Airplane/Mel Gibson

Archives for 2011
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Post by TexasTransplant »

I once had that same question :)

He showed me that when I TRULY carried a passion for Him, a passion for people came with that. He's all about relationship. Just off the top of my head thinking about the fruits of the spirit, they all involve 'other people'. No point in having supernatural love if I'm going to avoid people or difficult people altogether. No way to exercise or grow all alone. I'm talking about avoiding church and such. You do not necessarily need a mate to grow in the Lord or fulfill his will, but He knows the desires of your heart and promises to give them to you if you DELIGHT YOURSELF IN HIM. That's it. That's our part. He really doesn't need our help much. Once I finally gave up trying to push something I wanted desperately to happen, the thing finally happened! Now I'm staring a miracle right in the face and, honestly, I try not to be annoyed that I was only in His way delaying things before. I can't take any credit for said miracle. Which is exactly the way He wanted things! Calm down, chill out, and focus on getting even closer to Him and BAM!...He'll probably drop her off on your (proverbial) doorstep. Or maybe even your real one, you never know with Him :) That's how I feel about my particular situation. Pretty cool stuff.

Ignore me if I'm off base...I only skimmed the conversation! But I hope it helps!
You didn't choose me, I chose you.-John 15:16