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Kids with 3 eyes

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:37 pm
by Manassehs_Warrior
Had very weird dreams last night..... but felt not to dismiss.

One scene, had me meeting and seeing again a gal I went to high school with. I had reconnected with her on Facebook about two years ago but IRL, I have not actually seen her in years

She and her husband, esp her, seemed happy and glad to see and meet with me. She introduced me to her kids, who were littel but not toddlers (guessing school-age). I noticed each child had THREE eyes! All going across the front of the face in a straight line. My friend did not seem to even notice this at all, nor did her husband. But in the dream, it was very obvious to me and to someone I was with and I cannot recall now who that person was, ug!
But me and the other person saw quite clearly and tried to hide our shock, understanding that my friend and husband saw nothing wrong with their kids.

I almost dismissed this dream but then felt not to do so.

Any ideas? I have prayed but would like to hear other's impressions



Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:11 pm
by divinelygolden7
The kids having a third eye represents gifting. Perhaps even prophetic gifting. Her and her husband doesnt realize it., but others can see.