at work, making fried pies, filing

Archived Dreams from 2014
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at work, making fried pies, filing

Post by chenya »

I was at work. Might've been the bank. It was mentioned that it was easy to make fried pies at home. We were getting ready to leave. I had the fryer on. I was deep frying a couple slices of pie. Sarah was with me. I asked if he wanted one too and got no answer. I left a piece in case he did. I didn't have the oil warmed up but they still cooked. Joe was then sitting with us. Sarah asked if the fridge was cold enough. It was the one in the corner. I didn't know, I didn't use it. Joe said it was last Sunday. He had to work next Sunday at 6. He said he wasn't going to church that day. I thought I watch online when I can't go. I thought maybe his church didn't have that. He and the wife were having problems again. They almost got a divorce last time. He mentioned that he was going to sleep on the couch. He was holding my leg. I said I couldn't even tell the difference with the pie, with it being fried. I said maybe it was the ice cream-- Chocolate. It was a ice cream pie. It was good.

I was filing. Marilyn was there too. There were medical files. I gave Casey a file. I told her it was DMH (Decatur Hospital). She said that's what I use. There were several folders that were the same maybe made more because we didn't see them. I was putting all of the files away that had been used.
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Re: at work, making fried pies, filing

Post by firewater »

I was at work (Likely the context for the dream). Might've been the bank (or financial context).

It was mentioned (Perhaps some prevailing point of view in your context.) that it was easy to make fried pies (Pies are normally baked- right? Is the frying over-doing it?) at home. We were getting ready to leave. I had the fryer on (Perparation. It takes time to heat the ol to the point where it can be used). I was deep frying a couple slices of pie. Sarah (Name means "princesss". What comes to mind when you think of this person?) was with me (Association). I asked if he wanted one too and got no answer (Eating together or food cooked by a person provides a greater association.). I left a piece in case he did (Thoughtful). I didn't have the oil warmed up (Perparation not completed) but they still cooked (The desired result was achieved even though preparation was not complete). Joe (Name means The LOrd will increase) was then sitting with us. Sarah asked if the fridge was cold enough (Previously the issue was whether the oil was hot enough now, is the storage cold enough.).

It was the one in the corner (A corner has limitations). I didn't know, I didn't use it. Joe said it was last Sunday (Previous state on the Lord's day). He had to work next Sunday at 6 (Normally non-working day, the Lord's Day). He said he wasn't going to church that day (Worship is removed due to work). I thought I watch online when I can't go (Finding alternatives to avoid missing a meeting with God). I thought maybe his church didn't have that (Possibly smaller, or less technical). He and the wife were having problems again (Possibly related to missing worship). They almost got a divorce last time(Tenuous relationship). He mentioned that he was going to sleep on the couch (Intimacy & love is being loast.). He was holding my leg (Inappropriate. Holding your strength.). I said I couldn't even tell the difference with the pie, with it being fried (How something is being prepared for serving to people.). I said maybe it was the ice cream-- Chocolate. It was a ice cream pie. It was good. (End result is good)

I was filing. {Perhaps organising thoughts) Marilyn (Blend of Mary star of the sea & Lyn pretty) was there too. There were medical files (Record of people's medical conditions history). I gave Casey ("alert, watchful".) a file. I told her it was DMH (Decatur Hospital) (Organisation caring for sick.). She said that's what I use. There were several folders that were the same maybe made more because we didn't see them. I was putting all of the files away that had been used. (Administration)

The dream seems to span a few different themes- finance, food preparation details, relationship challenges, worship, health details, administration. I am having difficulty pulling it together.

The detail on the pie seems to be about doing things differently but achieving the desired result. This also happened with you thinking about watching the church service on TV when you weren't able to attend. I think the last part may refer to you thinking about health issues.

Do you like things to be neat, right & well organised? There seems to be a fair bit in the dream about things not being done the proper/right way (fried instead of baked pie, temperature not right) & being incomplete (relationship challenges, healing in the process- medical files), but hanging ing there (Joe & wife) & trusting that the Lord will work things out for good in the end even if the result was perhaps a little weird to you, different to what you started with & perhaps were thinking. ("It was an ice cream pie. It was good". ) The dream itself hs a disjointed feel to it to me, not neatly going from one scene to another, not easy to follow.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.