voice at 3:30 am

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Post by shine »

Soul ties - simply put, are areas in which Satan has leagal ground (or open doors) to tempt us by. He may level a large battle in any of those areas, or may be small. And yes, we can cling to the Holy Spirits leading and avoid all sin because he is our constant help.
However, the breaking of soul ties and the generational curses (even from those connected to our spouses) is very cleansing and helpful to just clear away the snares & weeds - to see more clearly.

I don't think we have to break sould ties with our children as biblically speaking, generational curses are passed down from our mothers & fathers. (Oh, yeah, Karen, each country has different areas of open doors attached - definitly pray for the Lords leading & break those!).
I believe, as far as where our children are involved, if they get invovled in witchcraft (in any form) or any other wickedness etc. . .esp in or around your home, then much intercessory prayer would be needed, but not a soul-tie issue.

just my thoughts - (If you want to consider my experience) my husband & I went through extensive "Restoring the Foundations" ministry for 3 years. . .think from '01 - '04. . . Significant, Palpable cleansing!
But yet a few years later, we still ended up separating for 1 1/2 yrs, for a stronger time of cleansing. Back at home a couple of years now, and we are growing stronger together @ God's pace.
Praises & Glory be to God!!!
Last edited by shine on Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jesus is the Saviour

Post by anyamanee »

God would not use anothers thoughts and emotions to be what comes to us to give us direction....that is reserved for His spirit alone to do.

Hmmm did i ever say even once that I was planning to use this to give me direction?

Why would I do that with a word that said, "I'm not ready" when indeed today is the day of salvation?

I don't know if I said this, but I actually thought the voice was demonic inspired; even though i rebuked it (and it didn't leave) and never felt the tell tale fear...but then, i have heard of 'familiar spirits'...

Oh this is getting all too over the top for me! Way too animistic. My husband has said that there is an animistic Christianity -- and has rebuked me for leaning that way...i do have a submission problem still..


Post by anyamanee »

spoken4, thank you for this prayer; I plan to keep it and practice it daily in this dangerous land...esp as we plan to step up the evangelism now and I am asking God to plant a fellowship in Sathorn 13 -- i will be increasingly under attack. It will be done in a spirit of repentance...thanks again!


Father God, I repent, renounce and fall out of agreement with every soul tie I have created or I have allowed to be created with me. I break every soul-tie on both ends, and every spirit that has come through these soul ties, I break their power and cancel their assignment in my life. (If you know what the spirits are - ex. anger, fear, stress, hatred, etc. - name them) In the name of Jesus, I now command every spirit named and unnamed, who works with or is associated with or is affiliated with the spirits named, your power is broken, your assignment is cancelled and I command you to go to the pit now, in the name of Jesus. And Holy Spirit, I ask that you rise up and fill the spot now vacated. Holy Spirit, I ask you to heal every cell and tissue in my body where these soul-ties were attached and where these spirits were attached. I ask for healing, peace and joy to fill me. In the name of Jesus, amen.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Karen i know some what of what im talking about here.Even if i dont in Thailand or Korea or Japan ...

My opinion is that not enough attention is given to what havoc demons can do. I can see what they can do especially when they think they ate undetected and camouflaged . I dont underestimate them anymore... I cant as in my life there is to much at stake..

I love America and do see it in many ways in a post christian era . Its the Christiana community in the millions that is still keeping it salted and lighted and may be why we haven't feel headlong into judgment as other nations in the past have.
I think revival is coming and God is not 'done " with us,,but we have taken many steps back into darkness and its goign to take work to get out of it. I live here... all the time and see t feel it and knwo it and i am as pro american as one can get. I adore my country and weep inside for the backslid den state we are in.

We can round and round on this subject ,,unless my [posts or name is brought up again,, im done. I have given about all i can. I wish not to merry go round on this.Ill leave the last word to others... Blessings and peace to all

Post by anyamanee »

You are correct, Jewels.

After writing a nagging voice said, "yeah BUT America is a refuge for YOU. Remember those who work there are at war in the spirit; you are there and not at war but resting".

That said, when i am there I do get a lot of attacks esp when we are support raising. It is not uncommon for me to wake up choking! But never in Thailand...why????

Some ways the enemy is even more at work; through a sleepy complacency...frankly, in some ways harder than in Thailand! (i don't know anything about Korea; and Japan i know just a bit, is something else)...
At least here, it's obvious, like demons that run through the court yard at night or even yes, the voice i heard...which seems to be fading quickly from memory now (but not the other strange manifestations, like the fat demon that filled the airspace of the room that had small beady red eyes, evil but very sad looking, the night I was attacked by the Erawan Shrine spirit...( this being one of my lessons of why I cannot combat demons ) before I went to the hospital that night...(yes it really got me).

