Grand Daughter's Dream

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Grand Daughter's Dream

Post by Kitt »

My name is Kayla, I'm 20 years old. I am on my Grandfathers account and need some guidance on 2 dreams I have had today. Number 1: I tried to call everyone in my house hold and no one would answer. So I went to my mom's house to ask why no one would answer my calls. When I walked in my mother and step father were standing in the kitchen with no expression on their faces. I asked what was wrong and my mother said "Matthew is missing" (my little brother). "We put a amber alert for him too" said my mom. So i yelled why aren't we looking for him? But both of them just stood there. So I ran out the back door, and behind my house is a pond where we all would swim as kids. Well I walked to the edge of the pond and i had like a vision of what happened. My brother was on the other side and jumped in and started to swim. When he got towards the middle he started to drown and when I started to yell I came to. I then saw his feet on the bank and ran to him. I grabbed his foot and yanked him out. I started to push on his chest and water started to come out of his mouth. Then it was over. It has disturbed me all day. Number 2: This dream happened when i toke my nap today. Me and my brother were at the beach and were swimming in the water. He was on my back when we were attacked by 2 sharks. One shark grabbed me by my right hip and the second yanked matthew off of me. I could feel the shark bites and twisting me around and around while i could also see matthew with the other shark. I then got pushed up to were i felt the water around my face and yelled help. The sharks then let us go and i got my brother and swam to the shore and no one was there. So i wrapped him in my beach towel, he was only scratched up bad. I had a chunk off my lower back, and i could feel the blood caking on my shirt. I put matthew in my car and drove to where i dont know?! but no one would help me. That was the end of that one. If anyone could help me with this to set my mind at ease it would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
Joshua 24:15 "...but as for me and my house, we will serve Yahveh."

Post by Elle »

Hi Kayla,

It's like in both of your dreams you feel responsible for your brother, and that you can't seem to get anyone's attention to help look after him.

Just wondering if this is not so much about your brother being in danger, but about how you feel.

It's just one possible interpretation. Hope it helps.


Just wanted to add a p.s. - my older sister use to say that she felt that way about those of use who are younger. I think it's fairly typical of a first child????
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Post by HisBlood »


I felt the same as Elle, in regards to your dream and this portion stands out to me, as well -
I then got pushed up to were i felt the water around my face and yelled help

The sharks released you, when you yelled for help! There is One Who
always comes to us to help when we need it, Jesus! No person can give us the help or healing we need, as much as HIM! He is always there
and always hears you! If your brother gets into trouble that may be more than anyone can help him with, call out to GOD and He will intervene! He is faithful!

Psa 91:15 - He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I [will be] with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.
Jer 33:3 'Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.'
Isa 65:24 "It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear.

If you are the oldest and do feel responsible for him, I understand that!
I am the oldest of 7 and felt that way most of my life and it was a major
distraction for many years, because I relied on my own strength rather
than trusting HIM! Once I did trust HIM, miracles happened (long testimony) and they all still love HIM.

I hope this helps!
Blessings and Love
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Post by charlie »

Hi Kayla...agreeing with the others but would add this thought as a possible additional layer:

Do you feel like you have struck out with your journey of faith, receiving the gifts of the Spirit and then found yourself floundering and under attack and alone. A wound in the back can represent a wound from behind (or the past).

The enemy seeks to maim and destroy but Abba is our Great Healer.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3