Tsunami from the wrong side

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Tsunami from the wrong side

Post by Grace »

I was at the beach on the west side. I had decided to go for a jog. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. It was obvious that I lost a lot of weight because i had very loose skin. I was surprised how strong I felt as I began to run. As I was running I passed by a group of young adults playing in the waves. I didn't care much for their banter. I continued on but my eyes were on the water. Suddenly a wave came, not from the ocean, but from the otherside. That would be from the East side of me. It came way over my head. I thought, "This is it. Now I am going to die."

I woke up and shot up in my bed realizing I could still breathe.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Deut 31:6
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Re: Tsunami from the wrong side

Post by Newbie »

Just a thought so toss if miss the mark. In your zeal for serving the Lord, it appears that things of this world is attempting to swallow you up.
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Post by Grace »

Interesting thought but I'm not sure how you got there. When I was seeing those young adults, they turned me off and I wanted no part of their life style. I was looking at the water, enjoying creation. Truly, I am tired of the things of this world. But drowning isn't my preferred way of leaving this world.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Deut 31:6
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Post by keilani »

My sense of the wave was maybe a sense of feeling overwhelmed by the things you are experiencing irl?
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Post by Newbie »

Grace wrote:Interesting thought but I'm not sure how you got there. When I was seeing those young adults, they turned me off and I wanted no part of their life style. I was looking at the water, enjoying creation. Truly, I am tired of the things of this world. But drowning isn't my preferred way of leaving this world.
Hello Grace, the young adults were playing in the waves; meaning that they were in the ocean/water. Oceans to me symbolize masses of society. The number two in this context speaks as a division and that is what the enemy do: cause division and chaos. The two young adults could symbolize different things: young and immature Christians; unbelievers; or backsliders. Regardless of whom or what they may symbolize they were in the water and to me these people have either let the world influence them in some way or they are stradling the fence (they were not that far out in the water yet they were not on the shore). Although, you are turned off by this and want no part of it, it seems that regardless of how you feel the enemy is trying to get at you. For example, I am not a gossiper nor do I care for it, at all. I recall a situation several years ago in which a that were friends of my husband and myself. This particuliar couple had a proclivity to talk about people, regardless of the person were strangers, friends, or relatives. When they would talk, I would make a comment, to let them know that I di not care for this at all. Despite my reservations they would continue on. Sometimes, the husband in particuliar, would try to get my goat by bringing up old stories (I had a hot temper in my younger days) to "share" or get a laugh. I knew what he was doing and simply refuse to the bait. By taking the bait, this would bring about me talking about others. Do you see where I am going with this.

No matter how close we try to get to God, the enemy will always use devisive tactics to get at us. I recall something my late grandmother said to me once. She stated that when we draw nearer to the Lord and the enemy can not get us directly, he will use others to pull us away; albeit, family, friends, stramgers, or situations. That is how I came about with what I posted. The wave itself, speaks as "making waves" or to cause difficulty.
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Post by ForHisGlory »

Maybe I am way off - but I thought it was a good dream - I thought your strength and speed running was God indicating that you are much stronger in Him then you think as you run the race - or fight the good fight. I also think, as surprising as it is - the tidal way, from an unexpected direction was also the Lord - sweeping you off your feet - and bringing you in deeper with Him - that always requires some dying to self. :lol:

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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi Grace,

In addition to what has been offered, my feelings is that it does not represent a literal Tsunami and the loose skin you noticed which you saw as having lost weight was symbolic for not having "thick skin" meaning you are sensitive and/or vulnerable to a situation coming.

Thick skin: (have) a thick skin able to ignore personal criticism.

The wave coming from the opposite side of the ocean from the East may be showing you that it is not a literal Tsunami... but could be spiritual, rising trouble and/or emotions which seem overwhelming. Could be coming from those who you do not expect... do not allow the situation or others [the ones who you did not like their banter] to cause you to doubt, or doubt yourself (James 1:2-8 ), nor get caught up in the situation.

He is faithful to see you through whatever trial comes along! Just keep running the good race looking to the author and finisher of faith! You were strong, until their banter and then the overwhelming wave came. Seeing beforehand, you can avoid being overcome by the seemingly huge wave... and instead be overcome with the peace and Holy Spirit.

I think the dream is to warn you of a situation coming so that you can be prepared for it when time comes... so you are able to see the situation in a different light looking to and trusting in Him through it. He will protect you, keep and guide you, remain strong in Him and in peace and know you are victorious in Him!

Just as I have been recently reminded in Isaiah 59:

Isaiah 59:19 So shall they fear The name of the LORD from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun [East}] When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.

Good will come out of a seemingly not good situation, like in Romans 8:28.

Praying the Lord strengthens, encourages and blesses the works of your hands... know that He is always faithful and will not leave or forsake us!! :) I hope this helps, toss out what does not witness to you.
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by Grace »

I was going through all my old dreams. I had forgotten about this. But months later I was on the West Coast of this country for a conference. While we were there my kids called me because they had heard there was a Tsunami. It wasn't a big one but it had hit the East Coast and they weren't sure if I was on the East or the West coast. Our home is smack dab in the middle so this is understandable.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Deut 31:6