(what happened is that i was on a motorcycle at the Ratchaprasong Intersection going to meet my husband for lunch; and I saw the smoke rising from the shrine sacrifices...and 'talked' to the spirit in my mind,

"you will soon perish in eternal fires! You days are numbered! The Lord Reigns!"

I had been drawn to speak to it...it draws you in (when in weakness and I was at a weak spot) to bow down to it. Motorcycle taxi drivers will take hands off the handlebars to 'wai' it...palms pressed together overhead).

IMMEDIATELY after talking to it, i was doubled over in pain, suddenly a wave of pain through my stomach...

This subsided a few minutes later; and I enjoyed lunch w/my husband. However, a few hours later, the pain started again, first slowly but building, like labor, every 5 minutes cramping, then about 9 PM diarrhea, then, 11 PM vomiting; then by 2 am both at the same time...about 3 am or so i saw the demon...went to the hospital sometime after daybreak...was checked in b/c of low blood pressure..but recovered a day later with antibiotics. The diagnosis...acute bacterial gastroenteritis.

I learned my lesson...(this wasn't the first painful attack in the stomach from talking to spirits that inhabit idols)..
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Post by spoken4 »

This will be my last post on this thread as I feel this is becoming a little much.

I have to say that I am confused because your PM, I thought was referring to the "soul tie" prayer as a "silly misguided prayer". Yet, your post here says quite the opposite. I could be misunderstanding and you were reffering instead to the prayer that I prayed for you in my last post??
Also, I am not sure why you would thank me for a prayer and use it when you also in your PM, mentioned you were told by God to "not concern yourself" and were clearly believing that there is no biblical basis for soul ties anyway. I will say this Karen, You must always heed the word of the Lord before any word of man so if God spoke that to you and as you said "ALL is well with your soul" then I would not continue to reach out in this post and keep this going but rest in the direction you feel you have obtained.

I am NO expert on soul ties!! I can only give personal testimonies from my own life. I do not focus on them but Thank God for being made aware of this device of the enemy. As for soul ties not having a biblical basis....that is why I recommended the book. She gives an in depth teaching concerning them from the WORD of GOD! IT is WISDOM to never accept anything that does not have biblical basis!! We also cannot say that something is not until we have studied to show ourselves approved concerning that which we speak. She really goes into the hebrew meaning of many words etc. I lent this book out to someone or I would post all the scriptures here. If you want the information its in the book. I will not debate their existence but leave that up to God to reveal to you knowing that by His spirit He leads us into all truth when we earnestly seek him for it.
You have mentioned quite a few times that all this talk is getting demon focused etc. I am with JEWELS on this one. I do not seek out the demonic...nor do I seek them out or speak to them...
(I prefer to say "The Lord rebuke you and leave the battle to God..lololol) But I do believe that when we are ignorant of the enemies devices we will not have the victory that God intended. I have seen the ones that are so out of balance in that area, as well so I can truly appreciate your not wanting to be a part of that extreme either.....

Either way, If I offended you in any way that was not my intention and for that I am very sorry. I was not in any way meaning that you could not or do not hear from God.

Forgive me If I misunderstood any of what you were actually asking in this post in the first place. I reached out only because I honestly believed that you were looking for further insight into this experience and its source. I did not realize that you already thought it was demonically inspired because you seemed to refute and deny any advice given you that threatened your tie with this man . I took that to mean you believed this experience was inspired by God. So forgive me if my perception was wrong. It has been rather confusing to read......
At times when we want to hear what we want to hear we will keep asking until someone agrees with us. The friendships that I value are the ones who will speak not what I want to hear but the truth, spoken in love, even if it hurts. That is a mark of a true friend! Proverbs says "Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy."

In your PM, you asked why God could not be the author of the mans voice when he spoke through a donkey. That was the key thing with that instance. GOD SPOKE through the donkey that was present in body. That is the real extreme used to reveal to us how God will go to great lengths to get His word to us. While what you heard was not the word of God spoken through this mans disembodied voice. So, to answer your question...that was my reasoning....the man was not present and the words spoken to you were not the word of God to you....as it was when he spoke through the donkey. I hope that explains.
I am not sure why you were questioning my making that statement if you already knew it was demonically inspired?? But that is what I mean with the push and pull that is very confusing??

In each of your posts it seems you are genuine in asking more questions yet you seem to refute all that is given you while then asking more questions, as if your not quite sure?? that has kept this thread going. I keep seeing it as if its a rope...a push and pull type thing that has gotten way off track and has become a tool for keeping us all distracted by focusing on something longer than we need to that will keep us preoccupied and not able to minister to others and be ministered to as we need.
Many others are waiting for someone to minister to them and this has become a focus that can actually keep our focus so that is not happening as God intends.

But I thank God that he has used this thread to help others in spite of the "merry go round" !! God is so good!!!

God bless you Karen!! Listen to the Father and He will lead you. Study to show yourself approved in every area that He leads you to that you will be an armed and powerful weapon in His hand!!

