Victorious pregnant woman

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Victorious pregnant woman

Post by Charys »

My daughter has asked me to post her dream. She is expecting a baby (most likely a girl) in early January. This has been a very difficult pregnancy with severe nausea, back, hip and joint problems, a very painful crushed ureter, extreme fatigue and very swollen legs and feet. She feels this is a very strong vivid God-dream and would like to hear others opinions. [Words in italics have been added by me.]

Tuesday, September 11th

It started off with me taking Deborah [friend & prophetic intercessor who is going through a process of inner healing] to the Banff Springs Hotel Spa, to show her what a good girl weekend could be had. It was somehow cut short while I was still dressing. I was about 7 months pregnant and was wearing only a long tank top and a long shirt over top.[in real life she was 23 weeks pregnant] Just barely long enough to cover but not long enough to be comfortable.

I ran out to the car only partially dressed to find my dad in the back seat talking about the plan he had to go to my Uncle's [name means dark] and we needed to leave right away. I got mad at him and told him that it wasn’t his trip and he wasn’t invited and he obviously got his wires crossed about the plan for the weekend. I was really mad because he wasn’t even supposed to be there, and he was, and then he had heard wrong and was now making us change our plans to fit his schedule so we had to leave NOW! [changing his schedule is difficult for him and has been a point of contention between them for a long time] I kept yelling at him telling him that he was wrecking our weekend, then my husband popped around from the front seat and told me to stop disrespecting my dad and that he’d had enough of that and he was going to teach me a lesson!

So he slammed the door and left me there half dressed and 7 months pregnant to walk from the Banff Springs Hotel to my uncle's in Canmore. So I walked, and I was sooooo fuming mad that he thought that was an appropriate lesson to teach me. I felt bad for yelling at my dad but I couldn’t believe he expected me to walk to Canmore. So I did. I walked, it rained on me, and it took all night. In the morning I must have taken the wrong turn. I knew I was heading up the mountain so I must only be only getting closer to Uncle's house. But it would seem near the top that I was on a parallel mountain, but I thought if I kept climbing maybe there would be a path through.

I passed a bunch of Mexican immigrants on the side of the road on my way up the hill and thought (oh, I guess they send the Africans and Nepalese to [the city they live in] and the Mexicans to Canmore).

Near the top of the hill was a shanty building. So I went in. I remember I didn’t have my cell phone or any money because I just had a shirt. When I went in the front of the building was filled with dirty looking people who were making things for the Mexicans to help them sustain themselves etc. It felt like missions but something wasn’t right. Behind the guys who were making things was a bit of a café. They offered me something to eat.

Dad found me there and apologized but he had walked there and gotten lost so he didn’t know how to get to Uncle's any more than I did.

Then I looked over and Amos [friend who is also an intercessor] had come in looking for gas as he had ran out. I ran to him and hugged him because I had thought he was my chance make it home. He was going to rescue me even if it was by accident. We all sat down and ate and someone gave me a pair of big old jeans and suspenders to wear to hold them up.

Just then I was walking to the back of the café and this lady purposely dropped her food on the floor in front of me. She had timed it wrong and had meant it for the guy behind me as some sort of sign. The instant it fell a stench hit my nose and I knew she was demonic and so was he. All of a sudden I sensed such an evil presence in the entire room and I knew we were surrounded by possessed people and demons in the wall. So I ran back and grabbed Amos’s hand and said come on. We are supposed to do this! So hand in hand he followed me into the back hallway where I began to sing “We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the blood, over and over again (out of tune).

As I did all the demonic started coming out of the wall screeching in fear over my song. The hallway looked like beams of neon green light because the demons were fleeing so fast. They were coming out of people and we were casting them out. Then the bigger and more powerful ones started coming out and the ground was shaking and the building was crashing around us and I remember hearing that the ONLY weapon satan had against me was fear.

[At this point she woke up and felt the Lord telling her not to be afraid. She went back into the dream]

But I didn’t have to be afraid because I knew that what I had was more powerful. I would yell at the big demons and tell them they had nothing against me and that they had no choice but to leave because I was covered by the blood of Jesus. I would yell out loud “I HAVE AUTHORITY HERE BECAUSE OF JESUS CHRIST” and get stronger and stronger each time. They began to fear me. I felt like me and baby were doing it together like her faith and authority was empowering me to be who I was supposed to be.

Then satan himself showed up in the hallway. His face kept distorting and snakes and worms would fly out at me. I remembered laughing at him, saying “ is that all you’ve got? All you’ve got is fear, and fear doesn’t affect me so you have nothing!” Then I took out a staff and jumped in the air and smashed it into the ground (it reminded me of Thor with his hammer) and a blue ring of power like an orb surrounded me and baby and our staff and it created an earth quake that sent the devil flying and the earth opened up and he fell in and was eaten by the earth.

Then I began singing a new song (in perfect tune this time) and it began attracting the warriors and evangelists in the city. It attracted all these Bethel students [Bethel church in Redding Ca] from the area and they came and were performing miracles and were leading the people who had been possessed to the Lord. I was happier than I had ever been. We were standing in rubble and people were all singing this song with me. We were unified and miracles were surrounding me. It was surreal.

Then I looked down and saw my hands were covered in a jelly type fat. I looked down and saw that my feet were standing in a pool of it. I then vaguely remembered that with every demon I “defeated” I would get more of this sludge on me. I started wiping it off my hands and feet and I noticed that my legs looked like they used to. The fat and cellulite were all gone, and that was what was lying on my feet. I cleaned it all off and stepped out of the body that had been foreign to me, and walked like me again.

Then I saw my husband (he had heard the song and had been attracted to it). I ran to him and hugged him and showed him my legs. He said I had been missing for 2 days since I started walking and he was so worried. He apologized for making me walk, and I said that I supposed to come here, that I needed to be there and it was ok. We walked hand in hand to the rubble where God was still ministering.

I felt like my job was done and it was time for the others to take over. And then I woke up. I woke up feeling refreshed, satisfied and confident. The distinct feeling I had about the dream was that I was never at any point afraid.
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Post by piano »

Awesome dream.

My initial thoughts..for your discernment.

Revelation 12 is what came to my mind, your daughter basically representing the woman with child. Israel.

I think Ill just keep reading about this victory


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by ReBorn »

that was an exhausting dream too! I can't believe you had to walk that far while being pregnant.

It reminds me of when Jesus was speaking to his disciples in John

John 16:21

New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)

21 A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
The Lord is my Shepherd
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Post by Charys »

...that I might know Him...