Be blessed greatly in your seeking!
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