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Children & pregnancy

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:00 am
by Tameka
H, for the last 3 weeks or so I've been having dreams of children. In one dream there was a knock on my door and when I answered it was a familiar weatherman in my city standing there with 2 small children. 2 boys. He wanted me to take then as my own but I was unsure why? In that dream there was a storm (hurricane strength ) and I kept looking outside to see if it was flooding or if trees had fallen. They has not. He was asking about fostering the children. I did not take them and watched them walk away but felt like I should have gotten them. One of them stuck out to me. I picked him up and loved on him and played with him.

A few days later I dreamt that I was standing outside and 2 babies ( girls between 6-8 months came side by side down a road and crawled directly to me. I saw them coming in the distance. Once they got to me I picked them up. Loved on them and brought them in my house.

Few days after that I dreamed that I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. But I was in a separate hospital room and she in another. I just remember feeling the urge to get up and go get her. But I was sick.

Days later I'm having constant dreams of being pregnant. One of which was a few hrs ago. I dreamt that I was in the early stages of pregnancy (where I was extreme nauseated ). People had begun giving me baby clothes and things that I needed. Then I woke up