Never quite connecting

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Never quite connecting

Post by bella »

I was going somewhere and stopped along the way, to go to this pub. The entry to the pub was on the side of the building facing into their car park.

Walking into this side door, to my left I see a bunch of people, mostly older women (older than me) and recognise a couple of them. They seem to be from my old dance school. I see my dance teacher, her sister and another girl, Sue, who used to live with my sister when they were younger.

As I tried to approach Sue, someone would get in my way, or someone would take Sue's attention so she couldn't see me. I even asked someone to let Sue know I'm there.

A guy walked towards me and I recognise him and start talking. He doesn't remember me. He's tall and thin with red hair, just like one of the members of the family of the dance school owners. I'm explaining who I am and he's friendly but slightly perplexed and says he doesn't remember meeting me. As I'm looking at his smiling, but slightly confused face, I realise I have never met him, but recognise him like I know him because it's Ron Howard. I'm a little embarrassed at this point.

Then I think as I'm leaving, I see the brother of a guy I know. I want to meet this brother, so I decide to stay. He disappears among the people, then comes toward me and past me to go outside. I see his motorbike and he kind of ride/pushes it around for a bit.

I get a drink and wait for him adjusting my position at the doorway (i.e. leaning on the door frame or standing straight). He keeps kind of going past me, in and out of the pub doors, but always blocked off by someone or not making eye contact and I keep missing him. Each time I see him, he's a little drunker than before. I remember thinking that he looks a little like his brother, but is shorter and smaller framed than I thought he'd be.

I recall he's wearing a bright yellow high visibility style work shirt. I know he doesn't wear one of these in real life because he's a chef.

At some point some very tall police officers in polo shirts walk past me and I wonder if they're going to breathalise me but they don't. As they're going past, I say "oh hi fellas" in a casual way (because I'm around police all the time in my work).
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Re: Never quite connecting

Post by firewater »

I think your title is quite discerning already. Sounds like you have hit on the thrust of the dream message.

I was going somewhere and stopped along the way, to go to this pub {Social contact in the midst of life}. The entry to the pub was on the side of the building facing into their car park {Not obvious, more difficult to access. You would typically have a car (motivation) to go there}.

Walking into this side door, to my left {Generally negative rather then positive} I see a bunch of people, mostly older women (older than me){Ahead of where you are at in life. People you could normally learn from, but not so.} and recognise a couple of them. They seem to be from my old dance school {Where you have learnt in the past. Maybe you have out-grown them. Learning the art of movement of the body. I know there is no explicit spiritual context here but this could refer to the Body of Christ}. I see my dance teacher, her sister and another girl, Sue, who used to live with my sister when they were younger {Your sister has many of the same inherited characteristics as you. Sue having lived with your sister would know these inherited characteristics}.

As I tried to approach Sue, someone would get in my way, or someone would take Sue's attention so she couldn't see me. I even asked someone to let Sue know I'm there {Are you trying to understand something of your giftedness, inheritance, what the Lord has for you?}.

A guy walked towards me and I recognise him and start talking. He doesn't remember me {He doesn't know your history.}. He's tall and thin with red hair, just like one of the members of the family of the dance school owners. I'm explaining who I am and he's friendly but slightly perplexed and says he doesn't remember meeting me. As I'm looking at his smiling, but slightly confused face, I realise I have never met him, but recognise him like I know him because it's Ron Howard { The film director gives direction to the cast and crew and create an overall vision through which a film eventually becomes realized} . I'm a little embarrassed at this point.

Then I think as I'm leaving, I see the brother of a guy I know {Sibling again. Previous to RH emphasis was on female/nurturing character in dream}. I want to meet this brother, so I decide to stay. He disappears among the people, then comes toward me and past me to go outside. I see his motorbike {More personal than a car. Could be a reference to a key gifting or motivation.} and he kind of ride/pushes it around for a bit {Almost like learning but as can be seen later there is regression}.

I get a drink {Can refer to teaching / word input} and wait for him adjusting my position at the doorway (i.e. leaning on the door frame or standing straight) {Doorway is entrance point to something. Looks like you aer not at rest/peace in this entry point.}. He keeps kind of going past me, in and out of the pub doors {In & out of social contact}, but always blocked off by someone or not making eye contact and I keep missing him. Each time I see him, he's a little drunker {Less likely to understand you & you are less likely to understand him. Losing his senses.} than before. I remember thinking that he looks a little like his brother {sibling again}, but is shorter and smaller framed than I thought he'd be {Below your expectations.}.

I recall he's wearing a bright yellow high visibility style work shirt. I know he doesn't wear one of these in real life because he's a chef. {Chef's prepare food but in the dream this person is seeking visibility, perhaps playing it safe, or more interested in attention than achieving something.}

At some point some very tall police officers {Authority figures} in polo shirts {Golf or tennis shirt - for ball games.} walk past me and I wonder if they're going to breathalise {Test to see if you have your senses, or test your spiritual condition. Are you like the person you have been watching} me but they don't {You are not on their radar}. As they're going past, I say "oh hi fellas" in a casual way (because I'm around police all the time in my work). {You are familiar with authority- understand submission, they don't need to enforce to law on you.}

Are you having some challenges finding a place, or feeling at home in some context eg church or social group? To me the symbolism seems to suggest that rather than coming from you or the people, this inability to connect seems to be from circumstances, or things just not working (Likely the Lord). Could it be the Lord has something else for you rather than where you are currently trying to fit in?
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Re: Never quite connecting

Post by bella »

Thanks firewater. I appreciate you taking the time to write such a detailed response. It's helped me think through the dream. I'm still not exactly sure what it's about. I'm not sure that I grasped what you were saying about the sibling references. Would you mind explaining further?
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Re: Never quite connecting

Post by firewater »

If you can't connect it with something in your personal lifie, it might fit in other contexts where "you" could symbolise something else eg person(s) you are praying for or your church or pastor(s) being held back by trying to relive the past, or learn again from people they have outgrown, or struggles in relationships with denominational leaders ignoring their concerns; politics with you symbolising your city, county, state or country or their leaders in the midst of similar issues or figuring out how they fit in a changing world. Is there anything in the news lately in this regard?

Siblings are different but share a common heritage. Among other things, when of the same sex can symbolise the inheritance passed down from parents which is separate from a person's individual giftings. It might be anointing or enabling in a certain area. For example my grandfathers on both sides of the family were paramedics (helping people in crisis particularly in the area of health). I am in IT but have worked for pharmaceutical (health products) companies & felt at home there. One of my sisters is a nurse (helping people in health) & the other a HR director (ideally caring for people's well being & development, often in crisis situations). And of course there are spiritual gifts & roles which I believe can be inherited to some extent.

The gender distinctives are coming to mind in your dream again, particularly how they were separated by Ron Howard (Director)- women featuring before & men after he appeared in the dream.