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The Evil Magician and the Return of Jesus (Rapture)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:40 am
by daddysgirl
The Evil Magician and the Return of Jesus

I don't remember a lot of this dream perhaps mostly because I'd rather not. It had to be one of the most demonic dreams I've ever experience and the evil I could almost literally feel in the dream was horrendous. I was somewhere with a small group of people, mostly women, who I think were Christians. I'm not sure why we were there but we had come to a huge, older Victorian style house that had been remodeled and made into either a nursing or retirement home for the elderly.
The interior of the house was beautiful and very inviting. Inside the house I saw several elderly men and women in their 70's and 80's sitting in plush arm chairs, taking short walks using walkers or canes or being assisted by other people. Everyone was happy and smiling, enjoying the comfort of this tranquil home because each person was treated with respect and being taken care of properly. It was a beautiful home, but there was one strange thing about the place--it had an overshadowed atmosphere that apparently, nobody was aware of. The best way to try to describe it is like a person living in a darkly painted room without windows and the only light being a tiny low wattage bulb, yet, they live as if it is was as bright on the inside as the sunny day on the outside that they cannot see. At first, even though I felt uncomfortable about being there, I went along with everyone else, smiling and being cordial to the other people, especially the elderly residents. Yet, the longer I was there the quicker I wanted to leave.
The next thing I remember a magician had come into the room where we were to entertain the residents with various magic tricks and illusions. This averaged sized man who appeared to be from Mid-eastern decent stood about 5 ft. 6 in.. His skin was dark and his black hair was a medium-length with bangs over his forehead. He was dressed in a matching jacket/slacks outfit which were made of black and red material that was embroidered with gold thread design. There was also a strange "power" that was woven into the material which made the outfit seem grotesquely evil. The thing I noticed mostly about the man were his eyes--very dark with a sinister, yet, friendly appearance and thick dark eyebrows that shadowed them. Right away I knew something was wrong. I didn't trust the magician no farther than I could throw him! I knew he was evil but tried to shrug off everything I saw, everything I felt, and everything I knew. My smile had vanished and I grew nervous thinking what if he saw the skepticism on my face. I did not want to be discovered because by now I was sure that I had been deceived into coming to this place of evil.
As the magician continued to entertain the people, he would side-glance towards my way. I'm not sure if he was watching to see my reactions or what but I had a feeling he was attempting to get my approval somehow. For some reason, that made me feel sick all over.
Next thing I remember being singled out from among the people and escorted along with a few others by a very nice and friendly woman into a different part of the house. I willingly, yet, reluctantly followed her, sure I couldn't trust her either. Another person "on her side" joined us and began to talk about how we shouldn't be afraid of the magician and tried to assured us in telling saying how good and kind he truly was.
The woman tried to persuade me to believe things that went against my convictions and I almost began to believe things I hadn't before...that those things which were called evil were actually good and visa versa. I still didn't want to budge from the way I knew so the woman decided to show me a small, strange object. At first as she held it between her index finger and thumb. It looked like one of those round pieces of chocolate candy wrapped in shiny, blue foil like you can get during holidays. In fact the woman briefly put it in her mouth as if to taste it and right back out, then made a soft, low groan of delight to let me know it tasted good. Then, suddenly as she continued holding the "candy" it transformed into an unusual but tiny silver, jewelry box with a lid. The design of the box was rectangle shaped with the corners edged-off. The woman placed the box in the palm of one hand and looked at me to see my reaction. She was acting as to take on the role of a magician herself. With her opposite hand she slowly and carefully cracked open the lid of the box to peek inside knowing what would happen, pretending not to. Immediately, tiny fire sparks shot out through the crack and the woman shut the lid quickly, then looked wide-eyed at me with a smile like she would teasing a child. I was surprised at what I saw. Now she really had my attention... Again, the woman opened the lid wider and at the same time whispered strange words that were foreign to me into the box. The box began to grow in size and she tried to get me to take it but I shyly refused still believing it all to be evil, but remaining silent about it. The woman smiled and held the box that continued to increase in size. When it got to the size of a small shoe box the lid flew open by itself and huge fire sparks of gold and many different colors, resembling fireworks shot out from inside of it. By this time I was mesmerized! I began to have doubts of what I knew to be true and started thinking maybe I had been wrong about those things all along. Suddenly, an unexpected thing happen and the fire sparks transformed into the most beautiful bouquet of red roses trimmed with lacy ribbon and strings of tiny white pearls! Wide-eyed, I stared amazed at the sight, at the same time noticing how pleased the woman was at my reaction.
