
Archives for 2013
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Post by sing4777 »

I had a dream last night that there were these men at my next door neighbor's house (she's an elderly lady who moved a few months ago and has her house for sale irl) that took down her privacy fence and were putting up a little 2 - 2 1/2 foot picket fence where the privacy fence once was.

I was out in my yard and walked over to see what was going on because I couldn't believe that my neighbor would have her expensive privacy fence (it's one of those vinyl fences) taken down for a little picket fence. I could see some of the men working on the gaps in between the little fence. Some of the pickets were different colors... I remember seeing some that were a bright red.

I pondered what was happening for a moment and then turned and saw that they had sawed off the arches of MY privacy fence (mine is wooden) resulting in about a 1 1/2 foot reduction in hight. I was very upset that they had just taken it upon themselves to saw off the top of my fence.

End of dream

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Post by Charys »

Hmm. I'm wondering if this is about breaking down barriers between neighbours. Remember when Jesus was asked, "Who is my neighbour?" he responded with the story of the Good Samaritan.
The boundary is still marked, and I think the red colours are reminding you they are important (red = stop?) but it is no longer a physical boundary that keeps you from seeing your neighbour's needs.

The thing about walls (or fences) that we put up to protect ourselves is that they keep our neighbours from seeing our needs as well.

Could the Lord be telling you it's time to drop some de-fence-iveness and be a little less guarded so that you can minister to others and they can minister to you?

-for your discernment-
...that I might know Him...