House Shopping

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Warrior Princess
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House Shopping

Post by Warrior Princess »

Woke up at 5am with this dream...

Looking at a house to buy here in town. I had told the owners that we "might come see them tomorrow." It was up on a hill with a few others so we had to walk up quite a few steps. In fact, some of the steps went right over the windows of them. The house was made up of an older house and a newer addition with a large breezeway connecting them. I noticed the older part had window units, the breezeway had lots of doors and the newer part had lots of appliances. There was no microwave and I said I could bring mine, but it was old and might be too big, so maybe I could buy a smaller one and put it on a section of open counter space that I saw. I said to the owners that my only reservation about buying was that we currently lived in a 3 level condo and my kids really loved the finished area downstairs, but that maybe they could hang out in each other's bedrooms/family room since the rooms are much larger in this house. I had my baby daughter Abigail in my arms, she was falling asleep, so I took her in the old part of the house to try to put her to sleep, but she woke up. So I walked outside and the owners were sitting in lawn chairs I think and my ex was there for some reason. The owners of the house asked my ex if it was my fault that our marriage ended and ex said "no," but he hesitated so it seemed to me like he was lying as usual.

Then, I was at a church (I think it was Evangelical Free) where a youth group was returning from a trip. Some of my old stuff I had left had been packed up to be donated if not claimed and put on a really high shelf with all of their stuff in a coatroom area and I needed someone tall to help me get it. I went through the church looking for someone and saw some tall guys, one of them started running ahead to help me (former brother in law Jeff, means "God's peace"). We ran past this narrow sanctuary set in the side of the hall, it was very old style, with the wooden flip up seats and a small platform/stage.
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."