The woman then coaxed me into taking the roses from the silver box that was now hovering in midair, but seeing how they were being presented made me back away because holding onto the end of these roses appeared a man's hands and part of the forearms with the same black and red sleeves as that of the magician's jacket. Regardless of my hesitation, I must have given in because the next thing I remembered was finally holding the bouquet of roses in my arms.
I don't remember much of the dream afterwards, only bits and pieces that I cannot describe but I do remember the magician finally coming into the room where the woman, the other few people, and I were and how uneasy I felt in his presence. I vaguely recall how the magician would be so kind one moment then turn very angry and hot tempered the next, then seeing how we would react he'd start smiling and carry on like it was no big deal and everything was fine. The man was apparently insane and his very presence caused great fear and dread. As we remained in that room where the woman had escorted me and the other people, I began noticing strange, bizarre, unexplainable things that possessed the most horrible of evils which made fear and other types of negative emotions more magnified and nearly unbearable. There were "people" within this group who were "sided" with the magician who really creeped me out but I dared not let them know it and stayed friendly with them. And what really got to me were how some people would transform into "good" beings like a puppy which even though I knew what it was, I asked it if I could hold him because he was so adorable. Inside I hoped my act of kindness would somehow make it a truly good creature, maybe turn it into a real puppy. Weird!!
I tried to accept what was going on as being "ok" but deep inside I knew there was something not right. One thing that occurred to me is the fact that I was in a type of prison and there was no escaping...ever. I was mortified at this nightmarish thought! Hopeless, I decided to finally, adjust the best way I could being in that awful room, and I allowed myself to become familiarized with the surroundings. Cautiously, I walked from that room to a couple of smaller, "secret" rooms which had been there all the time, yet, hidden from me like they had been purposely invisible. When I stepped into one room I could feel a thick blanket of evil all around me. Rather than to get out of there I kept walking through and began to see horrifying sights! The room was darkened and full of destroyed, mangled human body parts on dirty, rusty, blood-stained white surgical tables and shelves and the smell was rancid! There was so much , yet, I kept trying to ignore it and acted like it was the "norm". I didn't let anyone know that I knew about the "secret rooms".
At last, at one point in my dream I realized that there were many other Christians who had been deceived and led into these evil rooms, and had also become prisoners. There was a connection (spiritually) and it brought a slight bit of comfort, but very little. Neither of us were willing to risk being discovered because of the terrible results it would've brought upon us. In spite, we began to sense a shifting in the spiritual realm. Something was happening...something absolutely wonderful! Somehow, we found out that Jesus was coming back! He was returning to Earth to gather up all those who belonged to Him! This glorious news was almost more than we could bare. We had to keep our composure like nothing had changed for our sakes until Jesus came to release us and set us free from all the evil that presently imprisoned us. We weren't the only ones who had felt the shifting. The magician began to act more insane and angry, and would pace back and forth fists raised in anger, yet, also in great fear. The people "on the other side" who had been in the room where we were, began to unexpectedly transform back into their true identities revealing their demonic faces and disfigurements, then back into their disguises of human beings. This went on for a minute or two until their true forms remained, permanently uncovering their hideousness. I could tell these creatures were totally dumbfounded and fearful about what had just taken place by the bewilderment and confusion on their ugly faces. Still I didn't lead on that I was shocked by the whole scene myself, and instead I boldly and calmly asked one of the demons if he was alright. It was almost a comical moment and I later realized that it was the Lord Who had done that to all of them.
While waiting for Jesus to return, I remember looking out a dirty, smeared window into the gloomy sky filled with fierce storm clouds and seeing a fiery crack that resembled a crack in the side of a volcano where one could see the lava inside. I knew it was a sign of Jesus' returning and that He was very. very close to rescuing us. I wanted to shout and call out His name loudly but didn't dare! It wasn't yet, the time for that. I knew Jesus was making His "rounds" gathering up everyone He called His own. He would be there for us before too long. As I continued looking out the window I saw on the side of a nearby mountain four gigantic numbers that had been purposely placed there. They were lit up with a bright blue light and fireworks were going off all around them in celebration. The first of the four numbers was a 5, the second number was a 7, and I could not clearly see the third and fourth numbers because of the smoke from the fireworks that hid them.
Unfortunately, (or maybe it was really over), the ending of this dream was interrupted when my alarm woke me up. I thought about the four numbers throughout the day and realized the group of them was actually the display of a Hebrew year beginning with "57...".
I looked it up and found out we are now in the Hebrew year of 5771 (2010-2011). Now I am convinced that I had a prophetic dream and I am trusting the Lord to reveal what it meant.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:48 pm
by Jewels-inhisheart
This dream is very profound. Theres alot of meat in this. Give me a few days to ponder on it.ITs to long for me to try to interp all of it but ill try to hit the high points that seem easier to understand.

