A big house with a huge wrap around porch

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A big house with a huge wrap around porch

Post by justhisvessell »

I don't remember tons of details but in this dream my husband and I had just bought a new house. It was woodframe (don't remember colors) it was big. The porch wrapped around the whole house & it had even more square footage than the house. We had people over to see us. We hadn't been there very long because when they asked for a tour, I went into places for the first time. We went under the porch (it was a high porch) and it was almost like going into a basement. When I opened the door to go in, the room was huge, (like what you see with car collectors in the movies) I told them I wonder if the previous owner collected cars. (I was excited to imagine what cars were there) We walked further, (dont know if its pointless or not) the refrigerator still worked, the fan still turned on, the place just had not been inhabited for a longtime. When we turned around the corner, I saw 2 vending machines, both had been vandalized and there were holes punched in where the money goes.The only signifigant color I remember was on the drink machine and it was Royal Blue or Purple. I remember feeling violated that someone had discovered and plundered them. I was about to open yet another door and explore further when I woke up.
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Post by LadyinChrist »


points to consider....

What stand out is that the focus was on the outward appearance/porch of the house being bigger.

The need to address the outside appearance.

Although new, it is not, someone owned it before. You are visiting this unfamiliar place, and actually "bought it", believed it.

This unfamiliar place had not been lived in in a long time....

The cars----collected. Your "wondering" during this time? Exploring your thoughts. What drives you to excitement?

You are looking at things from every perspective, thoroughly. Turning things inside out. There will be a turn around.

Is everything wrapped up outside the house, or is everything wrapped up in the house.

A vending machine is something you put money in to get something out of it. Vandalized. You were afraid? Has something misfortunate happened to you that you are exploring in your heart again, an old but new thought you are visiting.

Becareful this outward unfamiliar place doesn't steal from your real house/heart. Royalty. We are a royal priesthood, we live and move and have our being in Christ. In Him.....thats exciting. Out with the old in with the new!!

A balanced perspective.

Maybe you can piece some of this together. If more comes to me I will post. :)

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Post by justhisvessell »

What stand out is that the focus was on the outward appearance/porch of the house being bigger.

The need to address the outside appearance.
I didn't even think of the inside of the house at all. This porch was huge,like a deck at a beach strip. I couldn't believe how massive it was. I forgot to add when I was typing the first time, there were young people hanging out on different benches laughing and joking around, I was happy they were all there.
The cars----collected. Your "wondering" during this time? Exploring your thoughts. What drives you to excitement?
Here is what I think I am getting, with your terp in play. Cars can represent ministries, would it be the amazement of what ministries have gone on before, and the possibilities of what is to come? IRL I am at a crossroads where my heart says step out with some things, but the logical side says how? I don't have a nailed down vision of what to do. :? Let along to actually do it. I am in the exploration stage with God... Wow hence the search (just got it as I was typing that)

A vending machine is something you put money in to get something out of it. Vandalized. You were afraid? Has something misfortunate happened to you that you are exploring in your heart again, an old but new thought you are visiting.
I have always fought the fear of failure,God has delivered me from much of it and I have learned to do things afraid, This definitely rings true in my heart. And with the coin area being torn out, was I upset because it looked like I may not be able to have what is in there? Like someone ruined it.

The encouraging thing to me was I remember the end I had my hand on a door and it ended before I could open it, meaning there is more.
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Post by LadyinChrist »

I forgot to add when I was typing the first time, there were young people hanging out on different benches laughing and joking around, I was happy they were all there.
This is huge, because funny I read somewhere today about being in the Winners Circle....

Have I not covered ALL the bases?

Are you not secure in that place of My love being made known to your heart, as we advance into this place of wonder hand in hand?

I am certainly moving you along. If you will come – if you will not hang back, you will identify something quite wonderful: Your God is extremely proud of your walk, and He is taking you into a place that is called the winner’s circle.

Is that not the place to be, to dwell, to enjoy? Is that not the place of delight that I have for those who follow after My will without asking why? – without hanging back timidly?

That is the place to be, My beloved – the winner’s circle.

http://www.openheaven.com/forums/forum_ ... 42225&PN=1

Let along to actually do it. I am in the exploration stage with God... Wow hence the search (just got it as I was typing that)
Yes!! He has so much in store for you...
I have always fought the fear of failure,God has delivered me from much of it and I have learned to do things afraid, This definitely rings true in my heart.
I am so thankful to Him for this. And He will continue to deliver you.

The good work has began in you He will finish. His change in you cannot be stolen. No one can steal you out of the palm of His hands.
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
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Post by justhisvessell »

Wow LIC, I just read the link. I can't tell you how much He has been calling me to do little things with the understanding I was in training for the bigger things.

My Pastor just a couple of weeks ago, felt impressed by God to come up to me after service and tell me God said, that in me He is well pleased & that I didn't earn it, but by God's grace I will will go into places most had seen as impossible.

I have so much expectancy, but I can't explain what for. I just know God will show me whenI am ready.
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Post by fishbreath »

hi there. sometimes a vending machine can symbolize a place for those with God's favour (money) to get spiritual refreshment, it takes 'change' to get this refreshment. Having someone vandalize it indicates theft and theft most often represents deception symbolically, thus it appears that you have been or will be at some point violated (your feeling in dream) due to some type of deception which will affect your ability to receive refreshing from the Lord. I see the huge wrap around porch as possibly being a connection from your past coming full circle to your future. Hope that pings something for you internally.
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Post by justhisvessell »

I think I figured out the vending machine being vandalized. Every time I get ready to step out in things it seems that circumstances start whispering not to bother & that I have nothing to offer, I'm a screwup etc... making no sense (cents) at all. The enemy is trying to steal my confidence, God is urging me to stay exploring forward & although the source of refreshments for others will not be the same for me, He alone will sustain me. The house that had places to explore and it belonged to me says that there is a lot more beneath the surface to find. I can't tell you how bad I've been fought since this dream, but I know that I know He has me. I've only begun the journey...
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