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A Baby and the Bride at the Altar

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:32 pm
by daraharden
Could use some insight with this one...

I've had a recurring vision over the past couple of years. I'm standing on the pulpit at a church holding a baby. And I'm wearing a long flowing yellow dress.

Over time, as the vision recurs, the newborn baby gets bigger-toddler size, but I 'm still in the same yellow dress. Two days ago, I had a vision that I'm in a wedding dress instead. Hmmm...shouldn't the baby come BEFORE the wedding? :o)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:25 am
by constantdreamer
Hi Daraharden,

What a beautiful vision! I believe it changes as you grow spiritually...

The yellow dress... you adorned with a renewed mind, hope, courage... the newborn baby, your *ministry growing and maturing...

Jesus wants a bride without spot nor wrinkle, you are growing into the beautiful bride Christ is waiting for...

>>>Maybe your next visions in this progression will produce your bridegroom (Jesus) coming to the alter...

*a ministry does not have to be a literal ministry in a church... it can be just your countenance, your character, and the way your life projects and becomes an example to other people...

I hope this helps a bit...


Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:52 am
by will
Are you a leader in a fellowship? Yellow is the jealousy of God, and white is the restoring of a bridal relationship with the lord, the baby is the church.

That is what strikes me.

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:06 am
by spoken4
The yellow here made me think of Gold....(yellow gold).
Perhaps, God was revealing to you that you were in the process of being refined and clothed in something precious and valuable. Perhaps, He was revealing to you that he was raising you up and trusting you with a gift. (baby) It makes me think of not despising the day of small things. It seems you have seen the progresion of him raising you up (platform) and trusting you with a gift that was small at the beginning...but as you have went through the refining have come out pure (He is looking for a bride without spot or blemish).
During this process and time of being refined..this gift that God has birthed in you has grown. A toddler speaks to me of something that God has birthed that has begun to flourish and mature and is no longer the infant, that in the beginning could only handle milk but is now partaking of solid food. In other words, the mature things of God. :lol:

Trash all that does not apply or bear witness. As with all symbols...there is never an absolute or pat meaning that applys 100% of the time...but this was an awesome vision/ visions, none the less!! God bless you!!