One thing is that to me it seems a dream relating to the end times and the book of Revealtion. The magician may be the antichrist or the false prophet or one of thier 'apostles" so to speak.... deciples that have been trained well in the black arts and are wholly devoted to Saten.. The word says the false prophet will decieve people with signs and wonders. The magical box coming into play here.

The woman may have been a willing deciple of this man not necessarily a demon( im remembering Mary magdelene who had a purfume costly box she used to anoint Jesus,,, this scene in the dream seeems like a blasephemous copycat version of a very beautiful act of love on Marys part) :roll:
). In the end times when a person has completely rejected Christ and given themselves over to Saten fully,,with no turning back.., it seems to me it will be hard to know the difference between a real demon and a humn being.,Im speaking here of people that have taken the mark,, and are all on board with the enemy wanting nothing to do with God. A person at that level though not a demon is demon like.

The old Victorian house reminds me of " ancinet... very old,,,from another era" Even mysterious. This reminds me of the fall of Lucifer,,, back at what Jesus called "the beggining" before men were created. It could represent that Humanity has
aged" and are becoming old and infirmed with each passing year. The house could be a type and shadow of those ancient times so long ago when rebellion to God first sprung alive. We as humnaity have been lured lured into it( even the rightous still sufffer the consequences of the fall and as we grow in God what seemed so beuatiful and desiable of this world looks ugly and repulsive to us. nevertheless .we are stilll 'trapped" so to speak but are waiting for our salvation... the redemption of our body).... I cant quite put it in the right words but the beautiful old house reminds me of' THOSE VERY OLD AGES WHEN ONLY ANGELS AND GOD EXSISTEDand where rebellion was born.i. t was 'the beggin ing",, the time frame of fanatstic beauty,,, the universe in the process of creation.Angels were the only living beings outside the Godhead, I believe it was a another Era. Man had not been created yet so Angels probbably had a long rope of freedom to explore this universe and get aqainted with the God who brought them into exsistince.Just like a old... Victorian home.... beautiful,,mysterious, large with adornments and luxeries man does not have ( probbably would have If Adam had not fallen).

One of the things about the what people have called the new world order,,is that it will be communist like but with a flair( at least thats what i have picked up on it). All peoples needs met and taken care of... No worries! NO cares! But unlike the communist nations of the past where people lived in poverty and want,,this will be a type of communism that will alow luxuries and some semblence of freedom.

The magician having supernatural power means he probbably had supernatural knowledge. He knew who u were. His first trick was to razzel dazzel you . Get u by getting u to like him. When that didnt work one of his deciples was sent to tempt u in a soft spot ot a weakness. A great weakness of man is the desire to understand the mysterious, Thats what got Adam and Eve into trouble.

The roses.. ahhh... a girl can crumble into a sweet compliant love sick person who lavishes this on her. ,, Roses..most lovely of all flowers. It has won many hearts and is assoiated with love. In this dream its a false love.... but made to be so real.... so authentic... one would second guess themselves on thier first instict . The Roses,,i suspect of a specytacular and excellent DNA strain is probbbaly exspensive and very beautifulA girl can get very flattered at that kiond oif attention and money spent on her!. But its all a all a illusion. Thats what magicians do,, create illusions.How many men want a woman so much he lavishes her with flowers and beuiatiful gifts till she is worn down?///(Rabbit trail.. My own husbund won my heart by sending me roses , They wernt from walmart either but a real greenhouse roses and arrived by delivery!)

Ill come back and see if anything el;se comes to me. U are the dreamer so u pray about this and if u belive this does not fit please tell me. I want to learn when i have missed it.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:19 pm
by Newbie
Matthew 24: 23-31 KJV,
"23Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25Behold, I have told you before. 26Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 28For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

29Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:17 am
by dance-in-the-son
So, wondering if this is a possible indication that the end will be within the "57" century....within the next 30 years....hoping so...