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Dream regarding building a new house

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:14 pm
by marie6108
a Dear Sister in Christ telephoned me today to share that she had a dream about me. She said she dreamed that I was very excited because the Lord had blessed me with a new house. She said it was a very large and beautiful home and I was exstatic at the fact that it was being built from the ground up and that we (my family and I) would be the first ones to live in the house because it was being built from the ground up. She said the construction on the home was nearly complete and I had taken her there to see. When we got to a spot a jeep driven by a construction worker picked me up, because it was only a 2 seat vehicle and had supplies in it and then they came to pick her up. There were construction workers working on the house when we arrived. What should I take this to mean?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:15 am
by constantdreamer
Hi Marie6108...

There is always a possibility that this is a literal dream, is this kind of home a "desire of your heart"?

HOWEVER, this also could indicate that the Lord is going to bless with you with newness of purpose and perhaps a new spiritual avenue that will be very exciting for you in its originality.

The two seat vehicle... perhaps your friend will be involved in this new thing too, but you will become involved first.

The construction worker - seems that this may be the Lord Himself... Hw will have the supplies needed for the construction.

If this does not jive with your spirit, please disregard.


Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:55 am
by GaAngel
Dreams are always personal, so the dream relates to your friend. Though you are a character, you represent some symbol to your friend. The Holy Spirit delivers through dreams what an individual needs to know. Since you're a spirit-filled person (as evidence by being a part of this Web site), the Holy Spirit would directly communicate with you anything he wants to reveal; the Holy Spirit wouldn't communicate a message through your friend.

This reminds me of the story of Saul when he didn't follow Samuel's orders to destroy everything the Lord had instructed him to. As a result, he watched his neighbors (i.e., David later) get blessed. Saul was disobedient and lost future blessings as a result.

Perhaps your friend should examine her life and make sure that she follows the Lord's instructions. She's watching others get blessed, but she's not getting blessed like she wants. Perhaps this is a warning for her to be obedient or she'll begin to watch things she desires for herself leak to friends and neighbors-- just like with Saul and David.

Building a new house means renewing of that person's life and soul. So again, your friend is looking at good things happen to her neighbors or others, but not for herself. She might "visit" or observe the blessings of others, but not partake for herself.

Now, if this were your dream, I'd say that you have soooo much to look forward to in every area of your life.