Alliance between horse and cow

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Alliance between horse and cow

Post by prayingwoman »

I had a funny dream – don’t know if there is a spiritual meaning behind – hope someone can help me.


I saw a cowshed with a cow inside (standing on the right side). There was also a horse inside (standing on the left side) that has come inside to take shelter there.

I saw this scene from the following perspective: I could only see the legs of the horse with its hoofs. The horse’s back hoof on the right side looked muddy as if the horse has stepped just into a puddle.

Then I heard a voice saying: “The horse has to form an alliance with the cow in order to be allowed by the cow to leave the cowshed.”

(end of dream)
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could be political
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Post by spiritledd »

God is speaking to me though your dream! I had a dream about cows and horses too :shock: I know what this means! But i am not allowed to share it because it's someones personal buisness. But i can tell you it is a huge confimation...WHOA!!!! Thanks :)
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Post by RevK »

I saw a cowshed with a cow inside (standing on the right side). There was also a horse inside (standing on the left side) that has come inside to take shelter there.
The right represents power (ie-the right hand of God)...I believe this speaks of unity in the body!
I saw this scene from the following perspective: I could only see the legs of the horse with its hoofs. The horse’s back hoof on the right side looked muddy as if the horse has stepped just into a puddle.
Sounds to me like this has been a horse that has been busy in the "Field", the ministry.
Then I heard a voice saying: “The horse has to form an alliance (agree)with the cow in order to be allowed by the cow to leave the cowshed.”
Ro 10:14How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? I believe the horse represents the preacher, the cow, people. Mt 18:19Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. I know this sounds strange, but to me, what you have written suggests spiritual order in the church. The pastor and it's ministers must walk in agreement and authority before they are allowed to leave the (cowshed)-church, and minister. They must agree to walk together in the spirit and not in division.

So as you see in this scripture it speaks of footmen (the congregation in general) and the horses (people in ministry, and busy doing what God has called them to do). Jer 12:5If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?

Ezekiel 34:17And as for you, O my flock, thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I judge between cattle and cattle, between the rams and the he goats. 31And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord GOD. This passage of scripture shows that God is the only True Judge and that He indeed does, He has no need of judging cattle as animals persae, but it making the point here that He indeed does judge.

Although this may not be what you are looking for, I think this may give you a general idea. Hopefully :D I don't think this is a funny dream at all. Some of my most funny, outlandish, and odd dreams, seem to be the most prophetic. Just seems to me you may have other dreams somewhat like this and didn't quite know what they meant. Not sure. But it would be wise to begin to write what you have seen and heard down. I sense the touch of prophetic here.
And would like to see you seek the Lord about this, to see what He is saying exactly to you about the dreams you do have. This is exciting for me to see this. And I pray the Lord continue to use you in the days and years ahead. Blessings!!
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Post by bjcollin »

What ever came of this dream, the dreamer never replied back? I was watching a dream intrepretation video series yesterday and they talked about a dream which had horses and cows in the same dream... What was said for that particular dream was that horses represented power and cows represented burdens or hard work and that in that dream the person had a choice to make about whether to choose one path which was power or the other path which was more labor intensive. In the case of this dream it seems that the dream is showing two people groups or two individual people, ones who walk in power and ones who like to work and they are somewhat at odds with each other sometimes, but since the horse has gotten into some muck they now need to rely on the cow to help them. Unless the two groups unite and work together the horse cannot be sent back out as both are needed. I thought this was a very interesting dream.

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Post by prayingwoman »

Thank you all sooo much for responding to my dream. Sorry, that I couldn’t find the time to reply earlier.

First I thought that the dream was just a “pizza”-dream with no meaning behind it. But it was so strange and different from the dreams I usually have that I thought I should post it here, just in case…

It’s not usually for me to have such short dreams (most of my dreams are quite long) and normally I’m not a spectator but I play a role in the dream.

Because of this I’m still not sure if the dream is giving insight into a personal situation of two individuals (especially into my situation) or if the horse and the cow are representing two different groups. By the way - the “cow” in the dream was more a (milk) cow than an ox.

I told my husband the dream and He immediately identified himself with the horse and me with the cow. I’m not sure if he is right but IF the dream has to do with our marriage I would really like to know the meaning because we are in a really difficult situation… (And yes, regarding to our personal situation, you could say in the figurative sense, that the “horse” has gotten into some muck...)

Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139,23-24)
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Post by bjcollin »

prayingwoman wrote:. . . the “cow” in the dream was more a (milk) cow than an ox. I told my husband the dream and He immediately identified himself with the horse and me with the cow. I’m not sure if he is right but IF the dream has to do with our marriage I would really like to know the meaning because we are in a really difficult situation… (And yes, regarding to our personal situation, you could say in the figurative sense, that the “horse” has gotten into some muck...)
IMHO it sounds like your husband could have the right association for the dream. The cowshed is a place of protection and comfort and home for the cow. If the husband has stepped in the muck, then marriage wise it is real hard for the wife to be able to trust him again. Depending on the severity of the offense, most women will either cast the husband out completely or they will pull in him in real close and try to control his every move as they do not trust him again. The alliance that needs to be formed is an issue of trust and of friendship and relationship it seems. Marriage is a convenant relationship between a man and a woman. A covenant is a contract that has terms and conditions, my wife an I set our terms and conditions with each other many years ago before we even got married. The other part of marriage is relationship, I make my wife my best friend and confidant the closer we are there is no chance of ever stepping in the muck. I hope this helps.

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Post by prayingwoman »

Thank you Brian, yes, your thoughts were indeed helpful and finally helped me to get the meaning of the dream.

After praying again I got a new understanding of the dream:

My husband saw himself as the horse and me as the cow, but for me it seems to make more sense if it is the other way round. In the natural - if you see a horse and a cow and you are asked to choose the male part and the female part - probably you would say that the cow represents the female and the horse the male. But in the spirit there is no male or female.

Because of the (manipulating, controlling and sinful) behavior of my husband I feel about our marriage as if I am in a prison. Through marriage I came into the “cowshed” to take shelter there, to get protection and provision (to be” fed by the milk cow”) but now I feel as if I’m a captive in the cowshed and the cow does not allow me to leave the cowshed (I feel like I am bound, not able to act freely and to do what the Lord has called me to do, not able to move freely in the power of the spirit and to live in the way the Lord created me).

Because of the bad behavior of the cow the horse became dirty. I remember that I thought in the dream that the muddy hoof has something to do with the cow and that it possibly came from stepping into a cowpat.

I asked the Lord very intensive to give me advice in this situation and the voice I’ve heard in the dream could be the voice of the Lord, telling me what to do – to “form an alliance” with the cow to be allowed to leave the cowshed – whatever that means.

So it’s up to me to do something… need to pray more about this.

Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139,23-24)
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Post by keilani »

Aloha sister!

I'm actually taking a different picture of your dream so may He give you truth and wisdom. I thought of you as the cow (initially because I think of nurturing, cows with their calves and feeding them). The horse, I think after having read through these replies is the Lord and His strength, His might. In order for the horse to form an alliance with the cow, the cow must begin to think like the horse. In order to align with God (be one with Him), we must walk in love and obey (Jn 14:23-24) The fact that the horse is making the alliance--to me points out to Abba's great love and grace for us in that He is wooing you to that alliance! We just have to realize His grace, love and ability to do what seems impossible is there and then take it by faith!

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, my ways. Is 55:8

In that scripture, I never really put the connection together until one day as I was meditating on it and understood it this way.

Because my thoughts are not your thoughts, you cannot walk in my ways. I realized then that the source of every problem was NOT the outward circumstances that i thought held me captive (here was thinking of my husband since we were going through some trials at the time) and I realized that as long as I saw myself as victimless and powerless, my situation would not change.

I refused to live like that, began to fill myself with His reality (word) and stopped looking at the natural things and people I thought limited me. It really wasn't them, it was me but I had believed that for so long it took time to change it.

You sound like a Joseph in prison. What Joseph at that time maybe thought would destroy him was really meant to humble him, reveal to him that God really was in control not he or anyone else and that if he would get quiet enough and seek Him, then God could mold Joseph into the man of CHARACTER God needed him to be so that He could entrust Joseph with the weighty call.

God strengthen really are a King in His eyes. Trust Him enough to allow Him to change you into His perfect (mature) image. Much peace!
***More To Come***

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