Archived Dreams from 2014
Tilling Hopes Garden
Senior Member
Posts: 14
Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:27 am


Post by Tilling Hopes Garden »

It was that time of month, I was sitting on the toilet, my husband sitting in front of me, looking at me.

I looked at him and chuckled and told him he didn't need to sit there and stare at me.

He said, But I like looking at you, I like staring at you.

I kinda chuckled and said "whatever".

I looked past him over his shoulder. I could see outside at a distance, our rock hill.
I saw a 4 door white car, slowly sliding down the rock hill sideways, as if in slow motion. I also noticed people on the hill.

I saw the rocks from on the hill moving as if on a conveyer belt, bumping up and down, or if you can imagine, the tectonic plates of the earth bumping up and down merging together, overlapping one another.

I said to my husband, "quick! Hurry!!, go see what's going on outside" In my opinion, he didn't move fast enough for me so I quickly got up and jumped over a low retaining wall, running & jumping over things swiftly to hurry and get to them.

To my the left, I see who I think is my husband, our son, mom, & dad and I think, our other son too.

I run & jump in behind them, and jump down from the rock which is still shifting that is overlapping another slab of rock. This puts me down at the 2nd level, facing them.

I notice mom, dad, and my husband on the top rock. I see my son almost covered by a slab of rock, in which I quickly grab him in order to pull him out from underneath it. He was wearing a bright yellow shirt.

I wonder where my son Cody was at who was wearing a red shirt.

Mom's shirt was that bright construction orange, dad's was primary blue in color, & my husband's shirt was primary green.

Thoughts anyone????????