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I have a beard

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:36 pm
by thesharpeningstone
In the dream I was visiting my mom. I looked around but did not see her. I went in the washroom and washed my face. I was surprised to see I had a full perfectly trimmed black beard.

I went to church. I thought it was odd that I did not bring mom, and figured she must be coming a little later. I looked in the sanctuary and saw my mom, sister, and aunt siting in a sit. I went in and sat next to her. She looked as young as a teenager. My aunt and sister also looked very young.

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:15 pm
by MJ
I keep coming back to your dream and rereading it. Today I feel I have something to share with you.

You wash your face---the word of God washes us---the progressive work of the Holy Spirit, sanctification. You become aware of spiritual truth, sanctified in truth, set apart. John 17:19 We mature in Christ and began to glorify Him more and more. You are growing in your faith, hence, the beard, showing maturation and growth in the Spirit. You are surprised in your dream about the "perfectly trimmed black beard." Seems you are growing quickly right now.

You see others who are older than you now as young. This could be a recognition you now have of others, you see them as the Lord sees them...may also show that they are beautiful and timeless in the Lord's Eyes.

When you go to the church alone, and without others, I felt that part is revealing that you are now stepping out and becoming more responsive to the Lord's direction and leading; not depending as much on others as you have done in the past.

How does that sound to you? Please continue to pray about this dream. I hope this has been of some help to you.



Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 1:03 am
by thesharpeningstone
thanks MJ

I agree it has to do with growth and even new understanding.

Usually when I see my mom in a dream she represents the Holy Spirit. I think this dream may mean that the holy spirit is going to reveal himself in a new and fresh way.

Just a side note. The women in the dream were wearing Red dresses with gold trim.

it is also interesting that i did not find mom until entering the place of worship.