Post by anyamanee »

Spoken 4, why did you take a pm and put it up on the board, and, why did you not include that I asked you, in no uncertain words, don't take that I write this as I "silly misguided" as that is what I really believed?

Post by anyamanee »

and, spoken 4 you wrote: clearly believing that there is no biblical basis for soul ties anyway.

and yet, that is NOT what I said; i said, "I am not sure I believe in this"

"it has little biblical basis"

clearly? the enemy has allowed you to use his favorite tact; take truth and twist it to be something else.

Stop. You start your msg, "it's enough" but go on to write many words as well as post the same msg many times (maybe that is warfare too?, maybe you didn't intend?)

STOP adding to words! It is a ploy of the enemy..to divide the body.

Post by anyamanee »

sorry to use this forum for PM, but Spoken 4 violated that so I must use it to answer,
In your PM, you asked why God could not be the author of the mans voice when he spoke through a donkey
I didn't say that. I said there are scripural evidence of God using a man's voice to speak. again you twist! I was thinking of Baalam's ass, but also of Samuel. AND, please please don't twist again saying I claim using this is OKAY -- I do not.

Spoken 4, you are full of so much advise not asked of and so much criticism. So much judgment on me someone you do not know other than a few dreams and visions posted...you say things like, "you will be a powerful weapon in his hand if you study hard"

and so on..

I am afraid you have discredited yourself.

I pray you can humble yourself and take logs out of your eyes before exhorting because you too, may continue to be used mightily by God!

Good Info on Soul Ties

Post by anyamanee »

Hi all,

I am off vacation now; and will be not free to spend so much time w/this forum.

I wish to suggest that this thread be re-named "Christmas morning in Thailand voice at 3:30 am and soul ties"

but do not know how to do that. It will be for future reference as there has been a lot of good discussion regarding this issue. I also want to respectfully suggest that the thread be cut off from when I sent Spoken4 a PM and she replied via the thread. That is negative and not productive information. It crossed a line and I in also crossed proper boundaries in my responses.


And thank you all for your thoughtful and prayerful responses.
None have been discarded w/o prayer and thought.

Karen Elizabeth
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Post by spoken4 »

Karen, I feel I owe you an apology. I only referenced a few things from your PM and did do only because I was confused as it was opposite of what you said on your reply post publically.
Forgive me if you were made to feel this was done to hurt you in any way. It was addressed here because it was contrary to what I felt you had said in your PM. And this time I will use the quote so as to not be guilty of "twisting" when I simply was paraphrasing

you said....
I am bewildered; you ask me to 'think out of the box' here w/this rather lengthy developed theology of soul ties/spirit ties that has little biblical support and then, you make proclamations like this...?
That was what confused me....

I only addressed the Donkey thing for convenience in not having to go back and forth between the two and I did not feel that was a private matter. If I was wrong in that I am sorry....

This was the quote concerning that....
1. how can you be sure God was not the author? I do think there are biblical examples where God does use a person's voice, even an animal...

I assumed the animal was the donkey....the same as "Balaams ass"......
So, if paraphrasing was twisting to be used by the enemy I am not sure how but am open to correction if I am missing something....

You mentioned through Samuel also....not in you PM but in you previous post concerning this....

Are you reffering to Saul going to the witch of Endor and seeking counsel from Samuel who was dead???
I am not for sure on this and am subject to being corrected if I am wrong but because God clearly speaks against seeking counsel from the dead at any time....i thought this was a familiar spirit that was used to decieve Saul as actually being Samuel?? Thats only my understanding of that scripture which could be wrong??

Again though, if indeed that was a familiar spirit then that would not be an example of how God speaks to us through a mans voice but rather more to reveal the danger of seeking or receiving direction from any other source. If I am not mistaken didn't the spirit that posed as Samuel give false direction and use deception to influence Sauls actions that ended badly?
I could be getting that wrong as I have not read that in quite awhile.

I am sorry and feel that there has definitely been some twisting of whats been said all the way around. Confusion is of the enemy and not of God. I feel I am not the one that you can receive from at this time due to that twisting occurring.

For example...

and I quote
You start your msg, "it's enough" but go on to write many words as well as post the same msg many times
Yet, I did not say its enough....i said...

I feel this is becoming a little much.
So, you see what you said I said meant the same thing although my wording and yours were not the same. I understood what you were referring to by your paraphrasing therefore I would not accuse you of twisting what I said because you paraphrased it....

An example of this that could be taken as twisting

You wrote...
Some on this board have suggested he puts spells on me...
I never saw where anyone said any such thing but do I believe you were twisting what was said????
No, rather that you were paraphrasing your understanding of what you believed was being said.
Our perception does not always make it true....but we all perceive things differently. That is why there is such wisdom in a multitude of counselors because we all percieve things through the eyes of our own experiences. What we see, we tend to believe is the truth, (me included) but it is the truth as we see it which is often tainted through our own experiences in life. In some areas my perception may not be clouded while in others I need someone else to point out what I may miss so that I can see things as they actually are.

