Sitting in different chairs that don't fit

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Sitting in different chairs that don't fit

Post by Determined2Grow »

I dreamt I was at a conference and there was so many people there. I am sitting on the last seat (end cap) but the first seat in the row.I am looking out over the people. I see the guest speaker take the podium/platform. People are talking, walking, trying to find there seats.

I am thinking to myself some not good thoughts like (how will I really know if I am a prophet and maybe this is just me and I am out of order). I am also asking God within myself can He confirm it through this prophet and then I think to myself that's impossible there are so many people in here.

The guest speaker is a very well known prophet and she steps away from the podium and walks towards me motioning me with her finger to come and I am surprised. I notice as she step towards me that there are tears running down her checks. She seemed mad to me, like she didn't want to do it but that God had her to do it anyway.

She lays hands on my head and I feel the power of God and I go down on the floor. She kneels over me and with all of her fingers on one of her hands she gently grasp my throat/vocal chords and I start speaking in tongues and I hear words in my thoughts but I am afraid to say them. I feel vibration in my throat as if something was coming up. I don't know who the words are for. I don't want ot say the wrong to her. I ask myself are these words for her (maybe)? She stays leaning over me without saying a single word just holding my throat/vocal chords. I feel a vibration in my throat.

Finally I decide to speak what I hear in my thoughts. And I say " So you still say no and you refuse to go". As soon as I say it she walks away.

I get up and walk back to my row and my seat is taken. I go down the row and there are different size chairs that are open. Some of the chairs I tried to sit in were too small and I had to squeeze into them and it made me sit awkardly and uncomfortable. It allowed me to have a good view but I couldn't fit it. Another chair I sat in was big however it prevented me from be able to see, my view was blocked by people in front of me. A lot of the chairs were taken.....I kept looking for the right chair to sit in.

I was trying to sit closer to the guest speaker and have a good veiw.

There was an empty chair and a little girl and her father sat in two of the chairs and the thrid chair was being held for her mother so I tried to sit in the fourth chair but the person sitting on the other side of me made it a tight fit so I got up and tried to find another chair...

I was not happy that I had lost my seat ...
"Lord lead me to that secret place where I am encircled by the abundance of Your love and manifested presence.....A place where I thirst to go and never want to leave"
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Post by Determined2Grow »

"Lord lead me to that secret place where I am encircled by the abundance of Your love and manifested presence.....A place where I thirst to go and never want to leave"
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Post by spiritledd »

maybe The Lord is trying to show you He is going to position you in a a ministry of with great authority (seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places) wanting to see speaker made me think you are hungry to see and hear The Lord Jesus :) ...seemed you gave a type of word of knowledge ...has The Lord been using you in this type of ministry? ...if so maybe He will even more now? ...if not maybe He is going to?