Walking on a bridge over a dirty river

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Walking on a bridge over a dirty river

Post by ditte3 »

Hi dear brothers and sisters
Peace be with you.
I had a dream last night.(among others)
It was dark,but not totally.I saw some light at the bottom of the sky,like it was early dawn,but it was dark.
I walked over a river on a bridge.I looked at the river on my left side as I crossed over it. It was brown and dirty.It looked like drainage in a defecator.I passed to the other bank.

Scene changes.I don't remember everything.I was in a house.It's not dark but day already.I see one of my old collagues,a woman.Se is with me in a room.She cooks some meaty cabbage food in an oval glass dish.It's simply on the table,no cooker under it.It's some sort of self cooker dish.

I don't remember more.

I have to add that in real life we are facing financial and other problems.We are looking for jobs,we have debs etc.I stand on faith,and trust the lord,but my Husband and family are quite desperate.
I added this because I think it influences my dream.

If you have any insights,please tell me.
Thank you.
God bless you all. :)
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Post by GaAngel »


If you wouldn't have mentioned the financial issues, that's what I would have mentioned. In the past, when I (or others I know) have had dreams about muddy waters, it meant financial issues and uncertain times. You can't see through muddy waters -- hence uncertainty.

If the bridge was is good shape, then you will get to the "other side" of the issues. Also, how you felt when you crossed the bridge is also an indication. Were you scared, happy, etc. I'd say be mindful of your financial and be super thrifty. The good news that you will "cross over to the other side." It seems to be dawn in your dream -- and you know "it's always darkest before dawn." So, I'd say you're close to having things change. Things might look uncertain, but you will get through.

Cabbage or other green, leafy vegetables can sometimes represent money. So, you will be able to sustain, perhaps with the help of someone else. You might not know how the person or circumstances come about (the self cooker) and you're baffled by coming events, but you're sustained.

Be prayerful and hang on to your faith.

May you and your family be blessed. May you find work or start a business that is pleasing to you in every way -- you like the location, you like the company, you like all your co-workers, you're pleased with the pay and benefits. May this and more come to you quickly in miraculous ways --- in Jesus' mighty name -- so be it. Amen.
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Post by Poetic Seer »

Grace & Peace:

Words of Encouragement/Testimony:

Since Feb 2007, I've been unemployed. The Spirit of the Lord told me to "REST". I questioned, what in the world does this mean? A pastor I've never met before came to the place where I was volunteering my services at the Family Life Center said to me: "Rest from my labor". I was shock & disbelief. This means to labor in His Word. I started searching scriptures, Hebrew/Greek context/praying/fasting-surely the Lord is not telling me not to "work"-scriptures float through my head (idol mind, devil workshop; don't work, don't eat become poor etc). Word was confirmed again by a prophet & God began sending people to me blessing me with things I needed. Yet, I was not 100% convinced, I was searching for jobs/sending resumes/applications etc. No door of employment opened (I got experience, degree,I'm ace on my game/top notch in what I do-I even know the mayor & his wife personally & city council/school board members). Still NO JOB. My lights were cut off (too numerous to count) & finally I was evicted & had to relocate to where I am today with my two young children. BUT THERE STILL LIES GOD'S BOUNTIFUL BLESSINGS. God had to strip away my need to have control & security of depending upon my talents/skills whereas I had to depend on Him totally; God had to remove all fear from me by not having things under my control whereas I became desensitized to my desperate situation (can't pay lights/no car insurance etc) that would leave me in a panic but now a peace of resolve to say: the Lord will provide if not this way then another way because He loves me, I am His child and He takes care of me. Next, I had to learn to walk by faith not knowing where I was going but I was just going because I trust God to make my way straight.

Now, Today-May 1, 2010, three years & 2 1/2 months later: I am walking in faith without fear & with a peace that surpasses all understanding not having to have to know where my next step will go but knowing that my next step will always land on a solid ground/the Sure Foundation of Christ as I'm led by His Holy Spirit.
I'm still unemployed, I have no savings in the bank, I'm not shacking w/any Mack Daddy, neither am I prostituting my gifts. I am standing strong on the promises of God. This is where God has me at this moment in time; Yet, there are greater things that He has for me, but first I had to go through this training to allow my flesh to die to some things so that my gifts manifest w/a greater anointing.

God deals with everybody differently. Be encouraged. Hold on and walk in peace. Stay in prayer and saturate yourself in His Word keeping your eyes on Christ.

God Bless.
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Post by ditte3 »

Dear GoAngel and Poetic Seer
Thank you for your help and encouraging and prayers.
It really means a lot to me and helps me.

Poetic Seer
Thank you so much for giving an example from your life.It shows me not to worry,because God takes care of us.

God bless you both and your loved ones.
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Post by ditte3 »

I read this old post of mine.
I forgot to tellthat the name of my collague in my dream was Elizabeth.It was not mentioned.
Yet,because Elizabeth means God's promises.I think it's amazing.
I have to stand on God's promises.He takes care of us.
I face it every day.We have difficulties,but the Lord helps us.:)
I have a small job,since the end of July.
Besides the salary,there is free food too.Maybe that's what rthe self cooking dish means.Of course it also means God's providence.

Glory to God.

God bless you all.
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Post by charlie »

Wow...thanks for being faithful to share the provision and to link it to your dream is so helpful for all of us to see how these dreams sometimes work through IRL.

May God continue to strengthen you as you determine to walk by faith and not by sight.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by eyes.enlightened »


I recently had a vision of "water under a bridge". I want to encourage you as well, concerning your financial matters. I have been without a job since March 14, 1994, almost seventeen years. I am a single woman and I have never had to ask anyone for help. May GOD be the glory! The LORD has supplied all my needs, many times supernaturally. I often stand amazed--in awe!. This scripture has become my life source through these years;

Psalm 37:25 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread

GOD has been true to HIS word. All I know is that I have to stay very close to HIM, to hear HIS voice; as HE meets my needs, day by day. I would have never chosen this way, but I also have to admit, I would have never experience the GOD of Elijah in this manner either. This experience is teaching me that the GOD of Elijah still lives. I think right now in this world a lot of people need to know that he can supply supernatural when the natural sources fail.

1 Kings 17:1 Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, "As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word." 2 Then the word of the LORD came to Elijah: 3 "Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. 4 You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there." 5 So he did what the LORD had told him. He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there. 6 The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.

The LORD will supply and like your dream says, one day your financial situation will become "water under the bridge". "If something belongs to the past and isn't important or troubling any more, it is water under the bridge". GOD bless you!

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Post by ditte3 »

Thank you forthe confirmation,the verses and your encouragement.
Glory to God.Hallelujah!

It's so true!Alll our troubles are water under the bridge.Our God is an awesome God!
May God bless you. :)