You referenced the log in my eye....

If I have come across pridefully, for that I am sorry...again that is your perception....
I love that scripture!! God really used that one as he was revealing to me how we as believers often have blind spots in areas of our lives that keep us from seeing the truth as it is. See, if I have an issue in a certain area and then I try to help someone else when I have not gained truth and revelation in that same area.....I can do great damage to that one by digging around in an area I am not qualified or equipped to.
The log being removed in my own eye in an area, only occurs as I recognize I have a problem in an area, I repent and God shines him light and gives me the needed vision to see this corrected. Then I can see clearly in that same area that there once was a blind spot. In that area (maybe not in others) but in that particular area...I am now qualified and equipped to help remove the speck from anothers eye that is hindering their being able to see and gain victory.
Through my experience and the deliverance of God in that same area....I am now able to help another with the same issue.

Although, If I try to help another in an area I have no experience and have no revelation....and have not gained some victory in....I am not quailified and would be of no help.

In the area of soul ties, because I too once had this log in my eye, so to speak and have gained some insight and deliverance is the only reason I reached out to you. It was not to stand in judgment in any way or to be critical of you!!
Just as in other areas that I have my own blind spots...I come to this site in hopes others can see what I am missing because of their wisdom and victory they may have in that same area that I need insight into. I have not arrived and am still going through much inner healing and deliverance in other areas of my life. In those areas I may not be of much help to others at all and to assume I skilled in all areas because of my relationship with Abba...
or that I could not have blind spots that I am not equipped to remove on my own...would make me guilty of pride.
I was not trying to hurt you with the pride statement. In fact, in others areas in the past.....I too allowed it to rear its head and until I was humbled to the point of being able to receive counsel from others without believing the blind spot I had in that area was a juddgement or determined where I stood with the father. Until I realized that my relationship with Abba was sure and not threatened by me being blind in an area, I could not gain victory!!

I love you Karen....because the Father loves you and If I wound you....that would be a personal affront to him as you are HIS daughter!!!! But if I feel I have some insight in an area and I do not speak the truth to you in love... to try and help you....I am just as guilty.....

The "study to show oneself approved" was not saying that then you will be powerful in His hands. I believe that you are already....I meant only that as you study in areas that he is revealing new things keys to greater victory...you will be ALL that your designed to be in Him....

Again, I am very sorry.....I will let others minister to you as they see fit but feel that I am to let this go now....

You asked for help with obtaining the book...
I bought it on amazon and I am pasting the link here!!
http://www.amazon.com/Soul-Legal-Ground ... 0981454836

God bless you Karen!!
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Post by spoken4 »

Can someone help me...I did not mean to post this more than once. I remember at one time seeing the option to delete post but cannot seem to find it now?? Can someone tell me how to do this....
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Its taken care of Spoken.
The subject i think needs some rest, . I think you were kind and gracious to share what u know and what has helped u. Sometimes thats all ONE CAN DO.Blessings!

Post by anyamanee »

Spoken4, I am in Thailand and thus ordering from Amazon, though possible carries delivery fees beyond this ministry worker's budget; oftentimes 3 times the cost of the book itself...

So again, I restate: in the post, the ORIGINAL msg, I ask for help w/discernment and am suggested something not only not related to what i asked for, but also beyond my ability to use because it seems *it seems* I have to read the book..wow, stepping out of myself i can see why one would be frustrated!

Lesson here; we all should be more careful with how we write what we write.

Peace from God the Father...to all.

Off to secure a place to show the Jesus Film to a bunch of working poor animist/Buddhists...

whom I love deeply....soul ties or not. God is faithful. I must be salt and light!


Post by anyamanee »

You wrote...
Some on this board have suggested he puts spells on me...

I never saw where anyone said any such thing but do I believe you were twisting what was said????
No, rather that you were paraphrasing your understanding of what you believed was being said.
It goes back to a post i made on a song that said, "I ask the wind to look after you" and i wrote how it related to my 'very next day' meditation on Hebrews that was similar. And i believe if I recall it related to my experiences w/angels...not sure. Perhaps you didn't read it...I see you've been on this forum for a short time, and that post was likely written 2-3 yrs ago.

Your point, however is well taken.

And just to clarify, again, I do not intend to promote what Saul did to conger up Samuel; and agree that perhaps my experience is to be used to warn, not of soul ties per say but of temptation to heed the occult so widely used here. I am not 100% certain of what God was telling me by allowing this to happen...but one thing, please know this:::

I do NOT think the voice I heard was some kind of 'thus saith the Lord"

NO ma'am..not at all.