Holy Spirit in dreams

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Holy Spirit in dreams

Post by Released »

Hi :)

Usually when i dream of the Holy spirit I sense that he is "masculine" as he guides me or is with me in a dream.

Last night I dreamt of an older woman who was there in the dream- I sensed that she was wiser and older than me.

Do you think the women would likely represent a real person?
Or might the LORD change the way the Holy spirit appears to me?

I don't feel as comfortable with this actually-

I would appreciate your wisdom on this, maybe just confirmation for me- that this lady wasn't the Holy spirit-

Not sure-

Bless You :D

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Post by discerning »

Sis, it's really impossible to address symbolism outside the context of the dream. There are just tooo many possibilities and what you sensed about her in the dream is important too.

Something to consider though - could the woman have represented Wisdom?


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Ezekiel 3:17

Post by talitha »

Almost every time I have seen the Holy Spirit symbolized in a dream, either mine or anyone else's, it has been as a woman - the Holy Spirit of wisdom and counsel (see Isaiah 11:2). Actually it has often been a woman whose face somehow isn't seen or maybe isn't remembered. I remember in one of my older dreams she appeared in a social setting with a clipboard and was directing people to the right thing to do - the Lord showed me that this was the Holy Spirit..... I'm not saying a man couldn't symbolize the Holy Spirit - I've found that the Lord is very creative (whodathunk? :lol:) and symbols are often very individualized. Thanks for posting this, actually - now I may be more open to see the Holy Spirit depicted as a man!


Post by jewel »

Often I find that God offends the little "boxes" I keep trying to put Him into. Sort of His way of reminding me that I only see and know in part. I guess I see it similar to the fact that not all symbols will apply to every person in the same way.

I don't have an answer for you, but I do know that biblically speaking wisdom is often refered to as "she". I think in this case it is important that you find the truth, and only the truth. For that reason, I believe that your safest direction would be to seek the word and see if it could be true and is confirmed through His word for you. If it doesn't line up with the word then you know that it isn't right.

I'm sure you know this already, but I'm posting anyway for some that may not have considered approaching a problem like this in this manner.

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Post by Released »

Thank You for your replies- :) (I miss the kiss smiley :D )

Maybe she did represent wisdom-
I was dressed in a school uniform at the time, and as this has been a reoccuring theme for me lately (school)-
Its possible that I was the student as she was guiding me-

Ha its kinda strange for me to see the Holy Spirit as a women - He has always been masculine for me-

Maybe the Lord has done this due to broken relationships in my past- I feel more comfortable with a masculine Holy Spirt-

as I write this I am more and more thinking she did represent wisdom- I have the check in my spirit.

Bless you

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Post by t_vest »

I do not find it strange about the Holy Spirit be shown as a woman.
I do not have an idea about the dream just a thought.
The Holy Spirit has differnt jobs
counsler, comforter, guide etc.
Usually a woman especially an older woman is a reminder of comfort. Like you would find in a grandmother, etc.
I never thought him being depicted like that but if you would look
towards a person like that for comfort or wisdom etc. maybe that
could be a way God let you look at him.
Hope I am not off base but that is what I got out of it. Just
pray about it because I agree feelings in dreams can be VERY important. TV :D
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Post by galena »

hi Released

Please read these verses with your dream in mind:

Proverbs 1:7-9
Galatians 3:24,25

These verses were chosen based on some defining elements of your dream.

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Post by Released »

Thank You Galena-

Released :)
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.